Sum03 JES Development
Here's our JES development space for Summer 2003:
Fall2003 Turnin
FINAL Versions
Oh crap! I just thought of...
- Not Logged In -> Not Registered Done
- hw1 + debugger crashed - can't duplicate
- Show / Hide Debugger
- All that copyright / intro stuff
A repository for new documentation files:
Standalone Releases
We'll place here standalone releases. The format I think is best is just including a jython install and a jre with the distribution. Of course, then the distros are platform-specific. The advantage is that you can unzip and run immediately. Maybe we'll put together an installer.
- 7/3 First SA release: JES-SA1a.zip, Windows only
- Just unzip and click on JES.bat
- A DOS window will quickly flash. Wait a little for the VM to load, and JES will pop up.
- I'd like to have some sort of splash screen or loading status box.
- 7/7 Second SA Try: JES-SA2.zip, Windows only
- Same as above, but click JES.exe, yes that's right .exe.
- Has a loading splash screen and fun cute snake icons.
- I've only tried it on XP and 2000, and I know 98 has some problems with java running out of the console. Please give it a try.
- If we're going to go this way, the software to make the exe is about $40
- 7/9 New SA: JES-SA2b.zip
- 7/10 SA with MediaTools: JES-SA2c.zip Sometimes you won't be able to load pictures in windows, so can't use the picture tool. Play nice now...
- 7/14 SA: JES-SA2d.zip with fixed JavaPicture, fixed makeMovie, and state-holding pickAFile()s. No movie playback... yet. Here's a sample of code to make movies the "new and improved way" hw5.py. No more writing out every frame to a file... well... okay it still does that, but it's a hidden temporary file. It's transparent (dum-dum-dum).
- 7/15 SA: JES-SA2e.zip
- New debugger pictures
- New error system incorporated
- Improved Sound and picture Viewers
- More solid and stable all around
- To play movies, you need to install quicktime with Quicktime for Java. Install quicktime the custom way, and check the box for Quicktime for Java. In the future We'll bundle an installer.
- To open a movie, openMovie(path) simple!
- 7/23 SA: Hungry? Why wait, try JES-SA2f.zip
- Full of non copyright-infringing goodness
- 7/25 SA: JES-SA2g.zip
- 7/30 SA: JES-SA2h.zip
- 8/7 SA: JES-SA2i.zip
- Hopefully all bugs fixed
- Load empty file gives correct error message
- Picture repaint issue solved
Once we get the first updated code, we'll make a page for builds where people can submit their current versions and get the latest, greatest. We'll post links to the latest zip of everything on this main page:
- Original JES
- Build for 7/15/03: jes715.zip
- New debugger pictures
- New error system incorporated
- Improved Sound and picture Viewers
- More solid and stable all around
- Make sure you put JMF-2.1.1e/lib/jmf.jar in your classpath in your jython startup script.
- Build for 7/14/03: jes714.zip
- Hopefully fixes JavaPicture bug.
- media.py: makeMovieFromPictures(:list of media.Picture:, :path to .mov:, :optional framerate:=30)
- Build for 7/10/03: jes710.zip, with MediaTools
- Build for 7/02/03: jes702.zip
- Little Build for 6/27/03: jes627.zip
- Build for 6/24/03: jes624.zip
- Build for 6/18/2003 version 2: jes618v2.zip
- Now without ^M^M w00t!
- check it out, it's cool
- Build for 6/18/2003: jes618.zip
- Installation is the Alternative Way To Install JES
- install jython, Jython.org
- from the directory you installed JES in, type $../path/to/jython/jython JESProgram.py
- More detailed instruction are at: http://coweb.cc.gatech.edu/cs1315/183
- Build for 6/11/2003: jes610.zip
- Contextual help
- fixed repaint()
- A new gutter class (not hooked in yet)
- Build for 5/28/2003: jesbuild528.zip
- Notes from the Meeting:
- loaded-not loaded
- on open, delete ^M^M
- typos
- not opening on open
- Build for 5/20/2003: jesbuild-5-20.zip
- 5-20Readme.txt - Check out what's included
- Notes from the Meeting:
- Need to load button color
- Clear yellow after single character - after load
- prohibit method overriding - warning message
- cut, copy, paste command keys and menu items
- Windows look and feel on Mac, same functionality? metal
- show(santa, "Title") - Title Bar - timestamp, optional argument -just basename in title - set size(big enough to contain base file name)
- makeEmptyPicture(x, y), makeEmptySound(length[, sampling rate])
- upload turnin to coweb
- Expert mode with backtrace, add more information to the novice mode
- print pic, pic
Also, we'll have a system in place for versioning and cheking out code. We'll talk about specifics on Wednesday. Basically, we need to set up a way to make sure that everyone's code still works together and we don't get multiple incompatible versions.
Here is the ever-growing list of JES bugs. When you find a bug, please add it to the page. If you're feeling brave enough to tackle a bug, move it to the claimed bug section and put a link to your page along with the bug description. We'll also put links to your bug pages here:
MediaTools Incorporation
Ellie and Keith are working on this, and we'll post a link here to the development page. If you guys want to put a little description or status update here, that would be cool.
Here is The JESDB Page. Toby is working on the debugger.
We need some tests to run on the builds to make sure that everything's working the way it should and that previously working things aren't broken.
- CS1315 Homeworks. This is the main test. They all worked last semester, so they should still work this summer. The CNN headline movie generating one would be good for using a lot of features at once.
- Here's a little function that'll run all the homeworks and catch any errors and spit 'em out. Whe you make some changes, load this and run regTest(). Included are all the files and directories needed. regTest will ask for you to set the media path (the root of the zip), and then you can set back and relax (It takes a while). - regTest.zip
- Copy-and-paste and file loading. We need to make sure that this still works on each build. We should load some test programs in addition to typing them in.
- Multiple Platforms. We have Macs and WinPCs in the lab to run all the tests on.
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