EECS 583: Advanced Compilers

Fall 2023

Home / announcements | Course syllabus | Reading list |
Schedule | Lecture Notes | Homeworks | Links


Class meeting time

10:30-12:30 Mon/Fri (We'll start class at 10:35)
The class will meet in 1500 EECS (Monday) and 1571 GG Brown (Friday) and be livecast on Zoom.
Lecture link on Zoom; passcode: eecs583

Lecture recordings for past lectures: Doc with Zoom links


Scott Mahlke
Office: 4633 Beyster
Email: mahlke at
Office hours: Mon/Fri 12-12:30 (Right after class); or, by appointment


Aditya Vasudevan
Email: adivasu at
Office hours: Tue 2-4pm, Wed 12-2pm, Thu 2-4pm; all on Zoom (link below)

Tarunesh Verma
Email: tarunesh at
Office hours: Mon 2-4pm, Wed 2-4pm, Fri 2-4pm; all on Zoom (link below)

GSI office hours link on Zoom; passcode: eecs583

Course newsgroup

See the EECS 583 class page at All EECS 583 students should be able to access the site.
To get access to the piazza group, sign up here

Old exams to study from (Note, F17-F14 were taught by a different instructor, hence they are less useful)

Home / announcements | Course syllabus | Reading list |
Schedule | Lecture Notes | Homeworks | Links