Primary areas:
Most entries include keywords.
Sometimes the best way to find what you are interested in is to
use the keywords.
Many papers are listed in more than one area.
The links take you to an abstract, and most entries also have links
to the paper.
Here is my standard academic vita.
Several of the papers mentioned there are omitted here since
an updated version was publshed later.
Here are some simple explanations of
response adaptive sampling
and parallel computing
- Space, Time, Power: Evolving
Concerns for Parallel Algorithms, a talk about the evolution of
of parallel models and algorithms, including cellular automata, mesh connected
computers, reconfigurable meshes, and power-constrained algorithms for mesh
connected computers. It mentions zebra networks and rat algorithms, along
with more mundane computers such as the BlueGene and Earth Simulator, and
abstract models such as PRAMs and quantum computers.
Note that the time required by cellular automata can be viewed as the
limits of classical physics, since it takes a constant amount of time
to move a fixed distance.
Further, the power-constained algorithms examine the question of how
much energy is needed to solve a problem using classical physics,
and the peak energy vs. time tradeoffs.
Books Authored
- R. Miller and Q.F. Stout,
Parallel Algorithms for Regular
Architectures: Meshes and Pyramids, MIT Press, 1996.
Keywords: parallel computing, parallel algorithms, mesh computer,
VLSI algorithms, pyramid, data movement operations, graph algorithms,
image processing, computational geometry, lower bounds, optimal algorithms.
- Q.F Stout and C. Jablonowski,
Parallel Computing 101.
While not a standard book, the notes for this tutorial are essentially
a book overviewing parallel computing and how to develop efficient
parallel programs. The tutorial and notes are
continually being updated.
Keywords: parallel programming, performance, MPI, OpenMP, Amdahl's law,
software engineering, scientific computing, supercomputing,
load balancing, code tuning.
Books Edited
- H. Li and Q.F. Stout, eds.,
Reconfigurable Massively Parallel Computers,
Prentice Hall, 1991.
- D.W. Walker and Q.F. Stout, eds., Proceedings 5th Distributed
Computing Conference, IEEE Computer Society, 2 vols., 1990.
- M. Wolfe and Q.F. Stout, Proceedings 6th Distributed Memory
Conference, IEEE Computer Society, 1991.
- Q.F. Stout, ed., Proceedings 1992 International Conference on Parallel
Processing, Vol. III Algorithms and Applications,
Computer Science Press.
Chapters in Books
- R. Miller and Q.F. Stout,
Algorithmic techniques for networks of processors, in
CRC Handbook of Algorithms and Theory of Computation,
2nd ed, M. Atallah, ed., CRC Press, 2009, pp. 46:1-46:18.
Keywords: algorithmic paradigms, divide-and-conquer, pipelining,
master-slave, mapping problem, weak embeddings, mesh computer, pyramid,
hypercube, PRAM, distributed memory, shared memory.
- Q.F. Stout and J. Hardwick,
Parallel programs for adaptive designs,
Handbook of Parallel Computing and Statistics,
E. Kontoghiorghes, ed., Marcel Dekker, 2006, pp. 347-373.
Keywords: multi-arm bandit models,
dynamic programming,
clinical trial, delayed response,
response adaptive sampling,
parallelizing recursive equations, sequential analysis.
- T. Gombosi et al.,
Adaptive mesh refinement MHD for global space weather simulations,
Space Plasma Simulation, J. Buchner, C.T. Dum, M. Scholer, eds.,
Lecture Notes in Physics 615, Springer-Verlag, 2003, pp. 251-279.
Keywords: solution adaptive mesh refinement, AMR, MHD, space environment
modeling, adaptive grid.
- J. Hardwick, R. Oehmke, and Q.F. Stout,
Optimal adaptive designs for
delayed response models: exponential case,
MODA6: Model Oriented Data Analysis,
A. Atkinson, P. Hackl, W. Mueller, eds., Physica Verlag, 2001,
pp. 127-134.
Keywords: delayed response, sequential analysis,
dynamic programming, computational learning theory, active learning,
bandit models,
parallel computing,
response adaptive sampling,
clinical trial, design of experiments, clinical trial.
- R. Miller and Q.F. Stout,
Algorithmic techniques for networks of processors, in
CRC Handbook of Algorithms and Theory of Computation,
M. Atallah, ed., CRC Press, 1999, pp. 46:1-46:19.
Keywords: algorithmic paradigms, divide-and-conquer, pipelining,
master-slave, mapping problem, weak embeddings, mesh computer, pyramid,
hypercube, PRAM, distributed memory, shared memory.
- S. Colley, J.P. Hayes, T.N. Mudge, J. Palmer, and Q.F. Stout,
A microprocessor-based hypercube supercomputer, in
Multi-Microprocessors, A. Gupta, ed., IEEE Press, 1987,
pp. 250-260.
Reprint of article first appearing in
IEEE Micro 6 (1986), pp. 6-17.
This article won the IEEE Micro ``Best Article Award'' for 1986.
Keywords: hypercube computer, supercomputing, store-and-forward message
passing, I/O systems, medium-grain parallel computer, software.
- Q.F. Stout,
Pyramid algorithms optimal for the worst case, in
Parallel Computer Vision, L. Uhr, ed., Academic Press, 1987,
pp. 147-168.
Keywords: mesh local, perimeter bound, strongly global, image processing,
communication lower bounds, component labeling, data squares, data
movement operations, data square pyramid computer, parallel computing.
- Q.F. Stout,
Hypercubes and pyramids, in
Pyramidal Systems for Computer Vision,
V. Cantoni and S. Levialdi, eds., NATO ASI Series ARW Vol. F 25,
Springer-Verlag, 1986, pp. 75-89.
Keywords: hypercube computers, pyramid algorithms, graph embeddings,
image processing, hyper-pyramid
- Q.F. Stout,
An algorithmic comparison of meshes and pyramids, in
Evaluation of Multicomputers for Image Processing, L. Uhr,
K. Preston, S. Levialdi, and M.J.B. Duff, eds., Academic Press, 1986,
pp. 107-121.
Keywords: parallel computer, mesh, pyramid, image algorithms, convexity,
component labeling, divide-and-conquer.
Journals and Conference Proceedings
- Q.F. Stout, Low power mesh algorithms for image problems, arXiv 2212.02640
Keywords: fine-grain mesh-connected computer, low power, image processing, connected components, closest point problems, maze
- T. Lewis and Q.F. Stout,
A framework for recursive algorithms on low-energy sensor networks,
Int'l. J. Parallel, Emergent, and Distrib. Sys. 91, 2018.
- Y. An and Q.F. Stout,
Optimal algorithms for a mesh-connected computer with limited additional global bandwidth,
Proc. IPDPS 2017, 51-61.
- Y. An and Q.F.Stout,
Optimal algorithms for graphs and images on a shared memory mesh,
Proc. IPDPS 2016,
- P. Poon and Q.F. Stout,
An optimal time-power tradefoff for sorting on a mesh-connected computer with on-chip optics,
Int.'l. J. Networking and Computing 4, 2014, 70-77.
- P. Poon and Q.F. Stout,
Time-power tradeoffs for sorting on a mesh-connected computer with optical connections,
Proc. IPDPS 2013.
Keywords: minimize peak power, low energy, optical network on chip NoC,
interconnection, sorting, nearest neighbor, minimum spanning tree,
dark silicon
- J. Lipman and Q.F. Stout,
Analysis of delays caused by local synchronization,
SIAM J. Computing 39 (2010), pp. 3860-3884.
Keywords: synchronization delay, overhead, performance analysis, barrier,
geometric distribution, heavy-tailed distribution,
stochastic task times, idle time
- Q.F. Stout,
Algorithms minimizing peak energy on mesh-connected
systems, preliminary results in Symp. Parallelism in Algorithms
and Architectures (SPAA) 2006.
Keywords: peak power consumption, energy, rat algorithm, image processing,
graph algorithm, mesh.
