Joel Uthe

Hey, I'm a Computer Science major originally from St. Louis. I now work for Teradata! A little bit about me:
- I've been a TA for 4 semesters including 3 semesters of cs1316 (two being the head TA) and a semester of cs1322 in Spring 2005.
- Last summer I worked as a software engineer at Enterprise Rent-a-car in St. Louis. It was business dress which meant I had to wear a tie every day.
- The summer before that I did study abroad based out of Barcelona, but Germany was my favorite place in Europe.
- I am a supporter of all GATech sports and bragged about our Women's Tennis National REMOVEDs to the whole world.
- I love the St. Louis Cardinals and am a big sports fan overall. My favorite teams are the St. Louis Baseball Cardinals, St. Louis Blues, St. Louis Rams, and of course all GATech sports.
- I have a yellow lab named Peaches.
- My other sister just graduated with her Masters Degree in Structural Engineering from the University of Texas and is working at Huitt-Zollars (a bridge design firm) in Austin, TX
- Do you know anything else interesting about me? Post it here !
Office Hours:
Monday (11-12, 1-2) Wednesday (1-2)
Or by appointment. Rules For Setting Up an Appointment.
Held in CoC Commons.
Email: (try to include cs1316 in the subject)
aim: joelu22
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