You can download the assignment here You can preview the assignment here

If you need an introduction to Python or numpy, you can check out this tutorial.

This assignment is due on Wednesday, February 10, 11:59:59pm.

What to submit

  • To Canvas: submit a zip file of all of your code. This should contain a single directory which has the same name as your uniqname. If I (David, uniqname fouhey) were submitting my code, the zip file should contain a single folder fouhey/ containing the following files:
    • Code files: and
    • cube.gif from Part 1
    • im1.jpg, im2.jpg and info.txt from Part 3

    We provide a script that validates the submission format here.

  • To Gradescope: submit a pdf file with the answers to the questions from each section. The write-up must be electronic. No handwriting! You can use Word, Open Office, Notepad, Google Docs, LaTeX(try overleaf!), or any other form.

    You might like to combine several files. Here is an example online link for combining multiple PDF files: Try also looking at this stack overflow post.