Only the abstract was presented at SPAA, and the full paper was not published.
The talk Space, Time, Power: Evolving
Concerns for Parallel Algorithms mentions some of these results, as does the paper Low power mesh algorithms for image problems
- C. Jablonowski et al.,
Block-structured adaptive grids on the sphere: advection experiments,
Monthly Weather Review 134 (2006), 3691-3713.
Keywords: adaptive mesh refinement, AMR, atmospheric modeling,
spherical adaptive grid, adaptive block, weather, climate
- J. Hardwick, R. Oehmke, Q.F. Stout,
New adaptive designs for delayed responses,
Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 136 (2006),
pp, 1940-1955.
Keywords: hyperopic design,
bandit models,
randomized play-the-winner,
response adaptive sampling.
- J.E. Penner et al.,
Development of an atmospheric climate model with
self-adapting grid and physics,
J. Physics Conf. Series 16 (2005), pp. 353-357.
Keywords: adaptive mesh refinement, AMR, atmospheric modeling,
spherical adaptive grid, adaptive block, climate, weather.
- G. Toth et al.,
Space Weather Modeling Framework: a new tool
for the space science community (2005),
J. Geophysical Research 110, A12226, doi:10.1029/2005JA011126.
Keywords: scientific computing framework, high performance computing,
space environment modeling, grid coupling, SWMF.
- C. Jablonowski et al.,
``Adaptive grids for weather and climate models'',
ECMWF Proc. Recent Developments in Numerical Methods for Atmospheric
and Climate Modeling (2004), pp. 233-250.
Keywords: climate modeling, weather, solution adaptive mesh refinement, AMR,
spherical adaptive grid, adaptive block.
- G. Toth et al.,
A physics-based software framework for Sun-Earth
connection modeling, Multiscale Coupling of
Sun-Earth Processes, Proc. Conf. on the Sun-Earth Connection, Kona,
Hawaii, 2004, A. T. Y. Lui, Y. Kamide, and G. Consolini, eds.,
Elsevier, pp. 383-397.
Keywords: parallel computing, high-performance computing, software
engineering, space environment modeling, coupling.
- T.I. Gombosi et al.,
Solution adaptive MHD for space plasmas:
Sun-to-Earth simulations,
Computers in Science and Engineering 6 (2004), pp. 14-35.
Keywords: adaptive mesh refinement, parallel computing, geoscience.
- T. Gombosi et al.,
``Adaptive mesh refinement MHD for global simulations'',
Proc. ISSS-6 (2001), 8 p.
Keywords: solution adaptive mesh refinement, AMR, space plasma
- R. Oehmke and Q.F. Stout, ``Parallel adaptive blocks on the sphere'',
Proc. 10th SIAM Conf. Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing
Keywords: adaptive mesh refinement, AMR, data structure,
parallel computing,
geoscience, multi-scale modeling, spherical adaptive grid, geometric
decomposition, high performance computing.
- D.L. De Zeeuw et al.,
``An adaptive MHD method for global space weather simulations'',
IEEE Trans. Plasma Science 28 (2000), pp. 1956-1965.
Keywords: space weather, adaptive mesh refinement, MHD, supercomputing,
Sun-Earth, space physics, scientific computing.
- C.R. Clauer et al.,
High performance computer methods applied to
predictive space weather simulations,
IEEE Trans. Plasma Science 28 (2000), pp. 1931-1937.
Keywords: space weather, adaptive mesh refinement, MHD, supercomputing,
Sun-Earth, space physics, scientific computing.
- R. Oehmke, J. Hardwick, and Q.F. Stout, ``Scalable algorithms for
adaptive statistical designs'',
Proceedings SC 2000 (Supercomputing), 16 p. Finalist, Best Paper.
Reprinted in Scientific Programming 8 (2001),
pp. 183-193.
Keywords: dynamic programming, computational learning theory, active learning,
bandit models,
dynamic domain decomposition, memory-intensive computing,
response adaptive sampling,
load balancing, sequential analysis,
performance analysis, experimental algorithms,
recursive equations, design of experiments,
MPI, IBM SP, OpenMP, SGI Origin.
- J. Hardwick, R. Oehmke, and Q.F. Stout, ``A program for sequential
allocation of three Bernoulli populations'',
Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 31 (1999),
pp. 397-416.
bandit models,
dynamic programming,
response adaptive sampling,
sequential sampling, clinical trial, high-performance computing,
load balancing, recursive equations.
- A.A. Poe and Q.F. Stout, ``Load balancing 2-phased geometrically based
Proc. 9th SIAM Conf. Parallel Processing for Scientific
Computing (1999).
Keywords: multi-weight load balancing, graph partitioning,
ham sandwich theorem,
geometric decomposition, impact analysis, crash simulation, domain
decomposition, discrete computational geometry, multiple constraints.
- T. Tabe and Q.F. Stout, ``The use of the MPI communication library
in the NAS Parallel Benchmarks'', submitted.
Keywords: message passing, trace analysis, performance evaluation,
scientific computing, distributed memory, communication kernel.
- Q.F. Stout et al.,
``Adaptive parallel computation of a grand-challenge problem: Prediction of
the path of a solar-corona mass ejection'',
Proc. SC98.
Keywords: magnetohydrodynamics (MHD), space weather prediction, adaptive
mesh refinement, Cartesian, adaptive block, Riemann solver, upwind schemes,
scientific computing.
- M. Livingston and Q.F. Stout, ``Shift-product networks'',
Mathematical and Computational Modeling, 1998, to appear.
Keywords: interconnection networks, scalable networks,
shuffle-exchange networks, Cayley graphs, product graphs,
de Bruijn network, commodity components.
- P.D. MacKenzie and Q.F. Stout, ``Ultra-fast expected time parallel
algorithms'', J. Algorithms 26 (1998), pp. 1-33.
Keywords: ultrafast, padded sort, geometry algorithms, CRCW PRAM, Voronoi
diagram, all nearest neighbors, closest pair, relative neighborhood graph,
Delaunay triangulation, largest empty circle, lower bounds,
randomized algorithm.
- Q.F. Stout et al., ``Adaptive blocks: A high-performance data structure'',
Proc. SC97.
Keywords: adaptive data structure, Cartesian, cache,
high performance computing, mesh,
refinement, oct-tree, scientific computing.
- T. Gombossi et al., ``Multiscale modeling
of heliospheric plasmas'', High Performance Computing 1997,
pp. 46-51.
Keywords: magnetohydrodynamics, MHD, adaptive mesh refinement (AMR),
Riemann solver, Cray T3D, solar wind, high-performance computing, HPCC,
NASA Grand Challenge Investigator Team, upwind scheme, space plasma,
scientific computing.
- D. Van Wieren and Q.F. Stout, ``Ultrafast graph algorithms on reconfigurable meshes'', Proc. 2nd Work. on Reconfigurable
Architectures (1995), pp. 1-13.
Keywords: ultrafast algorithms, reconfigurable mesh, rmesh, MasPar,
edge cover, Hamiltonian cycle, spanning trees, randomized algorithm.
- T. Tabe, J. Hardwick and Q.F. Stout, ``Statistical analysis of
communication on the IBM SP2'', Computing Science and Statistics
27 (1995), pp. 347-351.
Keywords: MPI, collective communication, MPI_ALLTOALL,
MPI_SEND, resampling,
performance evaluation,
message passing, operating systems, interrupts, heavy tails,
- R. Miller, V.K. Prasanna Kumar, D. Reisis and Q.F. Stout,
``Parallel computations on reconfigurable meshes'', IEEE Trans. on
Computers 42 (1993), pp. 678-692.
Keywords: reconfigurable mesh, image algorithms, graph algorithms,
parallel algorithms, VLSI, mesh, PRAM, mesh-of-trees, pyramid computer,
component labeling, global or, prefix calculation, parity, xor.
