Sarabandi (S’87- M’90- SM’92-
F’00) is director of the Radiation Laboratory and a professor in the Department
of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the University of Michigan.
His research areas of interest include microwave and millimeter-wave radar
remote sensing, Meta-materials, electromagnetic wave propagation, and antenna
miniaturization. He received the B.S. degree in EE from Sharif
University of Technology in 1980. He also received the M.S. degree in EE (1986)
and the M.S. degree in Mathematics and the Ph.D. degree in electrical
engineering from The University of Michigan in 1989. Professor Sarabandi has 20
years of experience with wave propagation in random media, communication
channel modeling, microwave sensors, and radar systems and is leading a large
research group including two research scientists, 12 Ph.D. and 2 M.S. students.
He has graduated 23 Ph.D. and supervised numerous postdoctoral students. He has
served as the Principal Investigator on many projects sponsored by NASA, JPL,
ARO, ONR, ARL, NSF, DARPA and a larger number of industries. He has published
many book chapters and more than 135 papers in refereed journals on
electromagnetic scattering, random media modeling, wave propagation, antennas, meta-materials,
microwave measurement techniques, radar calibration, inverse scattering
problems, and microwave sensors. He has also had more than 330 papers and
invited presentations in many national and international conferences and
symposia on similar subjects.
Sarabandi is a Fellow of IEEE, a vice president of the IEEE Geoscience
and Remote Sensing Society (GRSS), and a member of IEEE Technical Activities
Board Awards Committee. He served as the Associate Editor of the IEEE
Transactions on Antennas and Propagation (AP) and the IEEE Sensors Journal. He
is also a member of Commissions F and D of URSI and of The Electromagnetic
Academy. Professor Sarabandi is listed in American Men & Women of Science
Who's Who in America and Who’s Who in Science
and Engineering. Dr. Sarabandi was the recipient of the Henry Russel Award from the Regent of The University of Michigan
(the highest honor the University
of Michigan bestows on a
faculty member at the assistant or associate level). In 1999 he received a GAAC
Distinguished Lecturer Award from the German Federal Ministry for Education,
Science, and Technology given to about ten individuals worldwide in all areas
of engineering, science, medicine, and law. He was also a recipient of a 1996
EECS Department Teaching Excellence Award and a 2004 College of Engineering
Research Excellence Award. In 2005 he received two
prestigious awards, namely, the IEEE Geoscience and
Remote Sensing Distinguished Achievement Award and the University of Michigan Faculty
Recognition Award. In the past several years,
joint papers presented by his students at a number of international symposia
(IEEE APS’95,’97,’00,’01,’03,’05; IEEE IGARSS’99,’02,
IEEE IMS’01, USNC URSI’04,’05,’06) have received best student prize paper