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Currently Working On

Implemented a fix on Save,Open,and Load. Its a simple filter based on the replace command. It checked for '^M' and replaced with ''. After implementing this I attempted to break JES and the first batch of blur code i typed had the M&M error in it ... so for now im doing more research but still somewhat at a loss ...

As of Thurs. the 19th of June I had noticed that ^M^M wasnt the problem and \n\n was... wrote a filter specificallly to deal with that ... was testing it ... however as of Friday 20th of June Adam seems to have killed the bug ... :)

done a lot of blurring already ... Gaussian and optical illusion methods(based on posterize ... ) are still up in the air ...


I may have added an error to matt's code... not sure ... checking into it.

Uploaded Image: flower1.jpg

blur-levelSimple BlurX Simple BlurY Simple FullBlur Modified Matt's BlurLarry's Blur
blur1Uploaded Image: blurx1.jpgUploaded Image: blury1.jpgUploaded Image: fullblur1.jpgUploaded Image: mattfullavgblur1.jpgUploaded Image: larryfullavgblur1.jpg
blur2Uploaded Image: blurx2.jpgUploaded Image: blury2.jpgUploaded Image: fullblur2.jpgUploaded Image: mattfullavgblur2.jpgUploaded Image: larryfullavgblur2.jpg
blur3Uploaded Image: blurx3.jpgUploaded Image: blury3.jpgUploaded Image: fullblur3.jpgUploaded Image: mattfullavgblur3.jpgUploaded Image: larryfullavgblur3.jpg
blur4Uploaded Image: blurx4.jpgUploaded Image: blury4.jpgUploaded Image: fullblur4.jpgUploaded Image: mattfullavgblur4.jpgUploaded Image: larryfullavgblur4.jpg
blur5Uploaded Image: blurx5.jpgUploaded Image: blury5.jpgUploaded Image: fullblur5.jpgUploaded Image: mattfullavgblur5.jpgUploaded Image: larryfullavgblur5.jpg

Fresh Blurriness
This Blur is the fastest I can devise. It is the same as Blur except that the two for loops are split up.This is a standard Bluring function. It makes a "block" and moves it around. Averaged based bluriness. This final one is the standard Blur except that it upon completion the user can readily play with his or her blurry picture at the command line and gets a file version of it to ... for FREE !!!!!

We have the originial picture and run on it to get ... Here we have the larger picture with pixelation visible so next we run on it to get ... This is the end product as is visible the pixelation seems gone or at least less
Uploaded Image: flower1.jpgUploaded Image: BiggerFlower.jpgUploaded Image: BiggerFlowerBlurred.jpg
commands that got us here step1- resize(3) step2- file = makePicture(pickAFile()) —Blur(file,2) show(file) — writePictureTo(file,"some path")
Uploaded Image: Barb.jpgUploaded Image: BarbGrown.jpgUploaded Image: BarbBlurred.jpg
same commands except step1 it was resize(2) not (3) same same

Okay, im an idiot. As it turns out Matt's Blur runs the exact same as mine for the most part. I had just confused x-size and y-size with variable names instead of realizing that they were x minus size or y minus size. Ive added a commented version up at the link.

Thats all I have for Blur so lets move on.

Shrinkage and growth
So thats the file for it. It works for most anything. Something to note: you must change the finalpic.jpg to something completely different after every use (unless of course you want to delete said .jpg from your hardrive and then restart JES Or perhaps you only want to make something smaller - for the love of god though whatever you do either change that filename or dont try to make a picture bigger than the height of finalpic.jpg's current height.
Come to think of it you may need to kill both files it creates ... ill check into this

Red Eyes ... anyone ???
Well you might not have redeye your self or even pink eye for that matter ... but im sure you have a picture that does. So lets deal with it. Now this isnt a fancy fangled algorithm. Its simple. As such its output is simple... and sometimes a wee bit freakish looking. So wanna see this for yourself ??? Here is how you do it .
1) pic a picture out and open it in mediatools-get an x,y pair above and to the left of the eyes in question and also a pair below and to the right.
2) Next pop open good ol JES and open and Load the code.
3)make yerself a picture and give it a name.
4) make yerself a good lookin colorand give it a name 0,0,0 is black 255,255,255 is white so depending on the picture pick triplets that seem to match the dark ring that separates the iris and white of the eye.
5) next plug all this good ol stuff into a call at the command line ...RemoveRedEye(Picture,a,b,x,y,NiftyColor)
6) finally, yeh can show yerself that pretty picture you done created

OK, got a fresh redeye killer. This one based on the distance function. Its shorter but still uses a "Threshold" ... depending on the pic I'd say that threshold should be around 150 - 170... unless you wanna blur one eye at a time. Then you could use somewhere around 180 or higher and really really get all the red out. Perhaps a good initial homework would be to write a function that blurs two eyes at once based on 4 coordinate pairs ...

Maybe an algorithm that makes people look like they are from Arrakis (Dune) would be fun ???

Fresh Splash Screen Idea(s) ...
Uploaded Image: JESsplash.jpg Uploaded Image: Splash4.png
Uploaded Image: JEssplash.gif

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