- P.D. MacKenzie and Q.F. Stout, ``Optimal parallel construction of
Hamiltonian cycles and spanning trees in random graphs'', Proc. 5th ACM
Symp. Parallel Algorithms and Architectures (1993), pp. 224-229.
Keywords: ultrafast algorithms, CRCW PRAM, edge cover, lower bounds,
parallel target shooting, randomized algorithm.
- E. Cohen, R. Miller, E.M. Sarraf and Q.F. Stout, ``Efficient convexity
and domination algorithms for fine- and medium-grain hypercube computers'',
Algorithmica 7 (1992), pp. 51-75.
Keywords: convex hull, domination, sorting, hypercube algorithms,
computational geometry, worst-case, expected case.
- Q.F. Stout, ``Ultrafast parallel algorithms and reconfigurable meshes'',
Proc. DARPA Software Technology Conference (1992), pp. 184-188.
Keywords: pram, rmesh, randomization, lower bounds, padded sort, graph
theory, image processing.
- E. Hao, P.D. Mackenzie and Q.F. Stout, ``Selection on the reconfigurable mesh'',
Proc. Frontiers 1992: 4th Symp. on Frontiers of Massively Parallel Computation (1992), pp. 38-45.
Keywords: rmesh, lower bound, median, selection, 2-dimensional linear programming.
- H. Li and Q.F. Stout, ``Reconfigurable SIMD parallel processors'',
Proc. of the IEEE 79 (1991), pp. 429-443.
Keywords: reconfigurable mesh, rmesh, connected components,
image processing, fault tolerance, ultrafast algorithm.
- M.L. Livingston and Q.F. Stout, ``Fault tolerance of the cyclic buddy
subcube location scheme in hypercubes'', Proc. 6th Distributed
Memory Computing Conf. (1991), IEEE, pp. 34-41.
Keywords: fault tolerance, subcube location, subcube
allocation, hypercube computer, buddy system, gray-coding,
folded hypercube, projective hypercube.
- R. Miller and Q.F. Stout, ``Computing convexity properties of images on
a pyramid computer'', Algorithmica 6 (1991), pp. 658-684.
Keywords: Pyramid computer, convexity, digitized pictures,
digital geometry, image processing, parallel computing, parallel algorithms,
data movement operations, bandwidth limitations, lower bounds.
- P.D. MacKenzie and Q.F. Stout, ``Asymptotically efficient hypercube
algorithms for computational geometry (preliminary version)'', Proc. 3rd
Symp. Frontiers Massively Parallel Computation, (1990), pp. 8-11.
Keywords: divide-and-conquer, hypercube sorting, domination,
nearest neighbors, Voronoi diagram.
- P.D. MacKenzie and Q.F. Stout, ``Practical hypercube algorithms for
computational geometry (preliminary version)'', Proc. 3rd Symp.
Frontiers Massively Parallel Computation, (1990), pp. 75-80.
Keywords: divide-and-conquer, bitonic sort, domination, nearest neighbors,
iso-oriented intersections, visibility, cross-stitching.
- Q.F. Stout and B. Wagar, ``Intensive hypercube communication:
Prearranged communication in link-bound machines'',
J. of Parallel and Distributed Computing 10 (1990),
pp. 167-181.
Keywords: hypercube computer, n-cube, parallel communication, all-to-all
communication, personalized communication, broadcasting, routing,
permutations, matrix transpose, histogramming.
- R. Miller and Q.F. Stout, ``Seymour: a portable parallel programming
language'', Structured Programming 11 (1990), pp. 157-171.
Keywords: parallel programming paradigms, global data movement
operations, portable parallel programs, efficiency.
- R. Miller and Q.F. Stout, ``Mesh computer algorithms for computational
geometry'', IEEE Trans. on Computers C-38 (1989), pp. 321-340.
Keywords: parallel algorithms, mesh computer, computational geometry,
planar point data, convexity, proximity, area, intersection.
- M.L. Livingston and Q.F. Stout, ``Parallel allocation algorithms for
hypercubes and meshes'', Proc. 4th Conf. on Hypercubes, Concurrent
Computers, and Applications (1989), pp. 59-66.
Keywords: subcube allocation, buddy system, cyclic buddy system,
submesh allocation, torus.
- R. Fenrich, R. Miller and Q.F. Stout, ``Hypercube algorithms for some
NP-hard packing problems'', Proc. 4th Conf. on Hypercubes,
Concurrent Computers, and Applications (1989), pp. 769-776.
Keywords: 2-dimensional bin packing, best fit, NP-hard, parallel computing,
hypercube computer, level algorithms.
- R. Miller and Q.F. Stout, ``Optimal hypercube algorithms for labeled
images'', Algorithms and Data Structures: Proc. WADS
'89, Springer-Verlag Lec. Notes in Comp. Sci. 382 (1989), pp. 517-528.
Keywords: Parallel algorithms, hypercube computer, convexity,
area, perimeter, diameter, smallest enclosing rectangle,
image analysis, divide-and-conquer.
- M.L. Livingston and Q.F. Stout, ``Distributing resources in hypercube
computers'', Proc. 3rd Conf. on Hypercube Concurrent
Computers and Applications (1988), ACM, pp. 222-231.
Keywords: hypercube, subcube fault-tolerance, codes, buddy allocation,
disk placement, parallel computing.
- J. Gordon and Q.F. Stout, ``Hypercube message routing in the presence of
faults'', Proc. 3rd Conf. on Hypercube Concurrent Computers
and Applications (1988), ACM, pp. 318-327.
Keywords: hypercube computer, fault tolerance, randomized routing,
random graph, communication link, processor.
- Q.F. Stout, ``Mapping vision algorithms to parallel architectures'',
Proc. of the IEEE 76 (1988), pp. 982-995.
Keywords; simulation, parallel algorithms, mesh, pyramid, hypercube,
mesh-of-trees, PRAM, shared memory, lower bounds, data movement
operations, computational geometry, image processing, graph algorithms.
- Q.F. Stout, ``Constant-time geometry on PRAMs'',
Proc. 1988 Int'l. Conf. on Parallel Processing, vol. III,
IEEE, pp. 104-107.
- D.A. Buell et al., ``Parallel algorithms and architectures:
Report of a workshop'', J. Supercomputing 1 (1988),
pp. 301-325.
- R. Miller and Q.F. Stout, ``Efficient parallel convex hull algorithms'',
IEEE Trans. Computers C-37 (1988), pp. 1605-1618.
Keywords: AKS network, computational geometry, convex hull, EREW PRAM,
hypercube, mesh, mesh-of-trees, reconfigurable mesh, pyramid, parallel
algorithms, divide-and-conquer.
- R. Miller and Q.F. Stout, ``Simulating essential pyramids'',
IEEE Trans. Computers C-37 (1988), pp. 1642-1648.
Keywords: pyramid computer, image processing, hypercube, rmesh,
mesh computer, mesh-of-trees.
- R. Miller and Q.F. Stout, ``Portable parallel algorithms for geometric
Proc. 2nd Symp. Frontiers of Massively Parallel Computation
(1988), pp. 195-198.
Keywords: portable parallel algorithms, computational geometry,
data movement operations, distributed memory parallel computers.
- M.L. Livingston and Q.F. Stout, ``Fault tolerance of allocation schemes
in massively parallel computers'',
Proc. 2nd Symp. Frontiers of Massively Parallel Computation
(1988), pp. 491-494.
Keywords: fault tolerance, allocation, hypercube computer, mesh, torus,
buddy system.
- R. Miller and Q.F. Stout, ``Data movement techniques for the pyramid
computer'', SIAM J. on Computing 16 (1987), pp. 38-60.
Keywords: pyramid computer, graph algorithms, image processing, component
labeling, mesh computer, data movement operations.
- Q.F. Stout, ``Supporting divide-and-conquer algorithms for image
processing'', J. of Parallel and Distributed Computing 4
(1987), pp. 95-115.
