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"menubutton">WWW/FTP Sites
e">Phillipp W. Kutter,
and Alfonso Pierantonio,
"Enhanced Control Flow Graphs in Montages"
Matthias Anlauff,
Phillipp W. Kutter,
and Alfonso Pierantonio,
"Formal Aspects of and Development Environments for Montages"
Matthias Anlauff,
Phillipp W. Kutter,
and Alfonso Pierantonio,
"Tool Support for Language Design and Prototyping with Montages"
Matthias Anlauff,
Phillipp W. Kutter,
Alfonso Pierantonio,
and Lothar Thiele,
"Generating an Action Notation Environment from Montages Descriptions"
Lourdes Araujo,
"Correctness proof of a Distributed Implementation of Prolog
by means of Abstract State Machines"
Egon Börger,
"The ASM Refinement Method"
Michael Barnett,
Egon Börger,
Yuri Gurevich,
Wolfram Schulte,
and Margus Veanes,
"Using Abstract State Machines at Microsoft: A Case Study"
Michael Barnett,
Colin Campbell,
Wolfram Schulte,
and Margus Veanes,
"Specification, Simulation and Testing of COM Components using
Abstract State Machines"
Michael Barnett
and Wolfram Schulte,
"The ABCs of Specification: AsmL, Behavior, and Components"
Michael Barnett
and Wolfram Schulte,
"Contracts, Components, and their Runtime
Verification on the .NET Platform"
Michael Barnett
and Wolfram Schulte,
"Spying on Components: A Runtime Verification Technique"
Danièle Beauquier
and Anatol Slissenko,
"The Railroad Crossing Problem: Towards Semantics of Timed Algorithms
and their Model-Checking in High-Level Languages"
Danièle Beauquier
and Anatol Slissenko,
"On Semantics of Algorithms with Continuous Time"
Danièle Beauquier
and Anatol Slissenko,
"Verification of Timed Algorithms: Gurevich Abstract
State Machines versus First Order Timed Logic"
Bernhard Beckert
and Joachim Posegga,
"leanEA: A Lean Evolving Algebra Compiler"
Christoph Beierle,
"Formal design of an abstract machine for constraint logic programming"
Christoph Beierle
and Egon Börger,
"Correctness proof for the WAM with types"
Christoph Beierle
and Egon Börger,
"Refinement of a typed WAM
extension by polymorphic order-sorted types"
Christoph Beierle
and Egon Börger,
"Specification and correctness proof of a WAM
extension with abstract type constraints"
Christoph Beierle,
Egon Börger,
Igor Durdanovic,
Uwe Glässer,
and Elvinia Riccobene,
"Refining Abstract Machine Specifications of the Steam
Boiler Control to Well Documented Executable Code."
Giampaolo Bella
and Elvinia Riccobene,
"Formal Analysis of the Kerberos Authentication System"
Giampaolo Bella
and Elvinia Riccobene,
"A Realistic Environment for Crypto-Protocol Analyses by ASMs"
Andreas Blass,
"Abstract State Machines and Pure Mathematics"
Andreas Blass
and Yuri Gurevich,
"Abstract State Machines Capture Parallel Algorithms"
Andreas Blass
and Yuri Gurevich,
"Abstract State Machines Capture Parallel Algorithms: Correction and Extension"
Andreas Blass
and Yuri Gurevich,
"Algorithms vs. Machines"
Andreas Blass
and Yuri Gurevich,
"Background, Reserve, and Gandy Machines"
Andreas Blass
and Yuri Gurevich,
"The Linear Time Hierarchy Theorems for
Abstract State Machines and RAMs"
Andreas Blass
and Yuri Gurevich,
"The Logic of Choice"
Andreas Blass
and Yuri Gurevich,
"New Zero-One Law and Strong Extension Axioms"
Andreas Blass
and Yuri Gurevich,
"Strong Extension Axioms and Shelah's Zero-One Law
for Choiceless Polynomial Time"
Andreas Blass,
Yuri Gurevich,
and Saharon Shelah,
"Choiceless Polynomial Time"
Andreas Blass,
Yuri Gurevich,
and Saharon Shelah,
"On Polynomial Time Computation Over Unordered Structures"
Andreas Blass,
Yuri Gurevich,
and Jan Van den Bussche,
"Abstract state machines and computationally complete query languages"
Egon Börger,
"Abstract State Machines: A Unifying View of
Models of Computation and of System Design Frameworks"
Egon Börger,
"The ASM Ground Model Method as a Foundation of
Requirements Engineering"
Egon Börger,
"The ASM Refinement Method"
Egon Börger,
"Computation and Specification Models: A Comparative Study"
Egon Börger,
"Design for Reuse via Structuring Techniques for ASMs."
