portrait photo with white background

Tang, Yi (唐毅)

Email: [first] [last initial] [at] umich [dot] edu



I am currently a Ph.D. student in Computer Science and Engineering at University of Michigan. I work on lattice problems with Chris Peikert.

I got my Master's degree in computer science at Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University. During that time I worked on lattice problems with Oded Regev, and applied cryptography with Yevgeniy Dodis.

Prior to NYU, I got my Bachelor's degree in computer science at Peking University. My undergraduate research focused on physically unclonable functions, supervised by Yongzhi Cao [zh].

Research Interests

My research interests include the area of lattice problems, post-quantum as well as applied cryptography, theoretical machine learning, and theoretical computer science in general.


Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department, University of Michigan, MI present

Ph.D. in CSE | GPA: 4.0

Courses Computational Complexity, Randomness and Computation, Advanced Graph Algorithms, Programming Languages, Lattices in Cryptography, Encrypted Systems, Foundations of Artificial Intelligence; Algebra.

Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University, NY May 2020

M.S. in Computer Science | GPA: 3.972

Courses Quantum Computation, Introduction to Cryptography, Hardness of Approximation, Foundations of Machine Learning, Bayesian Machine Learning, Mathematics of Deep Learning, Deep Learning, Numerical Methods, Numerical Optimization, Convex and Nonsmooth Optimization.

School of Electronics Engineering and Computer Science [zh], Peking University [zh], Beijing July 2018

B.S. in Computer Science | Major GPA: 3.967 | Overall GPA: 3.708

Selected courses Algorithm Design and Analysis, Theoretical Computer Science, Information Theory, Java Programming, JavaScript Web Programming, Functional Programming, Operating Systems, Computer Networks, Compiler Design, Parallel and Distributed Computing, Machine Learning; Mathematical Analysis, Advanced Algebra, Stochastic Processes, Functional Analysis; Atomic Physics, Quantum Mechanics.


Hedging Zero-Knowledge Proofs

Paul Grubbs, Yi Tang, Pengxiang Wang


Cryptanalysis of Lattice-Based Sequentiality Assumptions and Proofs of Sequential Work

Chris Peikert, Yi Tang

CRYPTO 2024. ia.cr/2023/1880.

ASMesh: Anonymous and Secure Messaging in Mesh Networks Using Stronger, Anonymous Double Ratchet

Alexander Bienstock, Paul Rösler, Yi Tang

CCS 2023. ia.cr/2023/1053.

Improved Hardness of BDD and SVP Under Gap-(S)ETH

Huck Bennett, Chris Peikert, Yi Tang

ITCS 2022 (Slides). arXiv:2109.04025.

Multicast Key Agreement, Revisited

Alexander Bienstock, Yevgeniy Dodis, Yi Tang

CT-RSA 2022. ia.cr/2021/1570.

The Shift PUF: Technique for Squaring the Machine Learning Complexity of Arbiter-based PUFs (Work-in-Progress)

Yi Tang, Donghang Wu, Yongzhi Cao, Marian Margraf

ESWEEK 2020 – CASES 2020 (Paper, Slides).

Continuous LWE

Joan Bruna, Oded Regev, Min Jae Song, Yi Tang

STOC 2021 (Slides, HCLWE Animation, CLWE Animation, Poster). arXiv:2005.09595, ECCC:TR20-080.

Nearly Optimal Embeddings of Flat Tori

Ishan Agarwal, Oded Regev, Yi Tang

APPROX 2020 (Slides). arXiv:2005.00098.

Sample Essentiality and Its Application to Modeling Attacks on Arbiter PUFs

Siwen Zhu, Yi Tang, Junxiang Zheng, Yongzhi Cao, Hanpin Wang, Yu Huang, Marian Margraf.

ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems, Volume 18, Issue 5, Article 42 (October 2019). DOI: 10.1145/3344148.


Nearly Optimal Embeddings of Flat Tori into Hilbert Space May 2020

Master's thesis.

Computer Science Master's Thesis Prize.

A Structural Improvement to XOR Arbiter PUFs and Its Security Analysis May 2018

Undergraduate thesis.


Graduate Student Instructor for Advanced Cryptography, University of Michigan Fall 2023

Research Assistant, New York University Summer 2019

Grader for Fundamental Algorithms, New York University Spring 2019, Fall 2019, Spring 2020

Research Projects

Point Counting in Reed-Solomon Codes/Lattices 2022-2023

Efficiency Comparison of TreeKEM Variants June 2019

Implementation of Generic Signal Messaging Protocol April 2019


Selected Honors

Programming Languages

JavaScript (HTML/CSS), C/C++, Scheme, Python, Haskell, OCaml, Go, Java, Mathematica, MATLAB, shell (Bash, Zsh).