TreeKEM Comparison

See Messaging Layer Security (MLS) for descriptions about TreeKEM, Keep the Dirt: Tainted TreeKEM, Adaptively and Actively Secure Continuous Group Key Agreement about tainted TreeKEM, and Multicast Key Agreement, Revisited about Multicast.

See the GitHub repository for the library source codes and a detailed specification about the algorithms and the meaning of the options.


Left-balanced binary tree –

Perfect binary tree –

B tree –

LLRB tree –

Algorithm – preset: MLS TreeKEM

Algorithm – preset: tainted TreeKEM

Algorithm – preset: Multicast

Algorithm – custom

Simulation – initial group size n:

Simulation – random operation number k:

Simulation – add operation weight wadd:

Simulation – remove operation weight wremove = 1 - wadd - wupdate

Simulation – update operation weight wupdate:


( )

Method n T wadd wremove wupdate #add #remove #update #PRG #PKE.Gen #PKE.Enc #OTP #SKE.Gen #SKE.Enc