EECS 489 PA1: Peer-to-Peer SearchThis assignment is due on Friday, 29 Jan 2016, 6 pm.PreambleReview the grading policy page on the course website. Remember that to incorporate publicly available code in your solution is considered cheating in this course. To pass off the implementation of an algorithm as that of another is also considered cheating. If you can not implement a required algorithm, you must inform the teaching staff when turning in your assignment by documenting it in your writeup.Graded Tasks (100 points total)In this assignment you are to build a peer-to-peer (p2p) network and perform a search for an image on the p2p network.
Your Tasks1. A Peer NodeYour first task is to write a peer node. If you've implemented Lab 2 and have decided to build this assignment on top of your working Lab 2, you're done with the first task of this assignment. If you have not implemented Lab 2, review the support code and specification of Lab 2. They go into much more details and also guide you step by step on what needs to be done. In the remainder of this document I will assume that you are familiar with the Lab 2 specification and support code. To bootstrap the p2p network, we first start a peer by itself. When a peer is started without being given another peer to connect to, it simply creates a socket and listen on it for incoming connections. Everytime a peer starts, we also have the peer prints to screen/console its fully qualified domain name (FQDN), and the port number it is listening on. Subsequent peers are then started with the FQDN:port of the first peer. Your code must take an optional command line option "-p <hostname>:<port>" as in Lab 2. When a peer is given the hostname:port of another peer at start time, it tries to join that peer in the p2p network by creating a socket and connecting to the provided peer. A peer that receives a join request will accept the peer if and only if its peer table is not full. Whether a join request is accepted or not, the peer always sends back to the requesting peer the address and port of at least one peer in its peer table to help the newly joined peer find more peers to join. In this assignment, we assume that once a peer joins the network, it never leaves the network. So you don't have to worry about cleaning up after departed peer. You must, however, ensure that none of the peers crash when one of them leave, so you can take down the network one peer at a time without the others crashing.2. More PeersIn Lab 2, we limit the peer table size of each peer to 2. The command line option "-n <maxpeer>" allows the user to specify the peer table size at run time. A study of the Gnutella p2p network found that half of Gnutella peers supports at most 2 peers. Even though there are peers that support over 130 other peers, the mean number of peers supported is 5.5. If the -n option is not specified in the command line, use a default value of PR_MAXPEERS, which has been bumped up to 6 in the updated peer.h released with this assignment. If the -n option is specified, the provided number must be ≥ 1. Given the small number of peers expected, you can implement the peer table using a simple table or list with linear insert and/or search times, as is done in the Lab2 support code. You may, but are not required to, use STL to implement the peer table. If you use the provided support code from Lab2, you don't need to do anything to use the larger peering table other than to swap out the old peer.h with the new one. We also made the simplifying assumption in Lab2 that the acknowledgement message sent back to a joining peer contains at most 1 alternate peer. Your next task is to support more than 1 returned peer with each join acknowledgement message. The acknowledgement message MUST be of the following format:3. Automatic JoinIn Lab 2, when a peer receives a PM_RDRT message, it simply prints out a join failure/redirection message to the console. It is then up to the user to re-run the peer to join another peer. Your third task is to automate this process. When a peer recieves a PM_RDRT message, instead of simply printing out a redirection message, your code should go down the list of returned peers and try to join each one of them until you have filled up your peer table. Actually, you need to do this even if you receive a PM_WLCM message if your peer table is not yet full. If your peer table is full but the list of peers returned to you by the peer you try to join is not yet exhausted, even if some peers in the table are still in "pending" state and may end up rejecting you, you can just throw away the remainder of the list. If your peer table is still not full after you've exhausted the list of peers, try to join with peers subsequently referred to you by the peers you contacted. You need to keep track of four cases: (1) don't attempt to join peers already in your peer table, (2) don't attempt another join with peers you already have a pending join, (3) don't attempt to join the last PR_MAXPEERS peers who have declined your earlier join attempt, and (4) if you try to join a peer at the same time it tries to join you, only one of you will successfully form a link. The first case is easy to check for: just make sure the peer you want to join is not already in your peer table. For the second case, if you enter into your peer table all your pending joins, this case reduces to the first case. You may want to add a "pending" field to your peer table entry so that you don't forward a search packet (see next task) to pending peers. For the third case, you need to keep a separate "peering declined" table, which MUST be implemented as a circular array of size PR_MAXPEERS. Prior to attempting a join, check against this table just like you would against the peer table. If your join attempt is declined, close the connection and move the peer from your peer table to your "peering declined" table. Otherwise, clear the peering table entry's pending field. The peering declined table should be used to keep only the most recent PR_MAXPEERS declined, i.e., once the table is full, you wrap around and overwrite the first entry. If your peer table is full, even if some of the entries