Errors? Error Messages? They suck!
- "JES must be restarted before some changes will take affect." What does that mean?!
- I read that as "JES must be retarded before some changes will take effect." It means that the preferences are written out to a file, and the file must be read in on startup for the settings to take effect. It would be best if we didn't have to restart. :) Adam Wilson
- It would be nice indeed. It seems that the only setting that you actually need to restart to account for changes is the font size. This seems to be the case because the font size is set in the editor window only at the creation of the editor window document, and the font it uses is grabbed from self.editor.program.userFont, which is of course set in the __init__ function in JESProgram.py. Oddly enough, this is done twice, for no apparant reason. Maybe that's an oversight. Anyway, maybe we could save the current editor document on a font change, then create a new document with the font change in effect? I think this would work, and shall investigate. -Shaggz
- Check that, we'd also have to make a new command document. -Shaggz
- Turns out, we don't really have to do either. It's done -Shaggz/Eric/Bonmalmo
- Note to self - __init__ in JESProgram still seems to be reading the config file twice. need to look at that.
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