Scott Mahlke is a Professor in the Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department at the University of Michigan. He is affiliated with the Advanced Computer Architecture Laboratory and the Software Systems Laboratory. He works in the areas of Compilers and Computer Architecture. He joined Michigan in 2001 after receiving his Ph.D. from the University of Illinois and working at HP Laboratories.
research Interests
My research interests lie in the areas of: compilers, computer architecture, and high-level synthesis. Specifically, my students and I focus on designing the next generation computer systems that overcome challenges in performance, power consumption, and reliability.
A few recent publications:
- "Uncovering Hidden Loop Level Parallelism in Sequential Applications," HPCA, 2008.
- "Self-calibrating Online Wearout Detection," MICRO, 2007.
- "Data Access Partitioning for Fine-grain Parallelism on Multicore Architectures," MICRO, 2007.
- "Liquid SIMD: Abstracting SIMD Hardware using Lightweight Dynamic Mapping," HPCA, 2007.
- "SODA: A High-Performance DSP Architecture for Software-Defined Radio", IEEE MICRO, 2007.
Honors & Awards
- Received a National Science Foundation CAREER Award for his proposal entitled "Compiler-Directed Synthesis of Application Specific Processors" in 2003. NSF CAREER awards recognize and support the early career-development activities of “those teacher-scholars who are most likely to become the academic leaders of the 21st century.”
- Appointed Morris Wellman Faculty Development Assistant Professor in 2004. The professorship is to be awarded to a junior faculty member to recognize outstanding contributions to teaching and research.

- 2006 ISCA Most Influential Paper Award was awarded for the 1991 ISCA paper entitled, "IMPACT: An Architectural Framework for Multiple Instruction Issue Processors." This award recognizes the paper from the ISCA Proceedings 15 years earlier that has had the most impact on computer architecture. The picture to the right is me receiving the award from Prof. Josep Torrellas from Illinois. Here's another blurry photo of Wen-mei and I going up to the stage to get the award.
- Received 2007 Young Alumni Award from the ECE Department at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.