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Welcome to Winter 2020 EECS 441 Sections 3 and 4!
Course Info:
| Sections 3&4 Lecture: TTh 10:30-12 in 133 CHRYS
| Discussion 31: F 10-11 in 1012 FXB |
| Discussion 41: F 11-12 in 1012 FXB |
| Students are expected to attend all lectures and all sessions of one discussion section
| |
| Faculty: Sugih Jamin |
| Office: 4737 BBB |
| Office Hours: TTh 12-12:30 and by appt. |
| email:  |
| Tel: +1 734 763 1583
| GSI: Yibo Pi |
| Office: 1637 BBB |
| Office Hours: Tu 6-7 pm, F 1-2, and by appt.
| | uniqname: yibo
Required Readings:
Please see the course's Syllabus for the articles we will be reading this semester.
There is no textbook for this course.
All the contents of the course website is also required reading.
We will post important course-related information on the
Announcement page, which is also required reading.
About the course:
Roughly a third of this course is about entrepreneurship, 32% is about product design and testing, and the
remainder is about code development and team management. Your goals in this course are: (1) to identify an
INNOVATIVE mobile app idea that people would want to use AND BUY, and (2) to design and develop the app
for a PRODUCT LAUNCH at the end of the term.
This is a project course, it does not teach you how to program a mobile device,
you're expected to learn that on your own.