1994 First Author Search
- blundell A Wideband Fixed-Tuned SIS Receiver for 200 GHz Operation, R. Blundell, C. Y.E. Tong, D.C. Papa, R.L. Leombruno, X. Zhang, S. Paine, J.A Stern, H.G. LeDuc, B. Bumble
- booi Characterization of the Emission from 2D Array Josephson Oscillators, P.A.A. Booi, S.P. Benz
- boric_lubecke Excitation of an Oscillator with Several Resonant Tunneling Devices Integrated in Series Using RF Source, O. Boric-Lubecke, R Sun, D-S. Pan, T. Itoh
- brand Terahertz-Research at the Erlangen University Laboratories for High Frequency Technology - A 5-Year Review, H.H. Brand, J. Brune, A.J. Harth, R.H. Janker, M.G.Marz, S.L. Martius, D.P Steup, B.G. Stockel
- brauchler Novel Varactor Diode Structures for Improved Power Performance, F.T. Brauchler, J.R. East, G.I. Haddad
- brune Quasi-Optical Optimization and Modal Analysis of Cornercube Schottky-Diode Mixers, J. Brune, P. Bierschneider
- chen High-Efficiency InP IMPATT Diodes for High-Frequency Power Generation, C.C. Chen, R.K. Mains, G.I. Haddad, H. Eisele
- cheng Terahertz-Bandwidth Transmission Lines on Low-Permittivity Substrates, H. Cheng, J.F. Whitaker, T.M. Weller, L.P.B. Katehi
- choudhury A Tripler to 220 GHz Using a Back-To-Back Barrier-N-N+ Varactor Diode, D. Choudhury, P.H. Siegel, A.V. Raisanen, S.E. Martin, R.P. Smith
- dai Cyclotron Resonance Detectors for THz Frequencies, D. Dai, C.R. Lutz, Jr., C.M. Musante, K.S. Yngvesson, K.M. Lau, E.S. Jacobs, E.R Mueller, J. Waldman, M.A Tischler
- delgado An Electro-Optic Attenuator for Terahertz Frequencies, G.P. Delgado, S. Jacobsson, J.P. Johansson
- drayton Micromachined Detector Mounts for Millimeter Wave Applications, R.F. Drayton, C. Kidner, J. East, L.P.B. Katehi
- eisele Performance of GaAs TUNNETT Diodes as Local Oscillator Sources, H. Eisele, C.C. Chen, R. Mains, G.I. Haddad
- ekstrom Investigation of a Superconducting Hot Electron Mixer, H. Ekstrom, B. Karasik, E. Kollberg, K.S. Yngvesson
- elantev Noise Temperature of a Superconducting Hot-Electron Mixer, A.I. Elantev, B.S. Karasik
- ellison Corrugated Feedhorns at Terahertz Frequencies - Preliminary Results, B.N. Ellison, M.L. Oldfield, D.N. Matheson, B.J. Maddison, C.M. Mann, A.F. Smith
- erickson Cryogenic Performance of Monolithic Amplifiers for 85-115 GHz, N.R. Erickson, S. Weinreb, B.C. Kane
- erickson A Balanced Doubler Using a Planar Diode Array for 270 GHz, N.R. Erickson, J. Tuovinen, B.J. Rizzi, T.W. Crowe
- febvre Analytical Description of the Influence of the Quantum Susceptance of the Performance of SIS Mixers, P. Febvre
- filipovic Off-Axis Imaging Properties of Substrate Lens Antennas, D. Filipovic, G. V. Eleftheriades, G.M. Rebeiz
- gearhart A Monolithic Double-Slot Schottky-Diode Receiver, S.S. Gearhart, G.M. Rebeiz
- goltsman Slot-Line Tapered Antenna with NbN Hot Electron Mixer for 300-360 GHz Operation, G. Gol'tsman, S. Jacobsson, H. Ekstrom, B. Karasik, E. Kollberg, E. Gershenzon
- grossman Heterodyne Mixing and Direct Detection with High Temperature Josephson Junctions, E.N. Grossman, L.R. Vale
- grub Design Optimization of Schottky Barrier Diodes at THz Frequencies, A. Grub, V. Krozer, A. Simon, H.L. Hartnagel
