
S is Computer Vision: Algorithms and Applications by Richard Szeliski, which can be found here.

H&Z is Multiple View Geometry in Computer Vision by Richard Hartley and Andrew Zisserman, which is available from the UM Library (Login required).

ESL is Elements of Statistical Learning by Hastie, Tibshirani, and Friedman, which can be found here

Event Date Description Course Materials
Lecture 1 Tuesday
January 19
Computer vision overview
Course logistics
Pinhole camera
Homogenous coordinates
[Intro slides (pdf)]
[Intro slides (pptx)]
[Camera slides (pdf)]
[Camera slides (pptx)]
Lecture 2 Thursday
January 21
Cameras II
Intrinsic / Extrinsic matrices
Thin lens model
Depth of field
[slides (pdf)]
[slides (pptx)]
[Reading: S 2.1]
[Reading: H&Z 2, 6]
[Homogeneous coordinates notebook]
[Rendering a cube/dolly zoom notebook]
Lecture 3 Tuesday
January 26
Light and Shading
Human vision
Color vision
Color spaces
Diffuse and Specular Reflection
[slides (pdf)]
[slides (pptx)]
[Reading: S2.2, S2.3]
Lecture 4 Thursday
January 28
Math Review
Floating point numbers
Vectors, matrices
Eigenvalues, Eigenvectors
Least Squares
Singular Values
[slides (pdf)]
[slides (pptx)]
Lecture 5 Tuesday
February 2
Linear filters
Blur and sharpening filters
Separable filters
Image gradients
[slides (pdf)]
[slides (pptx)]
[Convolving Gracefully notebook]
HW0 Due Wednesday
February 3
Homework 0 Due [HW0]
Lecture 6 Thursday
February 4
Detectors and Descriptors I
Edge detection
Gaussian Derivative filter
Harris Corner detector
[slides (pdf)]
[slides (pptx)]
Lecture 7 Tuesday
February 9
Detectors and Descriptors II
Scale-space pyramid
Laplacian blob detectors
SIFT descriptors
[slides (pdf)]
[slides (pptx)]
[Multiscale Harris Detector notebook]
HW1 Due Wednesday
February 10
Homework 1 Due [HW1]
Lecture 8 Thursday
February 11
Transformations I
Linear Regression
Total Linear Regression
Hough Transform
[slides (pdf)]
[slides (pptx)]
[Reading: S2.1, S6]
Lecture 9 Tuesday
February 16
Transformations II
Affine, Projective transforms
Fitting transforms
[slides (pdf)]
[slides (pptx)]
[Reading: S2.1, S6]
Lecture 10 Thursday
February 18
Machine Learning
Image warping / blending
Supervised vs Unsupervised learning
Train / Test splits
Linear Regression
[slides (pdf)]
[slides (pptx)]
Lecture 11 Tuesday
February 23
Linear Models
K-Nearest Neighbors
SVM loss
Cross-Entropy loss
[slides (pdf)]
[slides (pptx)]
[CS231n Linear Classification]
Well-Being Day Thursday
February 25
No Class: Well-Being Day
HW2 Due Friday
February 26
Homework 2 Due [HW2]
Lecture 12 Tuesday
March 2
Stochastic Gradient Descent
SGD + Momentum
[slides (pdf)]
[slides (pptx)]
[CS231n Optimization]
Lecture 13 Thursday
March 4
Neural Networks
Overfitting / Underfitting
Bias / Variance tradeoff
Fully-connected neural networks
Biological neurons
[slides (pdf)]
[slides (pptx)]
[CS231n Neural Networks]
Lecture 14 Tuesday
March 9
Computational Graphs
Matrix multiplication example
[slides (pdf)]
[slides (pptx)]
[231n Backpropagation]
[Backprop for Matrix Multiply]
[Olah on Backprop]
[Nielsen on Backprop]
HW3 Due Wednesday
March 10
Homework 3 Due [HW3]
Lecture 15 Thursday
March 11
Convolutional Networks I
[slides (pdf)]
[slides (pptx)]
Lecture 16 Tuesday
March 16
Convolutional Networks II
Batch Normalization
CNN Architectures
Weight initialization
Data augmentation
Transfer learning
[slides (pdf)]
[slides (pptx)]
Lecture 17 Thursday
March 18
Segmentation and Detection
Semantic Segmentation
Instance Segmentation
Two-Stage Detectors
Single-Stage Detectors
[slides (pdf)]
[slides (pptx)]
March 23
No Class: Well-Being Day
Lecture 18 Thursday
March 25
Fairness in AI [slides (pdf)]
[slides (pptx)]
HW4 Due Monday
March 29
Homework 4 Due [HW4]
Lecture 19 Tuesday
March 30
Optical Flow [slides (pdf)]
[slides (pptx)]
Lecture 20 Thursday
April 1
3D Vision + Calibration [slides (pdf)]
[slides (pptx)]
Proposal Due Monday
April 5
Project Proposal due [Proposal Details]
Lecture 21 Tuesday
April 6
Single-View Geometry [slides (pdf)]
[slides (pptx)]
Lecture 22 Thursday
April 8
Epipolar Geometry [slides (pdf)]
[slides (pptx)]
HW5 Due Friday
April 9
Homework 5 Due [HW5]
Lecture 23 Tuesday
April 13
Stereo Vision [slides (pdf)]
[slides (pptx)]
Lecture 24 Thursday
April 15
Structure from Motion [slides (pdf)]
[slides (pptx)]
Lecture 25 Tuesday
April 20
Applications: Learning-Based 3D [video]
HW6 Not Due Tuesday
April 20
Homework 6 Due [HW6]
April 27
Final Project Due (Showcase + Report) [Info (pdf)]