Final exam review Spring2007: Binary Trees are Cute
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When we do traversals of trees, are we basically doing a depth-first-search? Like going as far down the left child branch as we can a getting it's left and right, then moving back up the tree? And then doing the same thing for the right branch?
Pre-order: MarkG, REMOVEDel, Brian, Kristen, Derek, MarkS, Sarah, Rory, Ricardo, Sam
Postorder: Brian, Derek, Kristen, REMOVEDel, Ricardo, Rory, Sam, Sarah, MarkS, MarkG
In-order: Brian, Derek, Kristen, REMOVEDel, MarkG, Ricardo, Rory, Sam, Sarah, MarkS
Did the question mean to reinsert the list everytime or are you suppose to do the new order with what you got from the old?
- You would build the tree based on the order listed there, then just do a traversal. No reason to rebuild a tree. Joel Uthe
did anyone get this?
Pre-order: MarkG, REMOVEDel, Brian, Derek, Kristin, MarkS, Sarah, Rory, Ricardo, Sam
In-order: Brian, Derek, REMOVEDel, Kristin, MarkG, MarkS, Ricardo, Sam, Rory, Sarah
Post-order: Derek, Brian, Kristin, REMOVEDel, Sam, Ricardo, Rory, Sarah, MarkS, MarkG
in response to the last post, I got the same Pre-order and In-order you did. My Post-order was: Derek, Brian, Kristin, REMOVEDel, Ricardo, SAM, Rory, Sarah, MarkS, MarkG
pre-order: Mark G, REMOVEDel, Brian, Derek, Kristin, mark s, sarah, roy, ricardo, sam
in-order: brian, derek, joel, kristin, mark g,marks, ricardo, roy, sam, sarah
post-order: derek, brian, kristin, joel, ricardo, sam, roy, sarah, mark s, mark g
in my binary tree, sam is the right child of rory, and ricardo is the left chlid of roy. can anyone confirm?
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