Bug fixes and improvements for 5-20 JES build: Showing a picture cuts off a bunch of pixels under the title bar. I subclassed JFrame instead of putting the picture in a component within the content of the JFrame. makeColor should only take the LS byte, like setGreen, setBlue, and setRed: Done! setMediaPath and getMediaFolder have to match: Done! Clean out the yellow highlight after error. Done! Namespace should be cleaned out after a Load. If students forget a function, but had it ONCE, their code will still work. (Adam pointed out that clearing out the entire space is not a good idea, looking at other solutions - Toby) Done The solution is in JESThread.py run method Most common bug: Save the code but forget to load. Need to make that NOT happen. - Done! The save dialog on loading does not actually save it.- Done! You can move the cursor back too far in the command window, and it will then clip the first letter from your command Done How about making TAB only move two spaces? Since the indentation is "supposed" to be two spaces, could we make the TAB key reflect that? (oh, i just saw that it's just a constant... cool)Done! It would be a good idea to give the command window the focus after pressing "load" - Done! Could we color comments differently from the code? - Done! Syntax coloring of strings!!! Would make it so much easier for the students to visualize the strings!Done! Redesigned turnin dialog