Keywords: regular architectures, parallel algorithms, languages,
bandwidth limitations, distributed memory, hypercube, mesh, pyramid,
PRAM, shared memory, fine-grain, medium-grain, parallel programming
- Q.F. Stout, ``Meshes with multiple buses'',
Proc. 27th IEEE Symp. on Foundations of Computer Science
(1986), pp. 264-273.
Keywords: row broadcasting, mesh computer, cooperative problem solving,
cooperative speedup, optimal stepwise simulation, or, minimum, component
labeling, spanning forest, tree, pyramid, mesh-of-trees, layouts.
- R. Miller and Q.F. Stout, ``Geometric algorithms for digitized pictures
on a mesh-connected computer'',
IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence
7 (1985), pp. 216-228.
Keywords: mesh computer, computational geometry, convexity, digitized
images, digital geometry, minimal paths, nearest neighbors, diameter,
farthest points, divide-and-conquer.
- Q.F. Stout, ``Mesh and pyramid computers inspired by geometric
algorithms'', Proc. Work. on Algorithm-Guided Parallel Architectures
for Automatic Target Recognition (1985), pp. 293-315.
- Q.F. Stout, ``Pyramid computer solutions of the closest pair problem'',
J. of Algorithms 6 (1985), pp. 200-212.
Keywords: pyramid cellular automata, self-organizing,
pyramid computers, closest pair,
computational geometry, nearest neighbors, parallel algorithms, finite
- Q.F. Stout, ``Tree-based graph algorithms for some parallel computers'',
Proc. 1985 Int'l. Conf. on Parallel Processing, IEEE, pp.
Keywords: parallel graph algorithms, component labeling, unordered edge
input, spanning forest, descendant functions, ancestor functions, preorder,
- R. Miller and Q.F. Stout, ``Varying diameter and problem size in
mesh-connected computers'',
Proc. 1985 Int'l. Conf. on Parallel Processing, IEEE, pp.
Keywords: mesh computer, semigroup operations, component labeling, image
algorithms, convex hull, minimal spanning forest, communication bounds.
- Q.F. Stout,
``Optimal component labeling algorithms for
mesh-connected computers and VLSI'', arXiv 1502.01435.
Keywords: minimal spanning forest, minimal spanning tree,
component labeling, mesh-connected computer
- Q.F. Stout, ``Topological matching'',
Proc. 15th ACM Symp. on Theory of Computing (1983),
pp. 24-31.
Keywords: image processing, deformation, self-organizing
cellular automata (array),
clerks, mesh computer, tree isomorphism.
- Q.F. Stout, ``Sorting, merging, selecting, and filtering on tree and
pyramid machines'', Proc. 1983 Int'l. Conf. on Parallel
Processing, IEEE, pp. 214-221.
Keywords: pyramid computer, x-tree, tree computer, sorting, merging,
selection, median filtering, image processing.
- Q.F. Stout, ``Mesh-connected computers with broadcasting'',
IEEE Trans. on Computers C-32 (1983), pp. 826-830.
Keywords: bus, broadcasting, mesh computer, median, selection, semigroup
computation, sorting, communication lower bounds.
- Q.F. Stout, ``Drawing straight lines with a pyramid cellular automaton'',
Information Processing Letters 15 (1982),
pp. 233-237.
Keywords: self-organizing finite state automata,
pyramid computer, digital line, clerks,
parallel algorithms.
- Q.F. Stout, ``Broadcasting in mesh-connected computers'',
Proc. 1982 Conf. Information Sciences and Systems, pp. 85-90.
Keywords: image algorithms, geometry, 2-dimensional, semigroup operations.
- Q.F. Stout, ``Using clerks in parallel processing'',
Proc. 23rd IEEE Symp. on Foundations of Computer Science
(1982), pp. 272-279.
Keywords: self-organizing cellular array, pyramid cellular
automata, finite automata, mesh computer, pyramid computer, connected
components, image processing, digital circle, clerks, simulation
Unfortunately, different areas tend
to use different terminology for the same concepts, and adaptive designs
is an approach of wide utility. Some relevant key phrases are:
statistical computing, sequential allocation,
response adaptive sampling,
active learning, controlled clinical trial, biostatistics,
adaptive design, design of experiments, ethical clinical trial,
dynamic programming,
backward induction, stochastic optimization, machine learning,
computational learning theory, active learning,
Bayesian design, dynamical systems, dynamic index,
bandit models.
Book Chapters
- Q.F. Stout and J. Hardwick,
Parallel programs for adaptive designs,
Handbook of Parallel Computing and Statistics,
E. Kontoghiorghes, ed., Marcel Dekker, 2006, pp. 347-373.
Keywords: multi-arm bandit models, dynamic programming, speedup,
clinical trial, delayed response, response adaptive sampling,
parallelizing recursive equations, sequential analysis.
- J. Hardwick, R. Oehmke, and Q.F. Stout,
Optimal adaptive designs for
delayed response models: exponential case,
MODA6: Model Oriented Data Analysis,
A. Atkinson, P. Hackl, W. Mueller, eds., Physica Verlag, 2001,
pp. 127-134.
Keywords: delayed response, sequential analysis,
dynamic programming, computational learning theory, active learning,
multi-arm bandit models, parallel computing,
clinical trial, recursive equations, design of experiments, medical
ethics, clinical trial, backward induction.
- J. Hardwick and Q.F. Stout,
Optimizing a unimodal response function for
binary variables, in
Optimum Design 2000, A. Atkinson, B. Bogacka, and A. Zhigljavsky,
eds., Kluwer, 2001, pp. 195-208.
Keywords: nonparametric, shape-constrained, competing failure modes,
unimodal regression, phase I/II,
bandit, approximate Gittins index, stochastic approximation, Polya urn,
up and down, Markov chain, random walk.
- J. Hardwick and Q.F. Stout,
Flexible algorithms for creating and
analyzing adaptive sampling procedures, in
New Developments and Applications in
Experimental Design,
N. Flournoy, W.F. Rosenberger, and W.K. Wong, eds.,
Institute of Math. Stat. Lecture
Notes -- Monograph Series, vol. 34, 1998, pp. 91-105.
Keywords: bandit problems, algorithms, high-performance computing,
staged procedure,
group sampling, clinical trial,
switching, robustness, biostatistics,
path induction, parallel computing.
- J. Hardwick and Q.F. Stout,
Exact computational analyses for adaptive
designs, in Adaptive Designs,
N. Flournoy and W.F. Rosenberger, eds., Institute of Math. Stat.
Lecture Notes Monograph Series Vol. 25, 1995, pp. 223-237.
Keywords: constrained dynamic programming, forward induction,
path induction,
backward induction, multiple criteria, ethical clinical trials,
bandit problems, controlled clinical trial.
Journals and Conferences
- J. Hardwick and Q.F. Stout,
Optimal reduced isotonic regression,
Proceedings Interface 2012: Future of Statistical Computing.
Keywords: step function, histogram, piecewise constant approximation,
reduced isotonic regression, monotonic, segmentation
- J. Hardwick and Q.F. Stout,
Response adaptive designs for balancing complex objectives,
Keywords: controlled clinical trial, Gittins index, multiple objectives,
dynamic programming, bandit problem, optimal tradeoff, multiple objectives,
modified bandit design
- J. Hardwick and Q.F. Stout,
Response adaptive designs that incorporate switching costs and
constraints, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference
137 (2007), 2654-2665.
Keywords: switching costs, constraints, hyperopic procedure,
bandit problem, nonlinear Bayes risk, dynamic programming
- J. Hardwick, R. Oehmke, Q.F. Stout,
New adaptive designs for delayed response models,
Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 136 (2006),
pp. 940-1955.
Keywords: randomized play-the-winner, hyperopic design, bandit problem.
- Q.F. Stout and J. Hardwick,
Optimal screening designs with flexible cost
and constraint structures,
Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 132 (2005),
pp. 149-162.
Keywords: drug testing, acceptance-rejection sampling, staged procedure,
stopping rule, biostatistics, design of experiments.