- harris FANATIC: An SIS Radiometer for Radio Astronomy in the 660-690 GHz Band, A.I. Harris, K.-F. Schuster, K.-H. Gundlach, B. Plathner
- hass A Submillimeter Wave Platelet Horn Array: Fabrication and Performance, R.W. Haas, S. Raman, G.M. Rebeiz, W.R McGrath, G. Chin, H. Dave
- hieda 100 GHz Band Planar Type SIS Mixer, M. Hieda, K Kojima, T. Takami, T. Kashiwa, A Eda, T. Imatani, J. Inatani
- jacobs SIS Receivers with Large Instantaneous Bandwidth for Radio Astronomy, K Jacobs, U. Muller, U. Schwenk, D. Diehl, C.E. Honingh, S. Haas
- jaminet Solid-State Local Oscillator Sources for 600-900 GHz, P.A. Jaminet
- jones GaAs/lnGaAsl AlGaAs Heterostructure Barrier Varactors for Frequency Tripling, J.R. Jones, S.H. Jones, G.B. Tait
- karpov Millimeter and Submillimeter SIS Mixers with the Noise Temperature Close to the Quantum Limit, A. Karpov, J. Blondel, B. Lazareff, K-H. Gundlach
- ke Signal and Image Port Output Power in the Quantum Theory of Mixing, Q. Ke, M.J. Feldman
- kelley Novel Chip Geometries for THz Schottky Diodes, W.M. Kelly, S. MacKenzie, P. Maaskant
- kerr Theoretical and Practical Limits on the RF Bandwidth of SIS Mixers, A.R. Kerr
- kooi 180-425 GHz Low Noise SIS Waveguide Receivers Employing Tuned Nb / AlOx/Nb Tunnel Junctions, J.W. Kooi, M. Chan, B. Bumble, H.G. LeDuc, P.L. Schaffer, T.G. Phillips
- kooi A Low Noise 565-735 GHz SIS Waveguide Receiver, J.W. Kooi, CK. Walker, H.G. LeDuc, P.L. Schaffer, T.G. Phillips
- kormanyos Monolithic 155 GHz & 213 GHz Quazi-Optical Transistor Oscillators, B.K. Kormanyos, S.E. Rosenbaum, L.P. Katehi, G.M. Rebeiz
- lampin Large Signal Impedance of Resonant Tunneling Diodes, J.R Lampin, O. Vanbesien, O. Tanguy, D. Lippens
- lee A Novel Biased Anti-Parallel Schottky Diode Structure for Subharmonic Mixing, T.H. Lee, C.Y. Chi, J.R. East, G.M. Rebeiz, G.I. Haddad
- leridon Josephson Noise in SIS Receivers, B. Leridon
- louhi On the Modelling of the Millimeter Wave Schottky Varactor, J.T. Louhi, A. V. Raisanen
- lu An Heterojunction Schottky Barrier Diode with RTD Emitter, X.J. Lu, T.E. Kosica, B.S. Perlman
- mann Towards the Realisation of Space Borne Terahertz Waveguide Devices C.M. Mann, B.J. Maddison, D.N. Matheson, M.L. Oldfield, B.N. Ellison
- maoli Cancellation of Josephson Current in Superconducting Junction Arrays, R. Maoli, B. Leridon
- marsh Planar Varactor and Mixer Diodes Fabricated Using InP-Based Materials, P. Marsh, D. Pavlidis, K. Hong
- mees An Airborne SIS-Receiver for Atmospheric Measurements at 625 to 720 GHz, J. Mees, S. Crewell, H. Nett, G. de Lange, H. van de Stadt, J.J. Kuipers, R.A. Panhuyzen
- medhi Effect of Parasitic Capacitance on the Performance of Planar Subharmonically Pumped Schottky Diode Mixers, I. Mehdi, P.H. Siegel
- mizuno A Quasi-Optical Power Combiner with a Metallic Grating, K. Mizuno, J. Bae, Y. Aburakawa, T. Fujii
- okunev NbN Hot Electron Waveguide Mixer for 100 GHz Operation, O. Okunev, A Dzardanov, H. Ekstrom, S. Jacobsson, E. Kollberg, G. Gol'tsman, E. Gershenzon
- oswald Finite Difference Time Domain Analysis of Coplanar Transmission Line Circuits and a Post-Gap Waveguide Mounting Structure, J.E. Oswald, P.H. Siegel, S.M. Ali
