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  1. Netimg
  2. A Peer Node
  3. ImageDB
  4. DHT O(N) Case
  5. BE Netimg
  6. FEC
  7. TBF
  8. WFQ
  1. P2P Search
  2. DHT Search
  3. RDP+FEC
  4. Virtualization

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EECS 489 Lab 4: DHT <i>O</i>(<i>N</i>) Case

EECS 489 Lab 4: DHT O(N) Case

This assignment is due on Wednesday, 12 Feb 2016, 6 pm.


In this lab, we will implement a simplified, Chord-like distributed hash table (DHT) that takes O(N) time to add a new node to the DHT. Our DHT relies on on-demand correction of inconsistencies arising from DHT node additions. You can review the DHT algorithm in the lecture on DHT and PA2 walk-through. You can also, optionally, read the paper on Chord (the algorithm in the paper relies on a periodic, instead of an on-demand, process to fix inconsistencies).

The dhtn, distributed hash table node, built from the support code takes the following command line options:

% dhtn [ -p <node>:<port> -I <ID> -t <ttl> ]

If the node is run without the -p option, it forms a new DHT with itself being the only node overseeing the whole identifier space. The -p option specifies the target of the node's message when joining an existing DHT. A node's position in the DHT may not end up being adjacent to the target node. A node's ID is based on the SHA1 hash of its IPv4 address and port number. As in Lab 3, we assume 8-bit identifiers. The -I option allows you to override the ID computation and give the node a static ID. This allows you to test how your code handles ID collision. It also allows you to test specific node addition orders and scenarios. The -t option allows you to set a time-to-live (ttl) value different from the default DHTM_TTL, defined in dhtn.h, for your join (and in PA2, search) message(s).

A node is placed between its predecessor and successor in the identifier ring if its ID is > that of the predecessor and ≤ that of its successor, where the ordering of the IDs follow modulo arithmetic as in Lab 3. Entering 'p' on the standard input (console) prints out the node's and its predecessor's and successor's IDs (don't forget to hit enter or return after the 'p'). [Unfortunately, console I/O is not implemented for Windows.]


To make the lab more manageable, we make the following simplifying assumptions:
  • No node departure: once a node joins the DHT, it doesn't depart until you take down the whole DHT. This means that, as in PA1, you don't need to clean up after a node departure, only be sure that you can take down the DHT without node crashing.
  • Node join process does not fail. To assume otherwise would require a bit more complicated 2-phase commit join protocol.
  • No concurrent joins. Nodes are added one a time. The provided support code most likely will work with concurrent joins, but it has not been tested for it. Consequently, until a node has completed its join process, it will interpret receiving a join packet from another node as an error.
  • Every time a node needs to send a message, it opens a new connection to the target node. The sender immediately closes the connection once the message is sent. So there is no permanently opened connections, unlike in PA1. The only exception to this single message per connection rule is when performing on-demand correction of DHT inconsistency due to node addition, as explained below.
  • When the ID range of a node changes, usually when its predecessor node changes, its whole image database is reloaded and its Bloom Filter recomputed.

Join Protocol

When the first node runs, it starts a listening socket, prints out its <hostname>:<port> on the screen and waits for join requests. Subsequent nodes should be started with an existing node's <hostname>:<port> provided on the command line. Each subsequent node first creates its own listening socket and then connects to the provided node, sending over a join request with its own ID, IPv4 address, and listening port number. The packet format defined as dhtmsg_t in dhtn.h is as follows:

The version number MUST be DHTM_VERS, as defined in dhtn.h. The dhtm_type field encodes the type of packet. Packets of type DHTM_JOIN and DHTM_REID use the same format. In the case of DHTM_JOIN, the port and IPv4 address carried by the packet, as part of dhtnode_t, are those of the joining node. In the case of DHTM_REID, the dhtnode_t field is not used.

After a node has sent out its join packet, it goes into a select() loop waiting for a connection to arrive at its listen socket or, if not running on Windows, for input on standard input (console). Since we open a separate connection for each message, when a connection is established, we immediately go into receiving mode. Each new connection is assigned an ephemeral source port different from the port it's listening for connection. To identify a node, use its ID instead of its source port.

