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Pre-Quiz 3-Fall 2007 Questions

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public static boolean isExtinct() { return if(numDinosaurs == 0); }

there is an error for illegal start of expression here.

In recitation we concluded that : Animal fido = new Animal() was valid. But when I compile it, there appears the following error: Animal is abstract; cannot be instantiated.....What is this means??? So, is it valid or not? What should be the correct way?

in question 3b, we are given Dinosaur Petrie = new Dinosaur(), but all the commands used petrie with a little "p". Is it done on purpose or should it be written with capital P?

So I compared my answers with another student in a different recitation and we have a couple different answers for 3. Does 3 (b)ii show 0? Also, does 3(c)ii compile or not?

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