Jason J. Corso
Publications List
tag: gpu
P. B. Noël, A. Walczak, J. Xu, J. J. Corso, K. R. Hoffmann, and
S. Schafer.
GPU-based cone beam computed tomography.
Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 98(3):271--277,
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P. B. Noël, A. Walczak, K. R. Hoffmann, J. Xu, J. J. Corso, and
S. Schafer.
Clinical Evaluation of GPU-Based Cone Beam Computed Tomography.
In Proceedings of High-Performance Medical Image Computing and
Computer-Aided Intervention (HP-MICCAI), 2008.
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J. Leven, J. J. Corso, J. D. Cohen, and S. Kumar.
Interactive Visualization of Unstructured Grids Using Hierarchical
3D Textures.
In Proceedings of IEEE/SIGGRAPH Symposium on Volume
Visualization and Graphics 2002, pages 37--44, 2002.
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J. J. Corso and J. D. Cohen.
Out-Of-Core Voxelization of Large Scalar Fields for Interactive
Multiresolution Volume Rendering.
Technical report, The Johns Hopkins University, 2002.
Graphics Lab Technical Report.
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