Pre-prints and selected publications
Communications, Game theory and Mechanism design
- A. Sinha and A. Anastasopoulos, "Distributed Mechanism Design with Learning Guarantees'', Netecon 2017 (accepted).
- A. Sinha and A. Anastasopoulos, "Incentive Mechanisms for Fairness among Strategic Agents,'' JSAC (Special Issue on Game Theory for Networks) (see also arXiv report for the most updated version).
- A. Sinha and A. Anastasopoulos, "Structured Perfect Bayesian Equilibrium in Infinite Horizon Dynamic Games with Asymmetric Information, Allerton 2016.
- D. Vasal and A. Anastasopoulos, "Decentralized Bayesian learning in dynamic games'', Allerton 2016.
- D. Vasal and A. Anastasopoulos, "Signaling equilibria for dynamic LQG games with asymmetric information,'' CDC 2016.
- D. Vasal and A. Anastasopoulos, "A systematic process for evaluating structured perfect Bayesian equilibria in dynamic games with asymmetric information,'' ACC 2016 (version with static types: arXiv report-Aug 2015) (updated version with dynamic types).
- D. Vasal, V. Subramanian and A. Anastasopoulos, "Incentive Design for Learning in User-Recommendation Systems'' Asilomar 2015.
- A. Sinha and A. Anastasopoulos, "Generalized Proportional Allocation Mechanism Design for Multi-rate Multicast Service on the Internet,'' Allerton 2013 (see also arXiv report for the most updated version).
- A. Sinha and A. Anastasopoulos, "A Practical Mechanism for Network Utility Maximization for Unicast Flows on the Internet,'' ICC 2015, (see also CSPL report, and arXiv version)
- D. Vasal and A. Anastasopoulos, "Stochastic control of relay channels with cooperative and strategic users,'' IEEE Trans. Communications, 2014.
Communication/Information theory and Control
- A. Anastasopoulos and J. Wu, "Variable-length codes for channels with memory and feedback: error-exponent lower bounds,'' ISIT 2017 (accepted).
- A. Anastasopoulos and J. Wu, "Variable-length codes for channels with memory and feedback: error-exponent upper bounds,'' ISIT 2017 (rejected).
- J. Wu and A. Anastasopoulos, "Zero-rate achievability of posterior matching schemes for channels with memory,'' ISIT 2016.
- J. Wu and A. Anastasopoulos, "On the capacity of the general trapdoor channel with feedback,'' ISIT 2016.
- J. Wu and A. Anastasopoulos, "The feedback capacity of a class of finite state MAC channels,'' ISIT 2014.
- D. Vasal and A. Anastasopoulos, "Stochastic control of relay channels with cooperative and strategic users,'' IEEE Trans. Communications, 2014.
- A. Anastasopoulos, "A sequential transmission scheme for unifilar finite-state channels with feedback based on posterior matching,'' ISIT, 2012
- A. Anastasopoulos and K. Shon, "An interpretation of the Cover and Leung capacity region for the MAC with feedback through stochastic control,'' ICC 2012.
- J.H. Bae and A. Anastasopoulos, "A Posterior Matching Scheme for Finite-State Channels with Feedback,'' ISIT, 2010.
- A. Anastasopoulos, "A sequential transmission sceme for the multiple access channel with noiseless feedback,'' Allerton 2009.
- A. Anastasopoulos, "Energy-delay tradeoff in multiple access channels,'' ISIT 2009 (rejected).
- A. Anastasopoulos, "Delay-optimal hybrid ARQ protocol design for channels and receivers with memory as a stochastic control problem'' ICC 2008.
- S.-Y. Chang, W. E. Stark and A. Anastasopoulos, "Energy-Delay Analysis of MAC Protocols in Wireless Networks,'' IEEE Trans. Wireless Communications, 2008.
Capacity-achieving codes for noisy channels
- J.H. Bae and A. Anastasopoulos, "Capacity-Achieving Codes for Finite-State Markov Channels with Maximum-Likelihood Decoding,'' IEEE JSAC 2009.
- C-H. Hsu and A. Anastasopoulos, "Capacity-Achieving Codes for Noisy Channels with Bounded Graphical Complexity and Maximum Likelihood Decoding,'' IEEE Trans. Information Theory, 2010.
- C-H. Hsu and A. Anastasopoulos, "Capacity-Achieving LDPC Codes through Puncturing,'' IEEE Trans. Information Theory, 2008.
Error-exponents for multi-user channels
- A. Nazari, A. Anastasopoulos, and S. Pradhan "Error Exponent for Multiple-Access Channels: Lower Bounds,'' IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 2014.
- A. Nazari, S. Pradhan, and A. Anastasopoulos "New Bounds on the Maximal Error Exponent for Multiple-Access Channels,'' ISIT 2009 ,(student paper award).
- A. Nazari, S. Pradhan, and A. Anastasopoulos "A new lower bound on the maximal error probability for discrete memoryless multiple-access channels,'' ISIT 2008.
- L. Weng, A. Anastasopoulos, and S. Pradhan, "Diversity Gain Regions for MIMO Fading Broadcast Channels,'' IEEE Transactions on Communications, 2010.
- L. Weng, S. Pradhan, and A. Anastasopoulos "Error Exponent Regions for Gaussian Broadcast and Multiple Access Channels,'' IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 2008.
Analysis and design of LDPC codes
- K. Fu and A. Anastasopoulos "Stopping Set Enumerator Approximations for Finite-Length Protograph LDPC Codes,'' ISIT, Jul. 2007.
Polynomial-complexity optimal receivers
- I. Motedayen, A. Krishnamoorthy and A. Anastasopoulos, "Optimal Joint Detection/Estimation in Fading Channels with Polynomial Complexity,'' IEEE Trans. Information Theory, vol. 53, no. 1, pp. 209 - 223, Jan. 2007.