Sum03 technology page
Let's use An alternative way to install JES. This installs Jython and all the JES source.
As you change code, upload it here. We'll post weekly zips with all the fixes that everyone has.
Desired Enhancements
- Need a Debugger
- Want to be able to view graph of sound samples in JES.
- Want to be able to get pixel RGB values via direct manipulation in JES.
- (Wish) Want to be able to play folders of frames from within JES, and maybe even generate movies.
- (Wish) Want to be able to record sounds and do FFT's from within JES.
Known Java Bugs
(Java code is on the Technology page. There are four files: JavaPicture.java, JavaSound.java, BackgroundCloser.java, JavaPixel.java)
- Showing a picture cuts off a bunch of pixels under the title bar. I subclassed JFrame instead of putting the picture in a component within the content of the JFrame.
- Sounds only work for one bufferful, then there's an off-by-one error.
- We could use JavaDoc for all of it.
Known JES Bugs
- Need to get rid of the double ^M^M that occurs, sometimes.
- Clean out the yellow highlight after error.
- Most common bug: Save the code but forget to load. Need to make that NOT happen.
- Tabnanny doesn't always work – it catches error and hides other errors.
- Mail turnin doesn't always work off-campus.
- In particular, may be an interaction with attached comments.
- Namespace should be cleaned out after a Load. If students forget a function, but had it ONCE, their code will still work.
Media.py errors (Mark's)
- makeColor should only take the LS byte, like setGreen, setBlue, and setRed
- setMediaPath and getMediaFolder have to match
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