Egon Börger,
"High Level System Design and Analysis using Abstract State Machines"
Egon Börger,
"Logic Programming: The Evolving Algebra Approach"
Egon Börger,
"The Origins and the Development of the ASM Method for High
Level System Design and Analysis"
Egon Börger,
"Why Use Evolving Algebras for Hardware and Software Engineering?"
Egon Börger
and Tommaso Bolognesi,
"Remarks on Turbo ASMs for Functional Equations and Recursion Schemes"
Egon Börger,
A. Cavarra,
and Elvinia Riccobene,
"An ASM Semantics for UML Activity Diagrams"
Egon Börger
and Giuseppe Del Castillo,
"A formal method for provably correct
composition of a real-life processor out of basic components (The
APE100 Reverse Engineering Study)"
Egon Börger
and Giuseppe Del Castillo,
"A formal method for provably correct
composition of a real-life processor out of basic components (The
APE100 Reverse Engineering Study)" (Extended Abstract)
Egon Börger,
Giuseppe Del Castillo,
Paola Glavan,
and Dean Rosenzweig,
"Towards a mathematical specification of the APE100
architecture: the APESE model"
Egon Börger
and Igor Durdanovic,
"Correctness of compiling Occam to Transputer code"
Egon Börger,
Igor Durdanovic,
and Dean Rosenzweig,
"Occam: Specification and
compiler correctness. Part I: Simple mathematical interpreters."
Egon Börger
and Uwe Glässer,
"A formal specification of the PVM architecture"
Egon Börger
and Uwe Glässer,
"Modelling and Analysis of Distributed and Reactive Systems using
Evolving Algebras."
Egon Börger,
Uwe Glässer,
and Wolfgang Muller,
"Formal Definition of an Abstract VHDL'93 Simulator By EA-Machines"
Egon Börger,
Uwe Glässer,
and Wolfgang Muller,
"The Semantics of Behavioral VHDL'93 Descriptions"
Egon Börger,
Yuri Gurevich,
and Dean Rosenzweig,
"The Bakery Algorithm: Yet Another Specification And Verification"
Egon Börger
and James K. Huggins,
"Abstract State Machines 1988-1998: Commented ASM Bibliography"
Egon Börger,
F.J. López-Fraguas,
and M. Rodríguez-Artalejo,
"A model for mathematical analysis of functional logic programs and their
Egon Börger,
F.J. López-Fraguas,
and M. Rodríguez-Artalejo,
"Towards a Mathematical Specification of a Graph-Narrowing Machine"
Egon Börger
and S. Mazzanti,
"A correctness proof for pipelining in RISC architectures"
Egon Börger
and S. Mazzanti,
"A Practical Method for Rigourously Controllable Hardware Design"
Egon Börger
and Luca Mearelli,
"Integrating ASMs into the Software Development Life Cycle"
Egon Börger,
Peter Päppinghaus,
and Joachim Schmid,
"Report on a Practical Application of ASMs in Software Design"
Egon Börger
and Elvinia Riccobene,
"A formal specification of Parlog"
Egon Börger
and Elvinia Riccobene,
"Logic + control revisited: an
abstract interpreter for Gödel programs."