There are two possible outcomes to a join attempt: either there is an ID collision and the node is asked to generate a new ID and try again (i.e., it receives a DHTM_REID packet), or it receives a welcome message, informing it of its successor and predecessor nodes. The packet format used for DHTM_WLCM packet is dhtwlcm_t defined in dhtn.h and it is very similar to dhtmsg_t but for an additional dhtnode_t in the packet. The first dhtnode_t in the welcome packet is the successor to the joining node and the second dhtnode_t its predecessor. The figure below shows the packet format of dhtwlcm_t:

In dhtn::handlepkt() we check whether the returning packet is of type DHTM_REID or DHTM_WLCM. In the former case, we call dhtn::reID() to regenerate a new ID and then call dhtn::join() again with the new ID to retry the join attempt. In the latter case, we store the first dhtnode_t in the return packet in the dhtn class member variable fingers[DHTN_SUCC], which is where we keep the successor node's information. Then we store the second dhtnode_t in the class member variable fingers[DHTN_PRED]. We use a fingers[] array instead of separate sucessor and predecessor variables in anticipation of PA2.

The function dhtn::handlepkt() has been provided to you in full. Please take your time to read it carefully and make sure you understand what it is doing. Pay attention to how the socket whence a packet arrived is closed as soon as we finish receiving the packet. The only exception is when the arriving packet is a DHTM_JOIN packet, in which case we call dhtn::handlejoin() to handle the packet. In dhtn::handlejoin() be sure to close the sender socket as soon as you're done with it. Otherwise, you could run into a deadlock situation where multiple nodes are waiting for each other to complete transmission and close connection.

Task 1

Your first task is to write the function dhtn::handlejoin(). There are four cases you need to consider in writing this function:
  1. When the joining node's ID collides with that of the current node or its predecessor, send back to the joining node a DHTM_REID message, as described above.
  2. When the joining node's ID falls within the identifier range of the current node, the correct spot on the identifier ring has been found for the joining node, insert it into place and inform the joining node of its place in the identifier ring by sending it a DHTM_WLCM message as described above. When the joining node is inserted into place, it splits the current node's ID range.
  3. When the joining node's ID is not within the current node's identifier range, but the node forwarding the join request believes it to be within the current node's range---this indicates that the forwarding node's successor information has become inconsistent due to earlier node addition(s), send a DHTM_RDRT message to the node forwarding the join request (not to the joining node).
  4. When a DHTM_JOIN message must be forwarded along the DHT by calling dhtn::forward() (see Task 2 below).
See comments in dhtn.cpp:dhtn::handlejoin() for what you need to do for each of the above cases. Don't forget to close the socket passed to dhtn::handlejoin() as soon as you don't need it, to prevent deadlock situation. This task takes no more than 35-45 lines of code. You will need your hash.cpp:ID_inrange() code from Lab 3.

Task 2

The function dhtn::forward() handles the forwarding of DHTM_JOIN messages. It is also where we implement the "on-demand" repair of the DHT identifier ring inconsistencies arising from node additions. Before forwarding a join message, check whether the ID of the joining node falls within the expected range of the node to which the message is to be forwarded. If so, set the DHTM_ATLOC bit of the message's dhtm_type. As detailed in the description for Task 1 above, if this expectation is misplaced, the node to which the join message is forwarded will return a DHTM_RDRT message. A DHTM_RDRT message has the same format as a DHTM_JOIN message, except that the dhtnode_t field contains the address and port number of a suggested replacement successor node. We always accept the suggestion, make it our new successor node, and re-send the join message to it, with DHTM_ATLOC set. If there had been multiple additions to the DHT, the suggested successor may yet again turn out to be inconsistent information. In which case, we may have to change successor node and retransmit the join request multiple times.

Every time a DHTM_JOIN packet is forwarded, including re-forwarding in response to the receipt of a DHTM_RDRT, its dhtm_ttl field is decremented by one. When the ttl reaches 0, the packet is dropped. Since the join process is assumed not to fail, and since we don't have the equivalent of ICMP implemented for this assignment, if a join packet is dropped due to ttl expiration, you'll simply be prompted to re-run your test case with a larger ttl (specified using the -t command line option).

