Funded Research Projects
- "Assessment of Electronic Beam Scanning Technology for Large
Aperture Antennas at W-band," Sponsor: BAE, PI: K. Sarabandi,
- "Development of 200 MHz to 6 GHz Channelizers Using RFIC
Technologies," Sponsor: Lincoln Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute
of Technology, 3/06-2/07.
- "Phenomenological Study of
Millimeter-Wave Technology for Helicopter Assisted Landing System,"
PI: K. Sarabandi, Sponsor: DARPA, 2/06-1/07.
- "Assisted Aircraft Landing: Modeling and Simulation
Millimeter-wave imaging radar response of runway and Airport
Environment," Sponsor: BAE, PI: K. Sarabandi, 2/06-1/07.
- "Development of High-Q Tunable MEMS Filters for 3-6
GHz," Direct Sponsor: USAF, Wyle Laboratories, PI: G. Rebeiz,
Co-PI: K. Sarabandi, 2/1/06-1/31/07.
- "Tunable Frequency Selective Surface," Direct Sponsor:
Science Applications International Corporation, Prime Sponsor: DoD,
PI: K. Sarabandi, 9/1/2005-8/31/2006.
- "Reconfigurable compact microwave antenna: a feasibility
study," Sponsor: Science Applications International Corporation,
PI: K. Sarabandi, 7/1/2005-9/1/2005.
- "CMOS Circuits for 24GHz Receiver," Subcontract from
Purdue, Prime Sponsor: DARPA, PI: K. Sarabandi, 11/01/2004-12/31/2005.
- "A Study of Array of Phased Arrays
for Large Aperture Synthesis for Deep Space Applications and Rover
Based Missions," Sponsor: JPL, PI: K. Sarabandi, 4/20/2005-9/30/2007.
- "Focused situation awareness (FSA) for urban operations,"
Sponsor: SAIC/DARPA, PI: K. Sarabandi, 11/1/04-10/31/08.
- "Standoff Human Carried Explosive Detection System
(SHEDS)," PI: K. Sarabandi, Co-PI: A. Nashashibi, Sponsor:
DARPA/TTO, Subcontract from Set Associates, 1/1/05-4/1/07.
- "Use of Radar Data for Large-Scale Monitoring of Biomass
Change in the Amazon," PI: K. Sarabandi, Co-PI: L. Pierce, Sponsor:
NASA, 5/04-4/07.
- "Multifunctional Adaptive Radio, Radar, and Sensors,"
Subcontract from Purdue, Sponsor: DARPA, 1/1/2004-30/11/2005,
PI: K. Sarabandi.
- "Near-Earth Propagation Modeling,"
Sponsor: ARL, 10/03-9/07, PI: K. Sarabandi.
- "Basic Concept Studies of Large Array Calibration Using
In-Orbit Target," Sponsor: JPL, 11/03-10/05, PI:
K. Sarabandi, Co-PI: A. Nashashibi.
- "Concept Study of a Quasi-optical Phased Array for 60-GHz
Secure Communications System," Sponsor: Department of Air Force,
AFRL, 9/1/03-11/30/03. PI: A. Mortazawi, CO-PI:
K. Sarabandi.
- "GLORIA -- Geostationary/Low-Earth Orbiting Radar Image
Acquisition System: A Multi-static GEO/LEO Synthetic Aperture Radar
Satellite Constellation for Earth Observation," Funded by NASA,
3/1/2003-3/1/2004, PI: K. Sarabandi, CO-Is:
J. Kellndorfer, L. Pierce, NASA GRS team: G. Ponchak, R. Simons.
- "Creation and Maintenance of Radar Clutter Database,"
Funded by Army Research Laboratory, 10/1/02-9/30/05,
PI: K. Sarabandi, Co-PI: L. Pierce.