Egon Börger,
Elvinia Riccobene,
and Joachim Schmid,
"Capturing Requirements by Abstract State Machines: The Light Control
Case Study"
Egon Börger
and Dean Rosenzweig,
"A mathematical definition of full Prolog."
Egon Börger
and Dean Rosenzweig,
"The mathematics of set predicates in Prolog"
Egon Börger
and Dean Rosenzweig,
"The WAM - definition and compiler correctness"
Egon Börger
and R. Salamone,
"CLAM specification for provably correct compilation of CLP(R)
Egon Börger
and Joachim Schmid,
"Composition and Submachine Concepts for Sequential ASMs"
Egon Börger
and Peter H. Schmitt,
"A Description of the Tableau Method Using Abstract State Machines"
Egon Börger
and Wolfram Schulte,
"Defining the Java Virtual Machine as Platform for Provably
Correct Java Compilation"
Egon Börger
and Wolfram Schulte,
"Initialization Problems for Java"
Egon Börger
and Wolfram Schulte,
"Modular Design for the Java Virtual Machine Architecture"
Egon Börger
and Wolfram Schulte,
"A Practical Method for Specification and Analysis of Exception
Handling: A Java/JVM Case Study"
Egon Börger
and Wolfram Schulte,
"A Programmer Friendly Modular Definition of the Semantics of Java"
Egon Börger
and Robert Stärk,
"Abstract State Machines: A Method for High-Level System Design and
Colin Campbell
and Yuri Gurevich,
"Table ASMs"
Steven C. Cater
and James K. Huggins,
"An ASM Dynamic Semantics for Standard ML"
Steven C. Cater
and James K. Huggins,
"An ASM Dynamic Semantics for Standard ML"(Extended Abstract)
J. Cohen
and A. Slissenko,
"On Verification of Refinements of Asynchronous Timed Distributed Algorithms"
Kevin Compton,
Yuri Gurevich,
James K. Huggins,
and Wuwei Shen,
"An Automatic Verification Tool for UML"
Kevin Compton,
James K. Huggins,
and Wuwei Shen,
"A Semantic Model for the State Machine in the Unified Modeling
Kevin Compton,
James K. Huggins,
and Wuwei Shen,
"A Toolset for Supporting UML Static and Dynamic Model Check"
Kevin Compton,
James K. Huggins,
and Wuwei Shen,
"A Validation Method for a UML Model Based on Abstract State Machines"
Giuseppe Del Castillo,
"Towards Comprehensive Tool Support for Abstract State Machines: The
ASM Workbench Tool Environment and Architecture"
Giuseppe Del Castillo,
Igor Durdanovic,
and Uwe Glässer,
"An Evolving Algebra Abstract Machine"
Giuseppe Del Castillo
and Uwe Glässer,
"Computer-Aided Analysis and Validation of Heterogeneous System
Giuseppe Del Castillo
and Wolfram Hardt,
"Towards a Unified Analysis Methodology of HW/SW Systems based on
Abstract State Machines: Modelling of Instruction Sets"
Giuseppe Del Castillo
and Wolfram Hardt,
"Fast Dynamic Analysis of Complex HW/SW-Systems based on Abstract
State Machine Models"
Giuseppe Del Castillo
and Kirsten Winter,
"Model Checking Support for the ASM High-Level Language"
Scott Dexter,
Patrick Doyle,
and Yuri Gurevich,
"Gurevich Abstract State Machines and Schönhage Storage
Modification Machines"
Stephan Diehl,
"Transformations of Evolving Algebras"
Dag Diesen,
"Specifying Algorithms Using Evolving Algebra.
Implementation of Functional Programming Languages."
