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Course Grade Composition:
Letter grade interpretation:
- A+: Perfect. Has that WOW factor.
- A: Engineering work is outstanding. Creativity and
novelty are clearly observable. The project presents the best
possible accomplishments given the difficulty level, and experience
level of the student team. The amount of effort invested is
To get an A-range grade, your app MUST be published at Apple AppStore or Google Play.
- B: No discernable prospect for monetization. Engineering
work is otherwise very good, though falls short in a few
areas. Traces of creativity and novelty are observable. Project
draws upon advanced coverage of coursework yet no noteworthy
extension of knowledge is readily observable. There are potential
(but not necessarily substantial) improvements to the project
accomplishments and the end product. The amount of effort invested
is noteworthy but could be increased.
- C: Technical depth insufficient to form a barrier to market
entry. Engineering work is minimally acceptable. Design fails
to materialize through a refined process. Questionable design
decisions are noted. Design rationale is not well-documented or
simply not credible or not sound from a technical perspective. The
project is below expectations with respect to a number of criteria;
however it does score some successes which suggest project for the
future. Students appear to be minimally prepared to undertake such
endeavors unless significant refinement is implemented.
- D: Engineering work is questionable. Most deliverables
are substandard. The project draws upon shallow and limited
knowledge base. Given the difficulty level, accomplishments are
minor although promising in certain aspects. There is potential that
a fully functional prototype could be delivered if additional time
is allotted.
- E: Project could not possibly be classified in any of the
above categories
Policy on Collaboration
You are required to work in team of 5-7 members.
Acts of cheating and plagiarizing will be reported to the Engineering
Honor Council. Cheating is when you copy, with or without modification,
someone else's work that is not meant to be publicly accesible.
Plagiarizing is when you copy, with or without modification, someone
else's work that is publicly available without acknowledging the original
Please further review the
College of Engineering Honor Code.
If you received substantial help from another person to
complete your assignment, you must acknowledge them in your work. If you use
any published materials (books, papers, or materials found on the Web) in
any of your presentations, you must give full citation that enable
the location of the original materials (for example, the URL of the Web site).
For this course, the above means that you must prepare each presentation
by yourselves (in team). Don't copy verbatim any presentation you
found online. Your team must work on your project by yourselves. Do
not copy someone else's code. Do not use any copyrighted
graphics without the author's permission in your app (you may have to
license and pay royalty for the graphics). You may use open-source code
or library and Creative Commons graphics to help you complete your project;
again, if you do, be sure to credit the authors and cite the sources in
your documentation. (There are too many permutations of what's available
online, and what you can or cannot use, to list them all here. Check with
instructor case by case.)
Regrade and Late Submission
You have two working days from when a piece of graded work is
returned to ask for a regrade. To ask for regrade, you must
submit a written request explaining the technical reasons that
would make a regrade necessary. A regrade means regrading
your whole work and may result in an overall lower grade.
Due to the nature of the assignments, no late work will be accepted.
All presentations must be submitted through Canvas by the deadline,
which will then be downloaded to the instructor's laptop for in-class
presentation. If you don't turn in an assignment by its due date,
you will receive a zero for the assignment.