Yu Cheung "toby" Ho
Email: airport@cc.gatech.edu
Working on
- The JESDB Page
- add stereo support for media.py
- I'd like to work on the midi port hehe!!! first version done! You need to download the new media.py and JavaMusic.java and compile it. Now you can do playNote(note, duration), where note is a note number in midi(some thing in the range 44 - 80 will definitely be audible), and duration is in milliseconds. music.py - a cool example!

- Showing a picture cuts off a bunch of pixels under the title bar. I subclassed JFrame instead of putting the picture in a component within the content of the JFrame. Done
- Namespace should be cleaned out after a Load. If students forget a function, but had it ONCE, their code will still work. (Adam pointed out that clearing out the entire space is not a good idea, looking at other solutions - Toby) Done The solution is in JESThread.py run method
- You can move the cursor back too far in the command window, and it will then clip the first letter from your command Done
- Windows look and feel on Mac, same functionality? metal. Done
- prohibit method overriding - warning message Done!! This is cool, try it.
- show(santa, "Title") - Title Bar - timestamp, optional argument -just basename in title - set size(big enough to contain base file name) Done
- repaint doesn't work?done
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