Vladimir O. Di Iorio
and Roberto S. Bigonha,
"An ASM Implementation
of a Self-Applicable Partial Evaluator"
Vladimir O. Di Iorio,
Roberto S. Bigonha,
and Marcelo A. Maia,
"A Self-Applicable Partial Evaluator for ASM".
Axel Dold,
"A Formal Representation of Abstract State Machines
Using PVS"
Axel Dold,
Thilo Gaul,
Vincent Vialard,
and Wolf Zimmerman,
"ASM-Based Mechanized Verification of Compiler Back-Ends"
Arnaud Durand,
"Modeling Cache Coherence Protocol -- A Case Study with FLASH"
Robert Eschbach,
"A Termination Detection Algorithm: Specification and Verification"
Robert Eschbach,
Uwe Glässer,
Reinhard Gotzhein,
and Andreas Prinz,
"On the Formal Semantics of Design Languages: A compilation approach
using Abstract State Machines"
Bradley Fordham,
Serge Abiteboul,
and Yelena Yesha,
"Evolving Databases: An Application to Electronic Commerce"
Nico Fruja
and Robert Stärk,
"The Hidden Computation Steps of Turbo Abstract State Machines"
Angelo Gargantini
and Elvinia Riccobene,
"Encoding Abstract State Machines in PVS"
Thilo Gaul,
"An Abstract State Machine specification of the
DEC-Alpha Processor Family"
Thilo Gaul,
Andreas Heberle, and
Wolf Zimmerman,
"An ASM Specification of the Operational Semantics of MIS"
Amjad Gawanmeh,
"Interfacing Abstract State Machines with Multiway Decision Graphs"
Amjad Gawanmeh,
Sofiène Tahar,
and Kirsten Winter,
"Formal Verification of ASM Designs using the MDG Tool"
Amjad Gawanmeh,
Sofiène Tahar,
and Kirsten Winter,
"Formal Verification of ASM Designs using the MDG Tool"
Amjad Gawanmeh,
Sofiène Tahar,
and Kirsten Winter,
"Interfacing ASM with the MDG Tool"
Vincenzo Gervasi,
"Synthesizing ASMs from Natural Language Requirements"
Uwe Glässer,
"Combining Abstract State Machines with Predicate Transition Nets"
Uwe Glässer,
"Systems Level Specification and Modelling of Reactive Systems:
Concepts, Methods, and Tools"
Uwe Glässer,
Yuri Gurevich,
and Margus Veanes,
"An Abstract Communication Model"
Uwe Glässer,
Yuri Gurevich,
and Margus Veanes,
"Universal Plug and Play Machine Models"
Uwe Glässer
and René Karges,
"Abstract State Machine Semantics of SDL"
Paula Glavan
and Dean Rosenzweig,
"Communicating evolving algebras"
Sabine Glesner
and Wolf Zimmermann,
"Structural Simulation Proofs based on ASMs even for Non-Terminating
Gerhard Goos,
Andreas Heberle,
Welf Loewe,
and Wolf Zimmermann,
"On Modular Definitions and Implementations of Programming Languages"
Georg Gottlob,
Gerti Kappel,
and Michael Schrefl,
"Semantics of Object-Oriented Data Models -- The Evolving Algebra Approach"
Erich Grädel
and Antje Nowack,
"Quantum Computing and Abstract State Machines"
Erich Grädel
and Yuri Gurevich,
"Metafinite Model Theory"
Erich Grädel
and Marc Spielmann,
"Logspace Reducibility via Abstract State Machines"
Wolfgang Grieskamp,
Yuri Gurevich,
Wolfram Schulte,
and Margus Veanes,
"Generating Finite State Machines from Abstract State Machines"
Wolfgang Grieskamp,
Yuri Gurevich,
Wolfram Schulte,
and Margus Veanes,
"Testing with Abstract State Machines"
Rix Groenboom
and Gerard Renardel del Lavalette,
"A Formalization of Evolving Algebras"
Yuri Gurevich,
"Evolving Algebras"
Yuri Gurevich,
"Evolving Algebras: An Attempt to Discover Semantics"