are still "pending," don't initiate another join. (This also serves as a control to make sure that you don't flood the network with join requests!) As for the fourth case, only one of the two connect() attempts will succeed. The other will return with an error and the system errno variable will be set to EADDRNOTAVAIL. In which case, simply clear the peer table entry of the failed connection. If you've exhausted the returned peer lists and you have attempted a join with all the peers you've heard about and your peer table is still not full, just chill out, do nothing, and wait for new peers to connect to you. Each peer should be identified by only a single address:port identifier. Thus in connecting to a peer, you want your connect packet to be assigned the same outgoing IP address and port number as you have used with all earlier peers. You may want to modify your socks_clntinit() to take one more formal argument: a struct sockaddr_in variable holding the IP address and port number to use. If this variable is not NULL, call bind() to bind your connect socket to the intended IP address and port number before calling connect(). WARNING: don't confuse yourself by implementing the peer code as a multi-threaded process. With multithreading, you'd have to serialize access to the two tables. Just use the single-threaded event-driven model with select() as in Lab 2. Then you'll be dealing with only one message at a time and don't have to worry about inconsistent states caused by multiple messages arriving at the same time. This task shouldn't take more than 40 modified and new lines of code.4. Client Image QueryYour next task is to integrate the image query from Lab 1 with the peering code from Lab 2. If you've implemented Lab 1, you can re-use your code. If you have not implemented Lab 1, you want to review its support code and specification to complete this task. The client, netimg from Lab 1 should work without any modification. Next, incorporate the server code, imgdb, into the peer code, which we will then call p2pdb. The server will use two different ports: one to handle peer-to-peer network maintenance traffic and another to handle image query traffic. You get the first when you instantiate a peer object. The second comes with the instantiation of an imgdb object. We will call the former the peer socket and the latter the image socket henceforth. You'd need to register the image socket with select() along with the peer socket and all the other sockets connected to other peers. We will use one image socket for both client query and peer image-search reply (next task). When a client queries for an image, the server first searches its own database (or rather, its working directory/folder) for the requested file name, by calling imgdb::readimg() as in Lab 1. If the image is found, it is returned to the client and the connection is then closed. If the client terminates connection part way through the image transfer, your server should continue to work correctly with subsequent image queries. If the image is not found, the server checks whether it is already searching for an image in the peer-to-peer network on behalf of another client. If so, it returns an imsg_t packet to the new client with the im_type field set to NETIMG_EBUSY. That is, a server performs only one peer-to-peer search at any one time. You have to decide how to determine that a server is already serving another client. We will discuss how to handle peer-to-peer search in the next task. At this point, you should test your code and verify that your netimg client and p2pdb server work as in Lab 1 to serve up image files that are local to the server. To build the client, you'll need the files netimg.cpp, netimglut.cpp, netimg.h, socks.cpp, and socks.h. To build the server/peer, you'll need all the provided files except netimg.cpp and netimglut.cpp. See the provided Makefile. On Windows, you'll additionally need wingetopt.c and wingetopt.h. This task should take about 12 lines of modified or new code in peer.cpp and imgdb.cpp. You'll need to comment out the main() function in imgdb.cpp.5. P2P SearchWhen a peer cannot find an image locally, it sends out a search packet through the peer-to-peer network. When a queried image is found, the peer holding the image connects directly with the peer searching for the image (originating peer) and transfers the image to the originating peer, who then forwards it to the client. As explained in the previous section, this connection is made to the originating peer's image socket. Thus the search packet must carry the originating peer's address and its image socket's port number, along with the name of the image being searched for. You may re-use code from Lab 2 for this task. The query/search packet MUST follow this format:Testing Your CodeYou will be graded for correctness primarily by running your program on a number of test cases. If you have a single silly bug that causes most of the test cases to fail, you will get a very low score on that part of the programming assignment even if you completed 95% of the work. Most of your grade will come from correctness testing. Therefore, it is imperative that you test your code thoroughly. Each testcase should test only one particular feature of your program. Just as professional software firms do not ask for testcases from their customers prior to releasing their code, it is your responsibility to test your code thoroughly and not rely on the teaching staff to provide test cases. Here's a scenario to test your p2p network construction code using four hosts. At the first host, start your peer code with max peers set to 2. Next start a second peer with max peer set to 3, connect it to the first peer. Then start a third peer with max peer set to 2 and connect it to the second peer. If your automatic join code is working, peer 3 should then also join peer 1. Finally, start peer 4 with max peer set to 1 and try to connect it to peer 3. Peer 4 should fail to connect to peers 3 and 1 but successfully connect to peer 2. To test your search code, search for an image that is at least 2 hops away. Search for a non-existing image, and search for an image