EECS 216(1)..Intro. to Signals & Systems..Winter 2008

Prof. Andrew E. Yagle, 4114 EECS, 763-9810,

Dept. of EECS, The Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2122

"Never let your schooling interfere with your education"--Mark Twain

For more information on any of the following please click on:

Basics of
EECS 216
Introductory Handout Basic information about this course
216 Schedule Weekly schedule of homework, labs, exams
My Lecture Notes More concise than the course textbook
Grades in
EECS 216
How grades will be assigned Since everyone always asks
Exam and homework regrades If you think you got shafted
Honor Code of UM Engineering College. You must follow
Exams in
EECS 216
Exam #1 information: Thur. Feb. 07 Coverage, rooms, etc.
Exam #2 information: Thur. Mar. 20 Coverage, rooms, etc.
Exam #3 information: Thur. Apr. 17 Coverage, rooms, etc.
Matlab in
EECS 216
A quick introduction to MATLAB If you have never used it
Matlab Tutorial (Gowtham Bellala) You should have used it
Why your Matlab program isn't working Top 10 reasons why
two other
web sites
Honor Council Engineering College. Honor Code hearings
My EE Advising Handbook Valuable information and hints

HOMEWORK (No homework or labs during exams or winter break)

PROB. SET: Set #1Set #2 Set #3Set #4 Set #5Set #6 Set #7Set #8 Set #9Set #10
ASSIGNED:Jan 08Jan 15Jan 22Jan 29Feb 12 Feb 19Mar 04Mar 11Mar 25Apr 01
DUE DATE:Jan 15Jan 22Jan 29Feb 5Feb 19 Mar 4Mar 11Mar 18Apr 01Apr 08
SOLUTION: Set #1Set #2 Set #3Set #4 Set #5Set #6 Set #7Set #8 Set #9Set #10

LABORATORIES (Labs are all in the showcase lab on the first floor of EECS)

DATEJan 21-25J. 28-1Feb 11-1518-22 Mar 03-0710-14Apr 31-407-11EXAMEXAM
LABS Prelab #1Lab #1 Prelab #2Lab #2 Prelab #3Lab #3 Prelab #4Lab #4 Prac#1Soln#1
SOLN Prelab #1Lab #1 Prelab #2Lab #2 Prelab #3Lab #3 Prelab #4Lab #4 Prac#2Soln#2
LABSLab #0 Laboratory Intro. & Manual Oscilloscope Manual (from EECS 215) Prac#3Soln#3