- "Multi-band Foliage Propagation Measurements," Funded by
U.S. Army CECOM, 8/1/02-7/31/03, PI: K. Sarabandi, Co-Is:
M. Casciato, A. Nashashibi, and L. Pierce.
- "Sequential Adaptive Multi-modality Target Detection and
Classification Using Physics-Based Models," MURI proposal, Sponsor:
DARPA, 9/1/2002-8/31/2007, Co-PIs: A. Yagle, A. Hero,
K. Sarabandi, and M. Bownik.
- "Ground Microwave Measurements of Snow-covered Terrain in
Support of the NASA Cold Land Processes," Funded by NASA,
9/01-8/02, PI: K. Sarabandi, Co-PI: A. England.
- "Collaborative Technology Alliances in Advanced Sensors,"
Sponsor: Army Research Laboratory, Industry Leader: Sanders,
9/01-9/08, Co-PIs: F.T. Ulaby,
K. Sarabandi, L. Katehi, G. Rebeiz.
- "Computational Electromagnetics and Acoustics: Programming
Environment and Training," Sponsor: DoD High Performance Computing
and Modernization Office, PI: K. Sarabandi.
- "Simulation of Wave Propagation in Foliage," Sponsor:
DARPA, 5/01- 12/03, PI: K. Sarabandi.
- "Miniaturized Antennas with Electromagnetic
Meta-materials," Sponsor: DARPA, 7/01-6-05, Co-PIs:
J. Halloran (Co-PD), and K. Sarabandi (Co-PD), L. Katehi, N. Kikuchi,
J. Volakis, and Harris Corporation.
- "Construction of a High PRF Pulsed Ku-Band Radar for
Measurements of Sea Surface Slope," Sponsor: NASA GSFC, 9/00-7/02,
PI: K. Sarabandi.
- "Wireless Integrated Microsystems," Sponsor: NSF,
9/00-8/05, 18 Co-Is.
- "A Millimeter-wave Scaled Measurement System for Propagation
Channel Characterization and a Study of Foliage Penetration,"
Sponsor: Army Research Office, 4/00-9/03, PI: K. Sarabandi.
- "Foliage-Covered Target Detection at Millimeter-wave
Frequencies," Sponsor: DARPA/ARL, 5/00-9/02, PI:
K. Sarabandi
- "Nadir Looking Millimeter-wave Measurement of Foliage,"
Sponsor: Northrop Grumman Corporation, PI: K. Sarabandi,
- "SRTM Calibration and use in Forest Parameters Retrievals,"
Sponsor: NASA, 11/99-1/03, PI: K. Sarabandi, Co-I:
L. Pierce.
- "Small HF/VHF Planar Antennas," Sponsor: CACI Inc.,
7/99-6/00, PI: K. Sarabandi.
- "Advanced Physics-based Propagation Models for Channel
Characterization in a Wireless Network," Sponsor: NSF, 11/99-10/02,
PI: K. Sarabandi.
- "Performance Assessment of Antenna Arrays in a Multi-path
Channel," Sponsor: ARO, 6/99-5/00, PI: K. Sarabandi.
- "Compact Reconfigurable HF-UHF Antenna," Sponsor: Army
Research Office, 4/99-4/03, PI: K. Sarabandi.
- "Design and Performance Evaluation of Spread Spectrum
Millimeter-wave Radar for Automotive Applications," Sponsor:
Mitsubishi Electronics, 1/99-9/02, PI: K. Sarabandi.
- "HF-UHF Propagation Prediction Over Rough Terrain,"
Sponsor: Army Research Office, 6/98-6/99, PI: K. Sarabandi.
- "A New Generation of Antenna Structures Based on Novel
Composite Material," Sponsor: Army Research Office, 5/98-5/99,
PI: L.P. Katehi, Co-PI: K. Sarabandi.
- "Radar Background Characterization of the SAR Evaluation
Site," Sponsor: U.S. Air Force, subcontract from Group VIII Tech.,
6/98-12/98, PI: K. Sarabandi.
- "Target Classification and Estimation of Biophysical
Parameters using the Correlation Function of the Radar
Backscatter," Sponsor: Joint Research Center of European
Commission, PI: K. Sarabandi.