- paine Beam Waveguide and Receiver Optics for the SMA , S. Paine, D.C. Papa, R.L. Leombruno, X. Zhang, R. Blundell
- qin Monolithic Millimeter Wave Beam Control Grid, X. Qin, W-M. Zhang, J.Y. Liao, RP. Hsia, W.R Geck, C.W. Domier, N.C. Luhmann, Jr., W. Bert, S. Duncan, D.W. Tu
- raman 230 GHz Beam Pattern Measurements of a Dipole Array-Fed Dielectric Filled Parabola , S. Raman, D.F. Filipovic, P. Stimson, R.J. Dengler, P. Siegel, G.M. Rebeiz
- ristorcelli Alignment for the PRONAOS Submillimeter Segmented Telescope, I. Ristorcelli, G. Recouvreur, M. Giard, B. Leriche, M. Gheudin, G. Beaudin, P. Encrenaz, F. Buisson, J. M. Lamarre, G. Serra
- rizzi Planar Balanced Doubler Chip to 320 GHz, B.J. Rizzi, T.W. Crowe
- salez High Frequency Effects and Performance of a 600 GHz-635 GHz SIS Receiver Using Nb / AlOx/Nb Junctions, M. Salez, P. Febvre, W.R McGrath, B. Bumble, H.G. LeDuc
- schoelkopf Measurements of Noise in Josephson-Effect Mixers, R.J. Schoelkopf, J. Zmuidzinas, T.G. Phillips
- shi High Power Impulse Generation Using Lateral Stacked Nonlinear Transmission Lines, H. Shi, C.W. Domier, N.C. Luhmann, Jr.
- skalare A Superconducting Hot Electron Bolometer Mixer for 530 GHz, A. Skalare, W.R McGrath, B. Bumble, H.G. LeDuc, P.J. Burke, A.A. Verheijen, D.E. Prober
- steup Quasioptical Multiplier Array with Separate Waveguide Feed, D. Steup, A. Weber
- tanguy Frequency Conversion to 38 GHz Using Resonant Tunneling Diodes, O. Tanguy, D. Lippens, J. Bruston, J.E. Pernot, G. Beaudin, J. Nagel, B. Vinter
- tentzeris Time-Domain Characterization of Diode Mounting Structures, E. Tentzeris, N. Dib, L. Katehi, J. Oswald, P. Siegel
- tolmunen Experiments with Single Barrier Varactor TripIer and Quintupler at Millimeter Wavelengths, T.J. Tolmunen, A.V. Raisanen, E. Brown, H. Gronqvist, S. Nielsen
- tong Near-Field Characterization of 2-D Beam Patterns of Submillimeter Superconducting Receivers, C.Y.E. Tong, S. Paine, R Blundell
- tschernitz Design and Realization of GaAs D-Band IMPATT Oscillators, M. Tschernitz, J. Freyer
- steenson Demonstration of Power Combining at W-Band From GaAs/ AlAs Resonant Tunnelling Diodes, D.P. Steenson, R.E. Miles, R.D. Pollard, J.M. Chamberlain, M. Henini
- tuovinen Verification of the Finite Element Analysis and Study of Losses of a Planar Diode Doubler, J. Tuovinen, N.R. Erickson
- ugras Quasi-Optical SIS Mixer with a Silicon Lens for Submillimeter Astronomy, N.G. Ugras, J. Zmuidzinas, H.G. LeDuc
- weller Millimeter and Submillimeter Wave Microshield Line Components , T. Weller, S. Robertson, L.P. Katehi, G.M. Rebeiz
- wengler Radiation from a Quasioptical Josephson Junction Array, M.J. Wengler, B. Guan, E.K. Track
- wood GaAs Schottky Diodes for Atmospheric Measurements at 2.5 THz , P.A.D. Wood, D.W. Porterfield, W.L. Bishop, T.W. Crowe
- yu Millimeter-Wave On-Wafer Waveform and Network Measurements Using Active Probes, R. Yu, M. Reddy, J. Pus I, S. Allen, M. Case, M. Rodwell
- zhang Monolithic Nonlinear Transmission Line Using Multi-Barrier Devices, W.M. Zhang, X-H. Qin, J.Y. Liao, RP. Hsia, W.R Geck, F. Jiang, Y. Li, C.W. Domier, N.C. Luhmann, Jr.
- zybura Second Harmonic 210 GHz InP Millimeter Wave Transferred Electron Oscillators, M.P. Zybura, S.H. Jones, G.B. Tait