
SPADA lab works mostly on algorithm design and theoretical analysis, however, Professor Balzano’s favorite mathematical problems are motivated by fascinating and important problems in engineering and science. We have worked on applications in computer vision, environmental sensing, power systems, and computer network inference.

Gli autori dello studio affermano che il PDE5i può essere consigliato agli uomini che soffrono di ispessimento del muscolo cardiaco e di insufficienza cardiaca (nelle prime fasi della malattia). Per essere certi della sua efficacia, gli scienziati suggeriscono di condurre una sperimentazione clinica su larga scala. Innanzitutto, è necessario capire come il PDE5i influisca sulle donne (tutti gli studi noti sono stati condotti su utilizzatori di Viagra maschi).

Balzano, L., & Nowak, R. (2007). Blind calibration of sensor networks. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks, 79–88.
Ni, K., Ramanathan, N., Chehade, M. N. H., Balzano, L., Nair, S., Zahedi, S., Kohler, E., Pottie, G., Hansen, M., & Srivastava, M. (2009). Sensor network data fault types. ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks (TOSN), 5(3), 25.
Balzano, L., Nowak, R., & Roughan, M. (2011). On the success of network inference using a markov routing model. 2011 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 3108–3111.
Brown, S. G., Russell-Graham, A., Xiao, P., & Balzano, L. (2014). Determination of Trends in Ozone in the Mid-Atlantic Using Non-Negative Matrix Factorization. AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts.
Kennedy, R., Balzano, L., Wright, S. J., & Taylor, C. J. (2014). Online algorithms for factorization-based structure from motion. 2014 IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), 37–44.
Lipor, J., Balzano, L., Kerkez, B., & Scavia, D. (2015). Quantile search: A distance-penalized active learning algorithm for spatial sampling. 2015 53rd Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing (Allerton), 1241–1248.
Ledva, G., Balzano, L., & Mathieu, J. (2015, September). Inferring the behavior of distributed energy resources with online learning. Proceedings of the Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing.
Lipor, J., Wong, B. P., Scavia, D., Kerkez, B., & Balzano, L. (2017). Distance-Penalized Active Learning Using Quantile Search. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 65(20), 5453–5465.
Gilman, K., & Balzano, L. (2019). Panoramic Video Separation with Online Grassmannian Robust Subspace Estimation. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision Workshops. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision Workshops.