Yuri Gurevich,
"Evolving Algebras 1993: Lipari Guide"
Yuri Gurevich,
"Logician in the Land of OS: Abstract State Machines at Microsoft"
Yuri Gurevich,
"May 1997 Draft of the ASM Guide"
Yuri Gurevich,
"Sequential Abstract State Machines Capture
Sequential Algorithms"
Yuri Gurevich
and James K. Huggins,
"Equivalence Is In The Eye Of The Beholder"
Yuri Gurevich
and James K. Huggins,
"Evolving Algebras and Partial Evaluation"
Yuri Gurevich
and James K. Huggins,
"The Railroad Crossing Problem:
An Experiment with Instantaneous Actions and Immediate Reactions"
Yuri Gurevich
and James K. Huggins,
"The Semantics of the C Programming Language"
Yuri Gurevich
and Raghu Mani,
"Group Membership Protocol: Specification and Verification"
Yuri Gurevich
and Lawrence S. Moss,
"Algebraic Operational Semantics and Occam"
Yuri Gurevich
and Dean Rosenzweig,
"Partially Ordered Runs: A Case Study"
Yuri Gurevich,
Wolfram Schulte,
and Margus Veanes,
"Rich Sequential-Time ASMs"
Yuri Gurevich,
Wolfram Schulte,
and Margus Veanes,
"Toward Industrial Strength Abstract State Machines"
Yuri Gurevich,
Wolfram Schulte,
and Charles Wallace,
"Investigating Java Concurrency using Abstract State Machines"
Yuri Gurevich,
Nandit Soparkar,
and Charles Wallace,
"Formalizing Database Recovery"
Yuri Gurevich
and Marc Spielmann,
"Recursive Abstract State Machines"
Yuri Gurevich
and Nikolai Tillmann,
"Partial Updates: Exploration"
Yuri Gurevich
and Charles Wallace,
"Specification and verification of the Windows Card runtime environment using
Abstract State Machines"
Andreas Heberle
and Welf Löwe,
"On ASM-Based Specification of Programming Language Semantics and
Reusable Correct Compilations"
James K. Huggins,
"Kermit: Specification and Verification"
James K. Huggins,
"An Offline Partial Evaluator for Evolving
James K. Huggins
and Wuwei Shen,
"The Static and Dynamic Semantics of C: Preliminary Version"
James K. Huggins
and David Van Campenhout,
"Specification and Verification of Pipelining in the ARM2 RISC
James K. Huggins
and David Van Campenhout,
"Specification and Verification of Pipelining in the ARM2 RISC
Microprocessor (Extended Abstract)"
James K. Huggins
and Charles Wallace,
"An Abstract State Machine Primer"
Jörn W. Janneck
and Philipp W. Kutter,
"Mapping Automata: Simple Abstract State Machines"
Jörn W. Janneck
and Philipp W. Kutter,
"Object-based Abstract State Machines"
David Johnson
and Lawrence S. Moss,
"Grammar Formalisms Viewed As Evolving Algebras"
A. Kalinov,
A. Kossatchev,
A. Petrenko,
M. Posypkin,
and V. Shishkov,
"Coverage-driven Automated Compiler Test Suite Generation"
A. Kalinov,
A. Kossatchev,
M. Posypkin,
and V. Shishkov,
"Using ASM specification for automatic test suite generation for mpC
parallel programming language compiler"
Alan Kaplan
and J.C. Wileden,
"Formalization and Application of a Unifying Model for Name Management"
A. M. Kappel,
"Executable Specifications based on Dynamic Algebras"
A. M. Kappel,
"Implementation of Dynamic Algebras with an Application
to Prolog"
Philipp W. Kutter,
"An ASM Macro Language for Sets"
Philipp W. Kutter,
"The Formal Definition of Anlauff's eXtensible
Abstract State Machines"
Philipp W. Kutter,
"Integration of the Statecharts in Specware and
