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Michigan Engineering

Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Radiation Laboratory

Kamal Sarabandi's Research Areas and Projects

Research Areas
Funded Research Projects
  1. "Assessment of Electronic Beam Scanning Technology for Large Aperture Antennas at W-band," Sponsor: BAE, PI: K. Sarabandi, 2/06-1/07.
  2. "Development of 200 MHz to 6 GHz Channelizers Using RFIC Technologies," Sponsor: Lincoln Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 3/06-2/07.
  3. "Phenomenological Study of Millimeter-Wave Technology for Helicopter Assisted Landing System," PI: K. Sarabandi, Sponsor: DARPA, 2/06-1/07.
  4. "Assisted Aircraft Landing: Modeling and Simulation Millimeter-wave imaging radar response of runway and Airport Environment," Sponsor: BAE, PI: K. Sarabandi, 2/06-1/07.
  5. "Development of High-Q Tunable MEMS Filters for 3-6 GHz," Direct Sponsor: USAF, Wyle Laboratories, PI: G. Rebeiz, Co-PI: K. Sarabandi, 2/1/06-1/31/07.
  6. "Tunable Frequency Selective Surface," Direct Sponsor: Science Applications International Corporation, Prime Sponsor: DoD, PI: K. Sarabandi, 9/1/2005-8/31/2006.
  7. "Reconfigurable compact microwave antenna: a feasibility study," Sponsor: Science Applications International Corporation, PI: K. Sarabandi, 7/1/2005-9/1/2005.
  8. "CMOS Circuits for 24GHz Receiver," Subcontract from Purdue, Prime Sponsor: DARPA, PI: K. Sarabandi, 11/01/2004-12/31/2005.
  9. "A Study of Array of Phased Arrays for Large Aperture Synthesis for Deep Space Applications and Rover Based Missions," Sponsor: JPL, PI: K. Sarabandi, 4/20/2005-9/30/2007.
  10. "Focused situation awareness (FSA) for urban operations," Sponsor: SAIC/DARPA, PI: K. Sarabandi, 11/1/04-10/31/08.
  11. "Standoff Human Carried Explosive Detection System (SHEDS)," PI: K. Sarabandi, Co-PI: A. Nashashibi, Sponsor: DARPA/TTO, Subcontract from Set Associates, 1/1/05-4/1/07.
  12. "Use of Radar Data for Large-Scale Monitoring of Biomass Change in the Amazon," PI: K. Sarabandi, Co-PI: L. Pierce, Sponsor: NASA, 5/04-4/07.
  13. "Multifunctional Adaptive Radio, Radar, and Sensors," Subcontract from Purdue, Sponsor: DARPA, 1/1/2004-30/11/2005, PI: K. Sarabandi.
  14. "Near-Earth Propagation Modeling," Sponsor: ARL, 10/03-9/07, PI: K. Sarabandi.
  15. "Basic Concept Studies of Large Array Calibration Using In-Orbit Target," Sponsor: JPL, 11/03-10/05, PI: K. Sarabandi, Co-PI: A. Nashashibi.
  16. "Concept Study of a Quasi-optical Phased Array for 60-GHz Secure Communications System," Sponsor: Department of Air Force, AFRL, 9/1/03-11/30/03. PI: A. Mortazawi, CO-PI: K. Sarabandi.
  17. "GLORIA -- Geostationary/Low-Earth Orbiting Radar Image Acquisition System: A Multi-static GEO/LEO Synthetic Aperture Radar Satellite Constellation for Earth Observation," Funded by NASA, 3/1/2003-3/1/2004, PI: K. Sarabandi, CO-Is: J. Kellndorfer, L. Pierce, NASA GRS team: G. Ponchak, R. Simons.
  18. "Creation and Maintenance of Radar Clutter Database," Funded by Army Research Laboratory, 10/1/02-9/30/05, PI: K. Sarabandi, Co-PI: L. Pierce.