- J. Hardwick, M.C. Meyer, and Q.F. Stout,
Directed walk designs for
dose response problems with competing failure modes, Biometrics
59 (2003), pp. 229-236.
Keywords: adaptive sampling, phase I/II clinical trial, biostatistics,
sequential allocation, random walk, shape-constrained regression,
parametric, nonparamentric, Bayesian, frequentists, smooothed, curve
estimation, design of experiments, toxicity, medical ethics, controlled clinial trial
- J. Hardwick and Q.F. Stout,
Optimal few-stage designs,
Journal Statistical Planning and Inference 104 (2002),
pp. 121-145.
Keywords: two-stage, three-stage, controlledd clinical trial, medical ethics,
group allocation, staged procedure, design of experiments,
selection, estimation, bandit problems,
product of means.
- R. Oehmke, J. Hardwick, and Q.F. Stout,
Scalable algorithms for adaptive statistical designs,
Proc. SC 2000 (Supercomputing), 16 p.
Reprinted in Scientific Programming 8 (2001),
pp. 183-193.
Keywords: dynamic programming, computational learning theory, active learning,
multi-arm bandit, message-passing, dynamic domain decomposition,
memory-intensive computing, load balancing, sequential analysis,
performance analysis, experimental algorithms,
parallel computing,
clinical trial, recursive equations, design of experiments, medical
ethics, clinical trial, delayed response, backward induction,
MPI, OpenMP.
- J. Hardwick and Q.F. Stout,
Using path induction to evaluate
sequential allocation procedures, SIAM J. Scientific Computing
21 (1999), pp. 67-87.
Keywords: backward induction, forward induction,
staged allocation,
group sampling, sequential, path counting, Bayesian, bandit problems.
- J. Hardwick, R. Oehmke, and Q.F. Stout,
A program for sequential allocation of three Bernoulli populations,
Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 31 (1999),
pp. 397-416.
Keywords: parallel computing,
clinical trial, high-performance computing,
load balancing, recursive equations, design of experiments, ethical clinical trial, multi-arm bandit, controlled clinical trial
- J. Hardwick, C. Page and Q.F. Stout,
Sequentially deciding between two
experiments for estimating a common success probability, J. Amer.
Statistical Assoc. 93 (1998), pp. 1502-1511.
Keywords: batch testing, risk assessment, infection rate,
grouped data, composite testing, pooled data, omniscient allocation biostatistics.
- J. Hardwick, R. Oehmke, and Q.F. Stout,
Adaptive allocation in the presence of missing outcomes,
Computing Science and Statistics 30
(1998), pp. 219-223.
Keywords: censored observations, bandit, clinical trial,
dynamic programming.
- J. Landrum, J. Hardwick, and Q.F. Stout,
Predicting algorithm performance,
Computing Science and Statistics 30 (1998),
pp. 309-314.
Keywords: computer performance prediction, adaptive sampling, change-point,
experimental algorithms, regression, extrapolation, design of
experiments, benchmarking.
- J. Hardwick and Q.F. Stout,
Optimal allocation for estimating the mean of a bivariate polynomial,
Sequential Analysis 15 (1996),
pp. 71-90.
Keywords: nonlinear estimation, robustness, myopic,
hyperopic, product, Bayesian, fault tolerance.
Here is a web version of a hour-long
Talk that overviews all of this material and more.
- J. Hardwick and Q.F. Stout,
Optimal adaptive equal allocation rules,
Computing Science and Statistics 24 (1992),
pp. 597-601.
Keywords: curtailment,
probability of correct selection, equal allocation, vector at a time,
clinical trial.
- J. Hardwick and Q.F. Stout,
Bandit strategies for ethical sequential allocation,
Computing Science and Statistics
23 (1991), pp. 421-424.
Keywords: ethical clinical trial,
Gittins index, power, probability of correct selection,
indifference region, adaptive clinical trial, medical ethics, biostatistics
Much of my work in this area involves the
Center for Space Environment Modeling (CSEM) or
Center for Radiative Shock Hydrodynamics (CRASH).
Further, much of it involves parallel
computing and adaptive mesh refinement.
It is applied to problems such as climate modeling, space weather prediction, and high energy physics.
- We didn't create this, and I don't know who did, but a widget that
shows images of the heliosphere's magnetic field generated by our programs
appears in
Books Authored
- Q.F Stout and C. Jablonowski,
Parallel Computing 101.
While not a standard book, the notes for this tutorial are essentially
a book overviewing parallel computing and how to develop efficient
parallel programs. The tutorial and notes are
continually being updated.
Keywords: parallel programming, performance, MPI, OpenMP, Amdahl's law,
software engineering, scientific computing, supercomputing, vendors,
load balancing, code tuning.
Chapters in Books
- T. Gombosi et al.,
Adaptive mesh refinement MHD for global space weather simulations,
Space Plasma Simulation, J. Buchner, C.T. Dum, M. Scholer, eds.,
Lecture Notes in Physics 615, Springer-Verlag, 2003, pp. 251-279.
Keywords: solution adaptive mesh refinement, AMR, MHD, space environment
modeling, Cartesian adaptive grid, adaptive block.
Journals and Conference Proceedings
- G. Toth et al.,
Adaptive numerical algorithms in space weather modeling,
J. Computational Phys. 231 (2012), 870-903.
- B. van der Holst et al.,
CRASH: a block-adaptive mesh code for radiative shock hydrodynamis - implementation
and verification,
Astrophysical J. Sup. 194:23 (2011), 20p.
- R.P. Drake et al.,
Radiative effects in radiative shocks in shock tubes,
High Energy Density Physics 7 (2011), 130-140.
- N.G. Andronova et al.,
Application of 3-d spherical shell adative mesh refinement to an atmospheric
model with a vertical Lagrangian coodinate,
Proc. SCIDAC 2010, 124-127.
- C. Jablownowski, R.C. Oehmke and Q.F. Stout,
Block-structured adaptive meshes and reducted grids for atmospheric general
circulation models,
Proc. Trans. Royal Soc. A 367 (2009), 4497-4522.
- J. Penner et al.,
Three-dimensional adaptive mesh refinement on a spherical shell for atmospheric models
with Lagrangian coordinates,
J. Physics Conf. Series 78, Proc. SciDAC 2007
- C. Jablonowski et al.,
Block-structured adaptive grids on the sphere: advection experiments,
Monthly Weather Review 134 (2006), 3691-3713.
Keywords: adaptive mesh refinement, AMR, atmospheric modeling,
spherical adaptive grid, adaptive block.
- J.E. Penner et al.,
Development of an atmospheric climate model
with self-adapting grid and physics,
J. Physics Conf. Series 16 (2005), pp. 353-357.
Keywords: adaptive mesh refinement, AMR, atmospheric modeling, climate modeling,
spherical adaptive grid, adaptive block.
- G. Toth et al.,
Space Weather Modeling Framework: a new tool
for the space science community (2005),
J. Geophysical Research 110, A12226, doi:10.1029/2005JA011126.
Keywords: scientific computing framework, high performance computing,
space environment modeling, grid coupling, SWMF.
- C. Jablonowski et al.,
``Adaptive grids for weather and climate models'',
ECMWF Proc. Recent Developments in Numerical Methods for Atmospheric
and Climate Modeling (2004), pp. 233-250.
Keywords: climate modeling, weather, solution adaptive mesh refinement, AMR,
spherical adaptive grid, adaptive block.
- G. Toth et al.,
``A physics-based software framework for Sun-Earth connection
modeling'', Multiscale Coupling of
Sun-Earth Processes, Proc. Conf. on the Sun-Earth Connection, Kona,
Hawaii, 2004, A. T. Y. Lui, Y. Kamide, and G. Consolini, eds.,
Elsevier, pp. 383-397.
Keywords: parallel computing, high-performance computing, software
engineering, space environment modeling, coupling.
- T.I. Gombosi et al.,
``Solution adaptive MHD for space plasmas: Sun-to-Earth simulations'',
Computers in Science and Engineering 6 (2004), pp. 14-35.