- "Development of an Advanced Wireless and Microwave
Experimental Facilities," Sponsor: Hewlett-Packard Company, January
1997, PI: K. Sarabandi.
- "Components and Systems for Communications: An Undergraduate
Design Laboratory," Sponsor: National Science Foundation,
Submission date: Nov. 1996. Co-PIs: L. Katehi, K. Sarabandi,
B. Gilchrist, G. Rebeiz.
- "A Novel Millimeter-wave, Low-loss, Electronically Controlled
Phase Shifter for Monolithic, Beam-steering Phased Array Antenna
Applications," 8/96-12/96, Sponsor ONR, PI:K. Sarabandi.
- "Low Energy Electronic Design for Mobile Platforms,"
9/96-9/01. Sponsor: Army Research Office, Co-PIs: J
Coffey, J. East, A. Hero, L. Katehi, S. Lafortune, P. Mazumder,
D. Neuhoff, K. Sarabandi, D. Teneketzis, and K. Wasserman.
- "ARL Federated Laboratories: MMW Radar Phenomenology,"
1/96-12/95. Sponsor: ARL, PI: F.T. Ulaby, L. Katehi,
G. Rebeiz, and K. Sarabandi.
- "Lane Detection for Automotive Sensors," 5/96-5/97,
Sponsor: TACOM, Co-PIs: K. Kluge, S. Lakshmanan, and
K. Sarabandi.
- "Millimeter-wave Radars as Advanced Vehicle Control and
Warning Systems: A Feasibility Study," 5/96-5/98,
Sponsor: General Motors, PI: K. Sarabandi, Co-I Adib Nashashibi.
- "Evaluation of Radar Techniques for Assessing Snowcover
Conditions and their Effect on the Detection of Hard Targets,"
4/95-8/96, Sponsor: Office of Naval Research, PI:
K. Sarabandi, Co-I: F.T. Ulaby.
- "Digital Topography from SAR Interferometry: Determination of
and Correlation for Vegetation Height," 3/95-3/98.
Funded by NASA, PI: K. Sarabandi, CoIs: M.C. Dobson and J.J. van Zyl.
- "Development and Construction of a 77 GHz Dual-polarized
Planar Antenna Array and Associated Reflector," 10/95-10/97.
Funded by DaimlerBenz Company, Co-PIs: G.M. Rebeiz,
K. Sarabandi, and L.P. Katehi.
- "Development of SAR Algorithm for Mapping Soil Moisture and
Vegetation Biomass," 10/94-10/97. Funded by NASA,
PI: F.T. Ulaby, CoIs: K. Sarabandi and C. Dobson.
- "Multi-frequency, Multi-polarization External Calibration of
the SIR-C/X-SAR," 10/93-3/99, funded by JPL, PI:
K. Sarabandi, CoI: F.T. Ulaby.
- "Construct and Deliver an X-band Bistatic Radar System,"
9/93-5/94, funded by U.S. Army Engineer Waterways, PI:
F.T. Ulaby, CoI: K. Sarabandi.
- "Retrieval of Soil Moisture and Roughness from the
Polarimetric Radar Response," 5/93-10/96, funded
by NASA, PI: K. Sarabandi, CoI: F.T. Ulaby.
- "Statistical Behavior of Polarimetric Radar Response of
Terrain with Emphasis on the Millimeter-wave Region," 1/92-1/95,
funded by Army Research Office, PI: F.T. Ulaby, CoI:
K. Sarabandi.
- "Investigation of Polarimetric Radar Response to Soil Moisture
and Surface Roughness," 4/90-4/93, funded by NASA,
PI: F.T. Ulaby, CoI: K. Sarabandi.
- "Hewlett Packard University Equipment Grants," June 1993,
granted by: HP Company, PI: K. Sarabandi.
Last Updated: April 5, 2006
All contents copyright © 2006 All rights reserved.