Aspects of Correct Oberon Code Generation"
Philipp W. Kutter
and Alfonso Pierantonio,
"The Formal Specification of Oberon"
Philipp W. Kutter
and Alfonso Pierantonio,
"Montages: Specifications of Realistic Programming Languages"
Philipp W. Kutter,
Daniel Schweizer,
and Lothar Thiele,
"Integrating Domain Specific Language Design in the Software
Life Cycle"
Keehang Kwon,
"A Structured Presentation of a Closure-Based Compilation
Method for a Scoping Notion in Logic Programming"
Alexei Lisitsa
and Gennady Osipov,
"Evolving algebras and labelled deductive systems for the semantic
network based reasoning"
Marcelo de Almeida Maia
and Roberto da Silva Bigonha,
"The Formal Specification of the Interactive
Abstract State Machine Language"
Marcelo de Almeida Maia,
Vladimir Oliveira Di Iorio,
and Roberto da Silva Bigonha,
"Interacting Abstract State Machines"
Marcelo de Almeida Maia
and Roberto da Silva Bigonha,
"An ASM-Based Approach for Mobile Systems"
Petr Matousek,
"Semantics of the Process Description Language"
Wolfgang May,
"Complex Transitions in Evolving Algebras"
Wolfgang May,
"Modeling Rule-Based and Structured Systems with Evolving Algebras"
Wolfgang May,
"Specifying Complex and Structured Systems with Evolving Algebras"
Luca Mearelli,
"Refining an ASM Specification of the Production Cell to C++ Code"
Marcin Mlotkowski,
"Specification and Optimization of the Smalltalk programs"
Markus Mohnen,
"A Compiler Correctness Proof for the Static Link Technique
by means of Evolving Algebras"
Yassine Mokhtari,
Meral Shirazipour,
and Sofiène Tahar,
"A Case Study on Model Checking and Refinement of Abstract State
Lawrence S. Moss
and David E. Johnson, "Dynamic
Interpretations of Constraint-Based Grammar Formalisms"
Lawrence S. Moss
and David E. Johnson,
"Evolving Algebras and Mathematical Models of Language"
Zsolt Németh,
"Definition of a Parallel Execution Model with Abstract State
Zsolt Németh,
and Vaidy Sunderam,
"A Formal Framework for Defining Grid Systems"
Ileana Ober,
"Harmonizing Design Languages with Object-Oriented
Extensions and an Executable Semantics"
Martin Odersky,
"Programming with Variable Functions"
Claus Pahl,
"Towards an Action Refinement Calculus for Abstract State Machines"
Arnd Poetzsch-Heffter,
"Deriving Partial Correctness Logics From Evolving Algebras"
Arnd Poetzsch-Heffter,
"Developing Efficient Interpreters Based
on Formal Language Specifications"
Arnd Poetzsch-Heffter,
"Prototyping Realistic Programming Languages Based
Formal Specificiations"
Andreas Prinz
and Bernhard Thalheim,
"Operational Semantics of Transactions"
Wolfgang Reisig,
"On Gurevich's Theorem on Sequential Algorithms"
Dean Rosenzweig,
Davor Runje,
and Neva Slani,
"Privacy, Abstract Encryption and Protocols: an ASM Model - Part I"
Heinrich Rust,
"Hybrid Abstract State Machines: Using the Hyperreals for Describing
Continuous Changes in a Discrete Notation"
Hisashi Sasaki,
"A Formal Semantics for Verilog-VHDL Simulation
Interoperability by Abstract State Machine"
Hisashi Sasaki,
"A Formal Semantics on Net Delay in Verilog-HDL"
Hisashi Sasaki,
"A New Dynamic Equation Scheduling to extend VHDL-AMS"
Hisashi Sasaki,
Kazunori Mizushima,
and Takeshi Sasaki,
