Jason J. Corso
Associate Professor
Electrical Engineering
and Computer Science

University of Michigan
Email: jjcorso@eecs.umich.edu
Office: 4227 EECS
Phone: 734-647-8833
Bio: [txt]
Vita: [pdf]
Hours: M-R 1330-1500 when door open
Appt preferred: BOOK
When all else fails: eecs-corso-va@umich.edu
Cal: Availability
Email Policy

Index Page Anchors
Selected Publications
Code and Data

Publication Tag Cloud
active clustering  activity recognition  artificial intelligence  augmented reality  belief propagation  bioinformatics  biomarkers  biometrics  braintumor  cognitive systems  computational finance  computer forensics  computer graphics  computer vision  computer-aided diagnosis  cosegmentation  data mining  deformable  dictionary transfer  digitial humanities  document imaging  domain adaptation  dynamic linear models  endoscopy  evaluation  event recognition  facade detection  face detection  face recognition  feature extraction  fusion  gesture recognition  gpu  grammar  graph cuts  graph-based  graphical models  haptics  hierarchical  higher-order  human pose estimation  human-computer interaction  image denoising  image processing  image retrieval  image understanding  language grounding  localization  lung imaging  machine learning  mapping  max-margin  medical imaging  metric learning  mobile robotics  mosaicking  motion estimation  mrf  multimedia  natural language  navigation  neuroimaging  object detection  ontology  probabilistic ontology  protein structure prediction  random forest  reconstruction  segmentation  semantic segmentation  slam  spectral clustering  spine imaging  stereo  streaming  supervoxel  surgical robotics  tomographic reconstruction  tracking  video summarization  video to text  video understanding  visual psychophysics  volume rendering  voxel maps 

Job Openings and Notes to Prospective Students
I am always looking for bright students and visitors, and I generally add one new PhD student per year. Interested students are encouraged to study the EECS graduate programs and make an application. Directly contacting me is unnecessary; I cannot respond to most such emails. Indicate your interest in my research group in your application. I do not support summer internship students and will not respond to such emails.

Engineering opening is below. A Postdoc/Research Scientist will be posted very soon.

Position Open As of 10/2016 and not yet filled

Engineer Position Available
University of Michigan (Ann Arbor)
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department

A engineer position is available in Jason Corso's computer vision and robotics research group.

The specific position will entail primarily software engineering work, with an initial emphasis on web-development to support Prof. Corso's research projects in computer vision and robotics that leverage a web-based infrastructure to gather and curate data. These projects are on the international stage and funded by the National Science Foundation. The Engineer will garner exposure to the international computer vision and robotics communities. Applicants should have some knowledge of computer vision and robotics areas; advanced degrees and research experience in these areas preferred but not required. Some front-end web-design experience is preferred. Applicants must have experience with Python, {My,Postgres}SQL, Javascript/AJAX and C/C++; experience with Matlab, Haskell and ROS is preferred. Applicant must be well-versed in Linux/Unix.

The position is available immediately.

Direct questions to Jason Corso jjcorso@eecs.umich.edu

To apply, please fill out the form at http://www.jotform.us/form/52256126683154

About the University of Michigan

The Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department at the University of Michigan is among the leading departments of its kind in the nation, and is home to 150+ faculty who teach, mentor, lead, and conduct remarkable research that addresses some of the world's biggest challenges in areas such as power and energy, transportation, information security, and healthcare. Our research activity, which is presently supported by more than $60M annually in funding, is among the largest of any EE and CS program in the country. http://www.eecs.umich.edu/

The College of Engineering is in the process of establishing an interdiscplinary Robotics Institute. The College has more than 25 faculty with research interest in Robotics, a recently established PhD program in Robotics and a new $54 million robotics building is underway. http://robotics.umich.edu/

The University of Michigan is one of the world's leading research universities, with more than $1.3 billion in research expenditures annually. It has been ranked the #1 public research university by the National Science Foundation (2014) and the 3rd best U.S. public university by US News and World Report (2015). With 19 schools and colleges, the University is rich with opportunity for collaboration and cross-disciplinary inquiry. http://www.umich.edu/

Finally, Ann Arbor is a vibrant, cultural city of 140,000 residents with rich urban and rural activities including international music venues, theater, nightlife as well as the Huron river, the Great Lakes and many parks and green-spaces. http://www.mlive.com/ann-arbor/

last updated: Wed Dec 11 11:05:29 2019; copyright jcorso
Please report broken links to Prof. Corso jjcorso@eecs.umich.edu .