The comments in dhtn.cpp:dhtn::forward() contain further details that should help in implementing this function. This second task should take about 20 lines of code. In completing both tasks 1 and 2, you may use the functions in socks.cpp provided as part of the support code (or use your own implementation from PA1).

Testing Your Code

The provided dhtn is linked with the imgdb class so you can use netimg from Lab 3 to query it for an image. To simplify experimentation, you can let all instances of your dhtn share the same images folder, but each dhtn instance should load to its image database only those images whose IDs fall within its purview. We are not implementing search on the distributed hash table in this lab, so only query for images within a dhtn's ID range may return an image. In your test, you can run netimg multiple times, each time connecting to a different dhtn, requesting images within and outside the node's ID range. As in PA1, each dhtn has two sockets: one to communicate with other DHT nodes, the other for netimg clients to query the node's imgdb.

After each node addition, the successor information of previously added nodes may have become inconsistent such that when you hit 'p' you will see inconsistent successor information. This is alright. However, for each new node you add, entering 'p' at that newly joined node should show you the correct successor node. Only after additional nodes have joined the network is the successor information of existing nodes allowed to be inconsistent. While the successor information is allowed to become inconsistent, the predecessor information must stay consistent at all times. So if you hit 'p' on each node, you should be able to reconstruct the correct identifier ring by following the predecessor node information at each node.

Support Code

The support code is available as lab4.tgz. It contains only three files: a Makefile, dhtn.h, and dhtn.cpp. To build the dhtn program, you need your files from Lab 3. You could simply copy over these new files from Lab 4 to your Lab 3 folder. If you want to save the Makefile from Lab 3, please do so before you copy over and overwrite it with the new Makefile. We assume you have a working imgdb and ID_inrange() function from Lab 3. If you didn't manage to get these functions to work in Lab 3, you can get the solutions for 10 of your PA2 points. As with Lab 3, only those who have completed PA1, or inform us that they are not going to complete PA1, will have access to the support code because the support code reveals the solution to parts of PA1.

You can also find the reference implementation refdhtn in /afs/umich.edu/class/eecs489/w16/lab4. The reference implementation is, as usual, compiled on CAEN eecs489 hosts running Red Hat 7, so don't try to run it on Mac OS X or Windows machines. The support code has been compiled and tested on Linux, Mac OS X, and Windows. As with Lab 3, on Ubuntu and Windows, you'd need to install the OpenSSL library (see Lab 3 specs for instructions).

Submission Instructions

As with Lab 1, to incorporate publicly available code in your solution, or to pass off the implementation of an algorithm as that of another are both considered cheating in this course. If you can not implement a required algorithm, you must inform the teaching staff when turning in your assignment.

Your submission must compile and run without errors on CAEN eecs489 hosts using the provided Makefile, unmodified, without any additional libraries or compiler options.

Your "Lab4 files" comprises your dhtn.cpp file.

To turn in your Lab4, upload a zipped or gzipped tarball of your Lab4 files to the CTools Drop Box. Keep your own backup copy! The timestamp on your uploaded file is your time of submission. If this is past the deadline, your submission will be considered late. You are allowed multiple "submissions" without late-policy implications as long as you respect the deadline. We highly recommend that you use a private third party repository such as github or M+Box or Dropbox or Google Drive to keep the back up copy of your submission. Local timestamps can be easily altered and cannot be used to establish your files' last modification times (-10 points). Be careful to use only third-party repository that allows for private access. To put your code in publicly accessible third-party repository is an Honor Code violation.

Turn in ONLY the files you have modified. Do not turn in support code we provided that you haven't modified (-4 points). Do not turn in any binary files (object, executable, dll, library, or image files) with your assignment (-4 points). Your code must not require other additional libraries or header files other than the ones listed in the Makefile (-10 points).

Do remove all printf()'s or cout's and cerr's and any other logging statements you've added for debugging purposes. You should debug using a debugger, not with printf()'s. If we can't understand the output of your code, you will get zero point.