"Semantic Validation of VHDL-AMS by an Abstract State
Takeshi Sasaki,
Hisashi Sasaki,
and Kazunori Mizushima,
"Semantic Analysis of VHDL-AMS by Attribute Grammar"
Gerhard Schellhorn
and Wolfgang Ahrendt,
"Reasoning about Abstract State Machines: The WAM Case Study"
Gerhard Schellhorn,
"Verification of ASM Refinements Using Generalized Forward Simulation"
Joachim Schmid,
"Compiling Abstract State Machines to C++"
Joachim Schmid,
"Compiling Abstract State Machines to C++ (Extended Abstract)"
Robert Stärk
and Stanislas Nanchen,
"A Logic for Abstract State Machines"
Robert Stärk
and Stanislas Nanchen,
"A Logic for Abstract State Machines" (Extended Abstract)
Robert Stärk
and Joachim Schmid,
"Completeness of a Bytecode Verifier and a Certifying Java-to-JVM
Robert Stärk
and Joachim Schmid,
"Java bytecode verification is not possible (Extended Abstract)"
Robert Stärk,
Joachim Schmid,
and Egon Börger,
"Java and the Java Virtual Machine"
Arno Schönegge,
"Extending Dynamic Logic for
Reasoning about Evolving Algebras"
Wolfgang Schönfeld,
"Interacting Abstract State Machines"
Michael Schrefl and
Gerti Kappel,
"Cooperation Contracts"
Marc Spielmann,
"Automatic Verification of Abstract State Machines"
Marc Spielmann,
"Model Checking Abstract State Machines and Beyond"
Marc Spielmann,
"Verification of Relational Transducers for Electronic
Karl Stroetmann,
"The Constrained Shortest Path Problem: A Case Study In Using ASMs"
Jürgen Teich,
Philipp Kutter,
and Ralph Weper,
"Description and Simulation of Microprocessor Instruction Sets Using
Hans Tonino,
"A Sound and Complete SOS-Semantics for
Non-Distributed Deterministic Abstract State Machines"
Hans Tonino,
"A Theory of Many-sorted Evolving Algebras"
Hans Tonino
and Joost Visser,
"Stepwise Refinement of an Abstract State Machine for WHNF-Reduction
of Lambda-Terms"
M. Vale,
"The Evolving Algebra Semantics of COBOL. Part 1:
Programs and Control"
Joost Visser,
"Evolving Algebras"
Charles Wallace,
"The Semantics of the C++ Programming Language"
Charles Wallace,
"The Semantics of the Java Programming Language: Preliminary Version"
Charles Wallace,
Guy Tremblay,
and José Nelson Amaral,
"An Abstract State Machine Specification and Verification of the
Location Consistency Memory Model and Cache Protocol"
Kirsten Winter,
"Model Checking Abstract State Machines"
Kirsten Winter,
"Model Checking for Abstract State Machines"
Kirsten Winter,
"Supporting Abstraction when Model Checking ASM"
Kirsten Winter,
"Towards a Methodology for Model Checking ASM: Lessons learned from
the FLASH Case Study"
A.V. Zamulin,
"Algebraic Specification of Dynamic Objects"
A.V. Zamulin,
"Generic Facilities in Object-Oriented ASMs"
A.V. Zamulin,
"Object-Oriented Abstract State Machines"
A.V. Zamulin,
"Specification of an Oberon Compiler By Means of a Typed
Gurevich Machine"
A.V. Zamulin,
"Specification of Dynamic Systems by Typed Gurevich
A.V. Zamulin,
"Specifications in-the-Large by Typed ASMs"
A.V. Zamulin,
"State-based Semantics of a Pascal-like Language"
A.V. Zamulin,
"Typed Gurevich Machines Revisited"
Wolf Zimmerman
and Thilo Gaul,
"On the Construction of Correct Compiler Back-Ends: An ASM Approach"
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