  19. "Multi-band Foliage Propagation Measurements," Funded by U.S. Army CECOM, 8/1/02-7/31/03, PI: K. Sarabandi, Co-Is: M. Casciato, A. Nashashibi, and L. Pierce.
  20. "Sequential Adaptive Multi-modality Target Detection and Classification Using Physics-Based Models," MURI proposal, Sponsor: DARPA, 9/1/2002-8/31/2007, Co-PIs: A. Yagle, A. Hero, K. Sarabandi, and M. Bownik.
  21. "Ground Microwave Measurements of Snow-covered Terrain in Support of the NASA Cold Land Processes," Funded by NASA, 9/01-8/02, PI: K. Sarabandi, Co-PI: A. England.
  22. "Collaborative Technology Alliances in Advanced Sensors," Sponsor: Army Research Laboratory, Industry Leader: Sanders, 9/01-9/08, Co-PIs: F.T. Ulaby, K. Sarabandi, L. Katehi, G. Rebeiz.
  23. "Computational Electromagnetics and Acoustics: Programming Environment and Training," Sponsor: DoD High Performance Computing and Modernization Office, PI: K. Sarabandi.
  24. "Simulation of Wave Propagation in Foliage," Sponsor: DARPA, 5/01- 12/03, PI: K. Sarabandi.
  25. "Miniaturized Antennas with Electromagnetic Meta-materials," Sponsor: DARPA, 7/01-6-05, Co-PIs: J. Halloran (Co-PD), and K. Sarabandi (Co-PD), L. Katehi, N. Kikuchi, J. Volakis, and Harris Corporation.
  26. "Construction of a High PRF Pulsed Ku-Band Radar for Measurements of Sea Surface Slope," Sponsor: NASA GSFC, 9/00-7/02, PI: K. Sarabandi.
  27. "Wireless Integrated Microsystems," Sponsor: NSF, 9/00-8/05, 18 Co-Is.
  28. "A Millimeter-wave Scaled Measurement System for Propagation Channel Characterization and a Study of Foliage Penetration," Sponsor: Army Research Office, 4/00-9/03, PI: K. Sarabandi.
  29. "Foliage-Covered Target Detection at Millimeter-wave Frequencies," Sponsor: DARPA/ARL, 5/00-9/02, PI: K. Sarabandi
  30. "Nadir Looking Millimeter-wave Measurement of Foliage," Sponsor: Northrop Grumman Corporation, PI: K. Sarabandi, 10/99-12/99.
  31. "SRTM Calibration and use in Forest Parameters Retrievals," Sponsor: NASA, 11/99-1/03, PI: K. Sarabandi, Co-I: L. Pierce.
  32. "Small HF/VHF Planar Antennas," Sponsor: CACI Inc., 7/99-6/00, PI: K. Sarabandi.
  33. "Advanced Physics-based Propagation Models for Channel Characterization in a Wireless Network," Sponsor: NSF, 11/99-10/02, PI: K. Sarabandi.
  34. "Performance Assessment of Antenna Arrays in a Multi-path Channel," Sponsor: ARO, 6/99-5/00, PI: K. Sarabandi.
  35. "Compact Reconfigurable HF-UHF Antenna," Sponsor: Army Research Office, 4/99-4/03, PI: K. Sarabandi.
  36. "Design and Performance Evaluation of Spread Spectrum Millimeter-wave Radar for Automotive Applications," Sponsor: Mitsubishi Electronics, 1/99-9/02, PI: K. Sarabandi.
  37. "HF-UHF Propagation Prediction Over Rough Terrain," Sponsor: Army Research Office, 6/98-6/99, PI: K. Sarabandi.
  38. "A New Generation of Antenna Structures Based on Novel Composite Material," Sponsor: Army Research Office, 5/98-5/99, PI: L.P. Katehi, Co-PI: K. Sarabandi.
  39. "Radar Background Characterization of the SAR Evaluation Site," Sponsor: U.S. Air Force, subcontract from Group VIII Tech., 6/98-12/98, PI: K. Sarabandi.