that is held by more than one peers. To test your correct handling of the search version number, let one of your peer, for example the third peer in the above test case, set the wrong version number in all of its search packets and observe how the other peers handle the wrong version number and whether they continue to function correctly afterwards. You may want to test wrong version number handling for search and acknowledgement packets separately. The error and diagnostic messages your code print out on console do not have to match those of the reference implementation exactly. We're not relying on an autograder to grade your implementation. Nevertheless, do be careful that your error and diagnostic messages are meaningful and not overwhelming. For example, if your code spew out a huge amount of messages that scroll off the screen without us being able to make head or tail of it, you could get very low grade. See the note below about debugging messages. One simple rule of thumb is to retain error and diagnostic messages that inform users of the correct working of your code but to remove all debugging messages intended only for yourself (such as "got here" or "in socks_clntinit", please try avoid obscene messages and comments).Support CodeThe support code for Labs 1 and 2 form most of the support code of this assignment. Additional support code consisting of an updated Makefile that builds both netimg and p2pdb, an updated peer.h, and a search.h containing the definition of a search packet is available for download. So that you don't feel like you're only filling in functions and not having any chance to write your own program from scratch, we are not providing further support code beyond the above. If you have not been able to complete Lab 1 and would like the solution so that you can complete this assignment, you may choose to forfeit the 20 points associated with it and obtain a solution from us. Similarly for Lab 2. Sharing the provided code and solutions is considered cheating and will be reported to the Honor Council.Submission InstructionsYour solution must either work with the provided Makefile or you must provide a Makefile that works on CAEN eecs489 hosts. Do NOT use any library or compiler option that is not used in the provided Makefile. Doing so would likely make your code not portable and if we can't compile your code, you will be heavily penalized. Test your compilation on CAEN eecs489 hosts! Your submission must compile and run without errors on CAEN eecs489 hosts. Your code MUST be interoperable with the provided refp2pdb in the Course Folder. Create a writeup in text format that discusses:
writeup-uniqname.txt and your source code files
for both your p2pdb and netimg.
To turn in your PA1, upload a zipped or gzipped tarball of your PA1 files to the CTools Drop Box. Keep your own backup copy! The timestamp on your uploaded file is your time of submission. If this is past the deadline, your submission will be considered late. You are allowed multiple "submissions" without late-policy implications as long as you respect the deadline. We highly recommend that you use a private third party repository such as github or M+Box or Dropbox to keep the back up copy of your submission. Local timestamps can be easily altered and cannot be used to establish your files' last modification times (-10 points). Be careful to use only third-party repository that allows for private access. To put your code in publicly accessible third-party repository is an Honor Code violation. Turn in ONLY the files you have modified. Do not turn in support code we provided that you haven't modified (-4 points). Do not turn in any binary files (object, executable, dll, library, or image files) with your assignment (-4 points). Your code must not require other compiler options, external libraries, or header files other than the ones listed in the Makefile (-10 points).Do remove all printf()'s or cout's and cerr's and any other logging statements you've added for debugging purposes. You should debug using a debugger, not with printf()'s. If we can't understand the output of your code, you will get zero point. GeneralIt is part of the Honor Code of this course that the overall design and final details and implementation of your programming assignments must be your own. If you're stuck in either the design, implementation, or debugging of the assignment, you're allowed and encouraged to consult with your classmates. However, the original design and final implementation details must all be your own. So you cannot come up with the original design together with your classmates. You can consult your classmates only after you've come up with your own design but ran into some specific problems. Similarly for the implementation, you cannot consult your classmates prior to writing your own implementation. And in all cases, you're not allowed to look at any of your classmates' source code, not even in order to help them to debug. The same applies to design and implementation from previous terms.Coding style
Empirical efficiencyWe will check for empirical efficiency both by measuring the memory usage and running time of your code and by reading the code. We will focus on whether you use unnecessary temporary variables, whether you copy data when a simply reference to it will do, whether you use an O(n) algorithm or an O(n^2) algorithm, but not whether you useprintf 's or fprintf 's. Nor whether your ADTs
have the cleanest interfaces. In general, if the tradeoff is between
illegible and fast code vs. pleasant to read code that is unnoticeably
less efficient, we will prefer the latter. (Of course pleasant to read
code that is also efficient would be best.) However, take heed what you
put in your code. You should be able to account for every class, method,
function, statement, down to every character you put in your code.
Why is it there? Is it necessary to be there? Can you do without?
Perfection is reached not when there is nothing more to add, but when
there is nothing more that can be taken away, someone once said.
Okay, that may be a bit extreme, but do try to mind how you express
yourself in code.
Hints and advice