Keywords: adaptive mesh refinement, parallel computing, geoscience.
- T. Gombosi et al., ``Adaptive mesh refinement MHD for global simulations'',
Proc. ISSS-6 (2001), 8 p.
Keywords: solution adaptive mesh refinement, AMR, space plasma
- R. Oehmke and Q.F. Stout, ``Parallel adaptive blocks on the sphere'',
Proc. 10th SIAM Conf. Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing
Keywords: adaptive mesh refinement, data structure, parallel computing,
geoscience, multi-scale modeling, adaptive spherical grid, geometric
decomposition, high performance computing.
- D.L. De Zeeuw et al.,
``An adaptive MHD method for global space weather simulations'',
IEEE Trans. Plasma Science 28 (2000), pp. 1956-1965.
Keywords: space weather, adaptive mesh refinement, MHD, supercomputing,
Sun-Earth, space physics, scientific computing.
- C.R. Clauer et al.,
``High performance computer methods applied to predictive space
weather simulations'',
IEEE Trans. Plasma Science 28 (2000), pp. 1931-1937.
Keywords: space weather, adaptive mesh refinement, MHD, supercomputing,
Sun-Earth, space physics, scientific computing.
- T.I. Gombossi et al.,
``Multiscale MHD simulation of a coronal mass ejection and its
interaction with the magnetosphere-ionosphere system'',
J. Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 62 (2000),
pp. 1515-1525.
Keywords: space weather, coronal mass ejection, magnetosphere,
- J. Hardwick and Q.F. Stout,
Using path induction to evaluate sequential allocation procedures,
SIAM J. Scientific Computing
21 (1999), pp. 67-87.
Keywords: backward induction, forward induction,
staged allocation,
group sampling, sequential, path counting, Bayesian, bandit problems.
- A.A. Poe and Q.F. Stout,
Load balancing 2-phased geometrically based problems,
Proc. 9th SIAM Conf. Parallel Processing for Scientific
Computing (1999).
Keywords: multi-weight load balancing, graph partitioning,
ham sandwich theorem,
geometric decomposition, impact analysis, crash simulation, domain
decomposition, discrete computational geometry, multiple constraints.
- C.P.T Groth et al.,
``A parallel solution-adaptive scheme for ideal magnetohydrodynamics'',
Proc. 14th AIAA Conf. Computational Fluid Dynamics (1999),
Keywords: MHD, approximate Riemann solver, upwind finite-volume
- J. Landrum, J. Hardwick, and Q.F. Stout,
Predicting algorithm performance,
Computing Science and Statistics 30 (1998),
pp. 309-314.
Keywords: computer performance prediction, adaptive sampling, change-point,
experimental algorithms, regression, extrapolation, design of
experiments, benchmarking.
- Q.F. Stout et al.,
``Adaptive parallel computation of a grand-challenge problem: Prediction of
the path of a solar-corona mass ejection'',
Proc. SC98.
Keywords: magnetohydrodynamics (MHD), space weather prediction, adaptive
mesh refinement, Cartesian, adaptive blocks, Riemann solver,
upwind schemes,
scientific computing.
- Q.F. Stout et al., ``Adaptive blocks: A high-performance data structure'',
Proc. SC97.
Keywords: adaptive data structure, Cartesian,
cache, high performance computing, mesh,
adaptive mesh refinement, AMR, oct-tree, scientific computing.
- T. Gombossi et al., ``Multiscale modeling
of heliospheric plasmas'', High Performance Computing 1997,
pp. 46-51.
Keywords: magnetohydrodynamics, MHD, adaptive mesh refinement (AMR),
Riemann solver, Cray T3D, solar wind, high-performance computing, HPCC,
NASA Grand Challenge Investigator Team, upwind scheme, space plasma,
scientific computing.
Back to top.
Many of my publications could be classified as theoretical computer
science, in that they deal with the design and analysis of algorithms,
lower bounds, etc.
Unfortunately the field known as ``theoretical computer science''
tends to ignore some areas.
For example, in parallel computing, algorithms for PRAMS are
commonly viewed as being in theoretical computer science, but ones
for SIMD hypercubes typically aren't.
Here I've collected together those papers that have been, or could
have been, presented at conferences such as FOCS, STOC, SODA, SPAA,
or which contain substantial relevant content.
However, several of those listed in the
Parallel Computing,
Algorithms and Data Structures,
Discrete Mathematics
sections are also in theoretical computer science,
more broadly interpreted.
- Space, Time, Power: Evolving
Concerns for Parallel Algorithms, a talk about the evolution of
of parallel models and algorithms, including cellular automata, mesh connected
computers, reconfigurable meshes, and power-constrained algorithms for mesh
connected computers. It also mentions real parallel computers:
zebra networks, BlueGene and Earth Simulator; and additional theory models:
PRAMs and quantum computers.
- R. Miller and Q.F. Stout,
Parallel Algorithms for Regular
Architectures: Meshes and Pyramids, MIT Press, 1996.
Keywords: parallel computing, parallel algorithms, mesh computer,
VLSI algorithms, pyramid, data movement operations, graph algorithms,
image processing, computational geometry, lower bounds, optimal algorithms.
Journals and Conference Proceedings
- J. Lipman and Q.F. Stout,
Analysis of delays caused by local synchronization,
SIAM J. Computing 39 (2010), pp. 3860-3884.
Keywords: synchronization delay, overhead, performance analysis, barrier,
geometric distribution, heavy-tailed distribution,
stochastic task times, idle time
- Q.F. Stout,
Algorithms minimizing peak energy on mesh-connected systems,
preliminary results in Symp. Parallelism in Algorithms
and Architectures (SPAA) 2006.
Keywords: peak power consumption, energy, rat algorithm, image processing,
graph algorithm, mesh.
- A.A. Poe and Q.F. Stout,
Load balancing 2-phased geometrically based problems,
Proc. 9th SIAM Conf. Parallel Processing for Scientific
Computing (1999).
Keywords: multi-weight load balancing, graph partitioning,
ham sandwich theorem,
geometric decomposition, impact analysis, crash simulation, domain
decomposition, discrete computational geometry, multiple constraints.
- P.D. MacKenzie and Q.F. Stout,
Ultra-fast expected time parallel algorithms,
J. Algorithms 26 (1998), pp. 1-33.
Keywords: ultrafast, padded sort, geometry algorithms, CRCW PRAM, Voronoi
diagram, all nearest neighbors, closest pair, relative neighborhood graph,
Delaunay triangulation, largest empty circle, lower bounds,
randomized algorithm.
- D. Van Wieren and Q.F. Stout, ``Ultrafast graph algorithms on reconfigurable meshes'', Proc. 2nd Work. on Reconfigurable
Architectures (1995), pp. 1-13.
Keywords: ultrafast algorithms, reconfigurable mesh, rmesh, MasPar,
edge cover, Hamiltonian cycle, spanning trees, randomized algorithm.
- R. Miller, V.K. Prasanna Kumar, D. Reisis and Q.F. Stout,
Parallel computations on reconfigurable meshes,
IEEE Trans. on Computers 42 (1993), pp. 678-692.
Keywords: reconfigurable mesh, image algorithms, graph algorithms,
parallel algorithms, VLSI, mesh, PRAM, mesh-of-trees, pyramid computer,
component labeling, global or, prefix calculation, parity, xor.
- P.D. MacKenzie and Q.F. Stout,
Optimal parallel construction of
Hamiltonian cycles and spanning trees in random graphs,
Proc. 5th ACM Symp. Parallel Algorithms and Architectures (SPAA)
(1993), pp. 224-229.
Keywords: ultrafast algorithms, CRCW PRAM, edge cover, lower bounds,
parallel target shooting, randomized algorithm.
- R. Machlin and Q.F. Stout,
The complex behavior of simple machines,
in Emergent Computation, S. Forrest, ed., MIT Press, 1991,
pp. 85-98.