  40. "Target Classification and Estimation of Biophysical Parameters using the Correlation Function of the Radar Backscatter," Sponsor: Joint Research Center of European Commission, PI: K. Sarabandi.
  41. "Development of an Advanced Wireless and Microwave Experimental Facilities," Sponsor: Hewlett-Packard Company, January 1997, PI: K. Sarabandi.
  42. "Components and Systems for Communications: An Undergraduate Design Laboratory," Sponsor: National Science Foundation, Submission date: Nov. 1996. Co-PIs: L. Katehi, K. Sarabandi, B. Gilchrist, G. Rebeiz.
  43. "A Novel Millimeter-wave, Low-loss, Electronically Controlled Phase Shifter for Monolithic, Beam-steering Phased Array Antenna Applications," 8/96-12/96, Sponsor ONR, PI:K. Sarabandi.
  44. "Low Energy Electronic Design for Mobile Platforms," 9/96-9/01. Sponsor: Army Research Office, Co-PIs: J Coffey, J. East, A. Hero, L. Katehi, S. Lafortune, P. Mazumder, D. Neuhoff, K. Sarabandi, D. Teneketzis, and K. Wasserman.
  45. "ARL Federated Laboratories: MMW Radar Phenomenology," 1/96-12/95. Sponsor: ARL, PI: F.T. Ulaby, L. Katehi, G. Rebeiz, and K. Sarabandi.
  46. "Lane Detection for Automotive Sensors," 5/96-5/97, Sponsor: TACOM, Co-PIs: K. Kluge, S. Lakshmanan, and K. Sarabandi.
  47. "Millimeter-wave Radars as Advanced Vehicle Control and Warning Systems: A Feasibility Study," 5/96-5/98, Sponsor: General Motors, PI: K. Sarabandi, Co-I Adib Nashashibi.
  48. "Evaluation of Radar Techniques for Assessing Snowcover Conditions and their Effect on the Detection of Hard Targets," 4/95-8/96, Sponsor: Office of Naval Research, PI: K. Sarabandi, Co-I: F.T. Ulaby.
  49. "Digital Topography from SAR Interferometry: Determination of and Correlation for Vegetation Height," 3/95-3/98. Funded by NASA, PI: K. Sarabandi, CoIs: M.C. Dobson and J.J. van Zyl.
  50. "Development and Construction of a 77 GHz Dual-polarized Planar Antenna Array and Associated Reflector," 10/95-10/97. Funded by DaimlerBenz Company, Co-PIs: G.M. Rebeiz, K. Sarabandi, and L.P. Katehi.
  51. "Development of SAR Algorithm for Mapping Soil Moisture and Vegetation Biomass," 10/94-10/97. Funded by NASA, PI: F.T. Ulaby, CoIs: K. Sarabandi and C. Dobson.
  52. "Multi-frequency, Multi-polarization External Calibration of the SIR-C/X-SAR," 10/93-3/99, funded by JPL, PI: K. Sarabandi, CoI: F.T. Ulaby.
  53. "Construct and Deliver an X-band Bistatic Radar System," 9/93-5/94, funded by U.S. Army Engineer Waterways, PI: F.T. Ulaby, CoI: K. Sarabandi.
  54. "Retrieval of Soil Moisture and Roughness from the Polarimetric Radar Response," 5/93-10/96, funded by NASA, PI: K. Sarabandi, CoI: F.T. Ulaby.
  55. "Statistical Behavior of Polarimetric Radar Response of Terrain with Emphasis on the Millimeter-wave Region," 1/92-1/95, funded by Army Research Office, PI: F.T. Ulaby, CoI: K. Sarabandi.
  56. "Investigation of Polarimetric Radar Response to Soil Moisture and Surface Roughness," 4/90-4/93, funded by NASA, PI: F.T. Ulaby, CoI: K. Sarabandi.
  57. "Hewlett Packard University Equipment Grants," June 1993, granted by: HP Company, PI: K. Sarabandi.

Last Updated: April 5, 2006
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