Reprint of paper first appearing in Physica D 42
(1990), pp. 85-98.
Keywords: Turing machines, emergent systems, halting problem,
Busy Beaver problem, halting probability, complexity.
- R. Miller and Q.F. Stout,
Efficient parallel convex hull algorithms,
IEEE Trans. Computers C-37 (1988), pp. 1605-1618.
Keywords: AKS network, computational geometry, convex hull, EREW PRAM,
hypercube, mesh, mesh-of-trees, reconfigurable mesh, pyramid, parallel
algorithms, divide-and-conquer.
- Q.F. Stout,
Meshes with multiple buses,
Proc. 27th IEEE Symp. on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS)
(1986), pp. 264-273.
Keywords: broadcasting, mesh computer, cooperative problem solving,
cooperative speedup, optimal stepwise simulation, or, minimum, component
labeling, spanning forest, tree, pyramid, mesh-of-trees, layouts.
- Q.F. Stout,
Pyramid computer solutions of the closest pair problem,
J. of Algorithms 6 (1985), pp. 200-212.
Keywords: pyramid cellular automata, pyramid computers, closest pair,
computational geometry, nearest neighbors, parallel algorithms, finite
- Q.F. Stout,
``Optimal component labeling algorithms for
mesh-connected computers and VLSI'', arXiv 1502.01435.
Keywords: minimal spanning forest, minimal spanning tree,
component labeling, mesh-connected computer
- Q.F. Stout,
Topological matching,
Proc. 15th ACM Symp. on Theory of Computing (STOC) (1983),
pp. 24-31.
Keywords: image processing, deformation, cellular automata (array),
clerks, mesh computer, tree isomorphism.
- Q.F. Stout,
Mesh-connected computers with broadcasting,
IEEE Trans. on Computers C-32 (1983), pp. 826-830.
Keywords: bus, broadcasting, mesh computer, median, selection, semigroup
computation, sorting, communication lower bounds.
- Q.F. Stout,
Drawing straight lines with a pyramid cellular automaton,
Information Processing Letters 15 (1982),
pp. 233-237.
Keywords: self-organizing finite state automata,
pyramid computer, digital line, clerks,
parallel algorithms.
- Q.F. Stout,
Using clerks in parallel processing,
Proc. 23rd IEEE Symp. on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS)
(1982), pp. 272-279.
Keywords: self-organizing cellular array, pyramid cellular
automata, finite automata, mesh computer, pyramid computer, connected
components, image processing, digital circle, clerks, emulate, parallel
- Q.F. Stout,
Broadcasting in mesh-connected computers,
Proc. 1982 Conf. Information Sciences and Systems, pp. 85-90.
Keywords: image algorithms, geometry, 2-dimensional, semigroup operations.
Back to top.
Most of the publications listed in the
Adaptive Design
section contain serial algorithms not listed here.
There are several papers involving regression, so I put together an overview of my work on shape constrained regression (isotonic, unimodal, step).
I also keep a table of the fastest (in O-notation)
isotonic regression algorithms known to
- Q.F. Stout, Best Lp isotonic regression, p ∈ {0, 1, ∞},
arXiv 2306:00269
Keywords: Best L0 isotonic regression, monotonic regression, L1 regression, L∞, strict regression, lex regression, best median
extended abstract
- Q.F. Stout, Lp isotonic regression using an L0 approach, arXiv 2107.00251
Keywords: L1 isotonic regression, Lp monotonic regression, maximum flow, violator graph, Hamming distance, multidimensional coordinate-wise orderings
extended abstract
- Q.F. Stout, L0 isotonic regression with secondary objectives, arXiv 2106.00279
Keywords: strong L0 isotonic regression, monotonic relabeling, Lp isotonic regression with Hamming distance penalty, ordinal response, distance to monotonicity abstract
- Q.F. Stout, L∞ isotonic regression for linear, multidimensional, and tree orders, arXiv 1507.02226
Keywords: minimax error, coordinate-wie ordering, rendezvous graph, bounded error envelope, nonconstructive feasibility test
- J.P Hardwick and Q.F. Stout,
Optimal reduced isotonic regression.
Keywords: step function, v-optimal histogram, k-means, piecewise constant approximation
- Q.F. Stout,
An algorithm for L∞ approximation by step functions.
Keywords: step function, variable width histogram, piecewise constant approximation, reduced isotonic regression, k-center, mini-max error, bounded error envelopes
- J. Hardwick and Q.F. Stout,
Optimal reduced isotonic regression,
Proceedings Interface 2012: Future of Statistical Computing.
Keywords: step function, histogram, piecewise constant approximation,
reduced isotonic regression, monotonic, segmentation
- Q.F. Stout, Strict L∞
isotonic regression, J. Optimization Theory and Appl. 152
(2012), pp. 121-135.
Keywords: "best best" L∞ approximation, isotonic
regression, monotonic mapping, shape constrained
- Q.F. Stout,
Isotonic regression for multiple independent variables, Algorithmica 71 (2015), pp. 450-470.
Keywords: nonparametric, weighted
isotonic or monotonic regression, multidimensional, order-embedding,
multidimensional divide-and-conquer, shape constrained, rendezvous graph
- Q.F. Stout,
Isotonic regression via partitioning,
Algorithmica 66 (2013), pp. 93-112.
Keywords: L_1, nonparametric, shape-constrained, median regression,
weighted isotonic or monotonic regression, linear ordering, tree, bivariate,
multidimensional, DAG
- Q.F. Stout,
Weighted L∞ isotonic regression, J. Computer Sys. and Sci. 91 (2018), pp. 69-81.
Keywords: nonparametric, shape-constrained,
weighted isotonic or monotonic regression, partial order, linear ordering,
domination, multidimensional divide-and-conquer
- Q.F. Stout,
Unimodal regression via prefix isotonic regression,
Computational Statistics and Data Analysis
53 (2008) p. 289-297. doi:10.1016/j.csda.2008.08.005
Keywords: nonparametric, shape-constrained,
weighted isotonic or monotonic regression,
scan, parallel prefix, umbrella ordering,
least squares,
pool adjacent violators (PAV), median regression, minimax,
persistent data structure.
- A.A. Poe and Q.F. Stout,
Load balancing 2-phased geometrically based problems,
Proc. 9th SIAM Conf. Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing
Keywords: multi-weight load balancing, graph partitioning,
ham sandwich theorem,
geometric decomposition, impact analysis, crash simulation, domain
decomposition, discrete computational geometry, multiple constraints.
- J. Landrum, J. Hardwick, and Q.F. Stout,
Predicting algorithm performance,
Computing Science and Statistics 30 (1998), pp. 309-314.
Keywords: computer performance prediction, adaptive sampling, change-point,
experimental algorithms, regression, extrapolation,
design of experiments, benchmarking.
- D.M. Pennock and Q.F. Stout,
Exploiting a theory of phase transitions in three-satisfiability
problems, Proceedings American Association of
Artificial Intelligence, 1996, pp. 253-258.
Keywords: satisfiability, 3-SAT, phase transition, constraint satisfaction,
pruning, heuristic search, NP-complete, NP-hard, classification.
- M.L. Livingston and Q.F. Stout,
Constant time computation of minimum dominating sets,
Congresses Numerantium 105
(1994), pp. 116-128.
Keywords: codes, covering, domination, packing, matching,
perfect domination, grid graph, product graph, mesh, torus, dynamic
programming, finite state space, resource allocation, regular architecture,
Here are some related open questions and
- C.A. Shaffer and Q.F. Stout,
Linear-time distance transforms for quadtrees,
Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing:
Image Understanding 54 (1991), pp. 215-223.
Keywords: quadtrees, hierarchical data structures, chessboard distance,
medial axis, QMAT, top-down traversal, neighbored traversal.
- Q.F. Stout and B.L. Warren,
Tree rebalancing in optimal time and space,
Commun. of the ACM 29 (1986), pp. 902-908.
Keywords: binary search trees, vines, perfect balance, optimal search,
sorting, data structures.
- Q.F. Stout and B.L. Warren,
Tree algorithms for unbiased coin tossing with a biased coin,
Annals of Probability 12 (1984), pp. 212-222.
Keywords: bias, finite distributions, coin, lattice algorithm, tree
algorithm, random number generation, multinomial termination.
- J. Lipman and Q.F. Stout,
Analysis of delays caused by local synchronization,
SIAM J. Computing 39 (2010), pp. 3860-3884.
Keywords: synchronization delay, overhead, performance analysis, barrier,
geometric distribution, heavy-tailed distribution,
stochastic task times, idle time
- D.M. Pennock and Q.F. Stout,
Exploiting a theory of phase transitions in three-satisfiability
problems, Proceedings American Association of
Artificial Intelligence, 1996, pp. 253-258.
Keywords: satisfiability, 3-SAT, phase transition, constraint satisfaction,
pruning, heuristic search, NP-complete, NP-hard, classification.
- J.D. Masters, Q.F. Stout, and D.M. Van Wieren,
Unique Domination in Cross-Product Graphs,
Congresses Numerantium 118 (1996), pp. 49-71.
Keywords: coverings, product graph, cross-product,
dominating set, unique domination, grid graph,
perfect dominating set, torus, cube-connected cycles.
- M.L. Livingston and Q.F. Stout,
Constant time computation of minimum dominating sets,
Congresses Numerantium 105
(1994), pp. 116-128.
Keywords: codes, covering, domination, packing, matching,
perfect domination, grid graph, product graph, mesh, torus, dynamic
programming, finite state space, resource allocation, regular architecture,
Here are some related open questions and
- N. Graham, F. Harary, M.L. Livingston and Q.F. Stout,
Subcube fault-tolerance in hypercubes,
Information and Computation 102 (1993), pp. 280-314.
Keywords: hypercube computer, n-cube, fault-tolerance,
k-independent sets, partitions, resource allocation.
- D. Van Wieren, M.L. Livingston and Q.F. Stout,
Perfect dominating sets on cube-connected cycles,
Congresses Numerantium 97 (1993), pp. 51-70.
Keywords: perfect dominating set, cube-connected cycles, parallel computer,
perfect code, vertex-vertex domination, graph theory,
interconnection network, resource allocation, regular architecture.
- M.L. Livingston and Q.F. Stout,
Perfect dominating sets,
Congressus Numerantium 79 (1990), pp. 187-203.
Keywords: perfect codes, domination, packings, mesh, torus, hypercube,
cube-connected cycles, de Bruijn graph, tree, dag, dynamic programming.
- M.L. Livingston and Q.F. Stout,
Embeddings in hypercubes,
Mathematical and Computer Modelling 11 (1988),
pp. 222-227.
Keywords: hypercube computer, n-cube, embedding, dilation,
expansion, cubical, packing, random graphs, critical graphs, parallel
- M.L. Livingston and Q.F. Stout,
Distributing resources in hypercube computers,
Proc. 3rd Conf. on Hypercube Concurrent Computers and Applications (1988), ACM, pp. 222-231.
Keywords: hypercube, subcube fault-tolerance, codes, buddy allocation,
disk placement, parallel computing.
- Q.F. Stout,
Hypercubes and pyramids, in
Pyramidal Systems for Computer Vision,
V. Cantoni and S. Levialdi, eds., NATO ASI Series ARW Vol. F 25,
Springer-Verlag, 1986, pp. 75-89.
Keywords: hypercube computers, pyramid algorithms, graph embeddings,
image processing, hyper-pyramid
- Q.F. Stout and B.L. Warren,
Tree algorithms for unbiased coin tossing with a biased coin,
Annals of Probability 12 (1984), pp. 212-222.
Keywords: bias, finite distributions, coin, lattice algorithm, tree
algorithm, random number generation, multinomial termination.
- Q.F. Stout,
Searching and encoding for infinite ordered sets,
Int'l. J. Computer and Information Sciences 11
(1982), pp. 55-72.
Keywords: unbounded search, binary encodings, prefix codes, search codes,
linear order, infinite sets.
- Q.F. Stout,
Improved prefix encodings of the natural numbers,
IEEE Trans. on Information Theory IT-26 (1980),
pp. 607-609.
Keywords: unbounded search, binary encoding, prefix codes, septenary
code, integers, natural numbers, long strings.
- M. Livingston and Q.F. Stout,
Shift-product networks,
Mathematical and Computational Modeling, 1998, to appear.
Keywords: interconnection networks, scalable networks,
shuffle-exchange networks, Cayley graphs, product graphs,
de Bruijn network, parallel computer, commodity components.
- Q.F. Stout,
Order types of words over a countable alphabet, in preparation.
Keywords: lexical (lexicographic) ordering, dictionaries, finite
words, countable alphabet, order types, total orders, search.
- Q.F. Stout,
Packings in hypercubes, in preparation.
Keywords: hypercube, graph embedding, packing, cubical, tree, cycle,
biconnected components.
- Q.F. Stout,
Embedding criterion for e-cube routing, in preparation.
Keywords: hypercube computer, graph embedding, e-cube routing,
dimension order, link contention.
Back to top.
- Q.F. Stout,
On Levi's duality between permutations and convergent series,
J. London Mathematical Society 34 (1986), pp. 67-80.
Keywords: convergent series, alternating series, absolutely convergent
series, permutations, duality, semigroup
- Q.F. Stout,
The numerical range of a weighted shift,
Proc. American Mathematical Society 88 (1983),
pp. 495-502.
Keywords: weighted unilateral or bilateral shift, Hilbert space,
numerical radius, numerical range, tri-diagonal matrix, circular shift,
circularly symmetric functions.
- Q.F. Stout,
Schur products of operators and the essential numerical range,
Trans. American Mathematical Society 264 (1981),
pp. 39-47.
Keywords: Schur multiplication, Hadamard multiplication, essential
numerical range, matrix representations, Schatten classes, Hilbert
- Q.F. Stout,
Schur multiplication on B(lp,lq),
J. Operator Theory 5 (1981), pp. 231-243.
Keywords: Schur multiplication, Banach algebra, maximal ideal space,
Stone-Cech compactification, operator theory, lp
- A. Nesky and Q.F. Stout,
Generating artificial core users for interpretable condensed data,
arXiv:2102.03674. paper.pdf
- A. Nesky and Q.F. Stout,
Neural networks with block diagonal inner product layers: a look at neural network
architecture through the lens of random matricies,
Neural Computing and Applications 32, 2020, 6755-6767.
- A. Nesky and Q.F. Stout,
Training neural networks using predictor-corrector gradient descent,
Proc. ICANN 2018, part III, 51-61.
- A. Nesky and Q.F. Stout,
Neural networks with block diagonal inner product layers,
Proc. ICANN 2018, part III, 62-72.
- Q.F. Stout,
Behind the scenes of HPCC,
in Suggesting Computer
Science Agendas for High Performance Computing, U. Vishkin, ed.,
Assoc. Computing Machinery, 1994, pp. 156-158.
Keywords: HPCC, funding, planning, instrumentation, parallel computing,
supercomputing, graphics, professional training and degrees.
- Q.F. Stout and P. Woodworth,
Relational databases,
American Mathematical Monthly 90 (1983), pp. 101-118.
Keywords: relational databases, normal forms, selection, projection,
lossless decomposition.
- Q.F. Stout and C. Jablonowski, ``Parallel Computing 101'',
tutorial notes that are continuously being updated.
Here is more
information about the tutorial.
- G. Bachelis, D.A. James, B.R. Maxim and Q.F. Stout,
algorithms to life: cooperative computing activities using students as
processors, School Science and Mathematics 94
(1994), pp. 176-186.
Keywords: parallel algorithms, cooperation, sorting, addition,
multiplication, sieving for primes, sorting, efficiency, systolic,
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