- 12/19/2015: Extra Credit link posted, due: 12/23/2015.
- 11/09/2015: Special Topics Presentation
assignment posted,
due: 11/23/2015.
- 10/30/2015: Project Ideas posted.
- 10/28/2015: Interrupt Notes posted.
- 10/27/2015: Serial Notes posted.
- 10/27/2015: RC Circuit Review posted.
- 10/12/2015: HW # 5 posted, due: 10/23/2015. Note: This is the practice midterm as well.
- 09/28/2015: HW # 4 posted
part 1 and
part 2, due: 10/5/2015.
- 09/23/2015: HW # 3 updated, due: 9/28/2015.
- 09/21/2015: HW # 3 posted, due: 9/28/2015.
- 09/14/2015: HW # 2 posted, due: 9/21/2015.
- 09/09/2015: HW # 1 posted, due: 9/14/2015.
- 09/09/2015: Welcome to EECS 373!
Course Administrivia
EECS 373, Fall 2015, 4 Units, CN: 10453
Instructional Staff:
Prabal Dutta (Instructor) → OH: Wed, 4-5pm (4773 BBB)
Matt Smith (Lab Instructor)
Pat Pannuto (GSI) → OH: Mon/Wed, 10-11am, EECS Learning Center (1637 BBB)
John Connolly (IA)
Seth Goldstein (IA)
Alex Laberge (IA)
Miguel Argueta-Leon (Grader)
Yun Chan Han (Grader)
1690 BBB
Mon/Wed: 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM
2334 EECS
Tue: 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM (CN: 10454)
Wed: 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM (CN: 10455)
Thu: 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM (CN: 10456)
Course Description
This class is focused on the principles and practices of modern
embedded systems design. In class, we will focus on computer
architecture beyond the CPU, fundamentals of the hardware/software
interface, techniques for sensing and controlling the physical world,
and a few other topics. New this term, we will also introduce the
Intel Edison IoT platform as an alternate platform for some
assignments and projects. In lab, we will focus on the ARM Cortex-M3,
Actel FPGAs, and other supporting hardware, to learn how to design,
build, and program embedded systems. Labs during the first half of
the course will focus on essential topics. The second half of the
course will focus on the design and implementation of non-trivial,
open-ended project involving both hardware and software. The labs and
project will require a substantial amount of time -- this is a
lab-intensive class with a heavy workload.
Syllabus (Tentative)
Week |
Date |
Topic |
Lead(s) |
1 |
Sep 9 |
Dutta |
Hardware Tools
HW # 1 : Comb & Seq Logic Design
ARM System Architecture
2 |
Sep 14 |
Arch, Assembly, ABI
(PPT) updated
Dutta |
Software Tools
HW # 2 : Programming Linked Lists
Sep 16 |
Assembly, ABI, Toolchains
(PPT) cont.
Dutta |
3 |
Sep 21 |
MMIO and Busses
Dutta |
Lab # 3 : Memory-Mapped I/O
HW # 3 : ARM Assembly
Sep 23 |
Memory/Peripheral Bus: AMBA
Dutta |
4 |
Sep 28 |
Dutta |
Lab # 4 : Interrupts
HW # 4 : Programming w/ Pointers
& followup
Sep 30 |
Interrupts (cont), ARM NVIC
Dutta |
5 |
Oct 5 |
Dutta |
Lab # 5 : Clocks, Counters, and Timers
Oct 7 |
Timers (cont) and Digital I/O
Dutta |
Peripheral Interfacing
6 |
Oct 12 |
Serial buses: UART, SPI, and I2C
Dutta |
Lab # 5 : Clocks, Counters, and Timers
HW # 5 : Practice Midterm
Oct 14 |
Project Overview
Smith |
7 |
Oct 19 |
NO LECTURE: Fall Break
Lab # 6 : Serial Bus Interfacing
Oct 21 |
Dutta |
8 |
Oct 26 |
Catch up and Review |
Dutta |
Lab # 6 : Serial Bus Interfacing
Oct 28 |
Midterm Exam |
9 |
Nov 2 |
NO LECTURE: Work on Projects
Dutta |
Lab # 7 : ADC/DAC Data Converters
Nov 4 |
NO LECTURE: Work on Projects |
Dutta |
10 |
Nov 9 |
Embedded Operating Systems
Dutta |
Nov 11 |
Printed Circuit Board Design
Dutta |
11 |
Nov 16 |
NO LECTURE: Work on Presentations |
Nov 18 |
12 |
Nov 23 |
Special Topics |
Students |
Nov 25 |
NO LECTURE: Work on Projects |
13 |
Nov 30 |
Special Topics |
Students |
Projects |
Dec 2 |
NO LECTURE: Work on Projects |
14 |
Dec 7 |
NO LECTURE: Work on Projects |
Projects |
Dec 9 |
NO LECTURE: Work on Projects |
15 |
Dec 14 |
Demo & Poster Session
Time: 1:30-3:30 PM (setup at 1:00 PM)
Room: Tishman Hall (BBB Atrium)
Students |
Projects / Teardown / Parts Return |
16 |
Dec 14 to Dec 16 |
Take-Home Final Exam Time
Out: 6:00 PM, Dec 14
Due: 6:00 PM, Dec 16
Students |
The curricular prequisites for this class include EECS 270
(Introduction to Logic Design), EECS 280 (Programming and
Introductory Data Structures), and EECS 370 (Introduction to
Computer Organization). The
bulletin outlines the contents of these courses. In general,
students are expected to have a firm grasp on combinational and
sequential logic design, be familiar with assembly language
programming (for some architecture), be proficient in C programming,
and know their way around the elements of a computer. In addition,
success in this course will require substantial reading and hacking,
and students will need a high degree of patience and determination.
Honor Code.
Engineering Honor Code applies to all assignments and exams.
Learn Concepts Together through Discussion. Verbal
collaboration between members of different groups is permitted for the
purpose of helping classmates to understand concepts essential to the
labs or providing one another with insights into the best way to
approach the in-lab assignments.
Do Your Own Work. Individual assignments (e.g., prelabs,
homeworks, and exams) are to be performed on your own. Group
assignments (e.g., labs, lab reports, and postlabs) are to be
performed only by members of the group. Non-verbal collaboration
(e.g. drawing sample schematics on paper or the whiteboard, sharing
schematics or code) is not allowed. You may not help debug another
group's hardware or software without consent from the lab or course
instructor. You are also not allowed to possess, look at, use, or in
any way derive advantage from the existence of code, lab reports, or
other material prepared in prior years.
Attend Your Registered Lab. You are expected to attend the lab
section for which you are registered. If you would like to switch lab
sections, but the section you want is full, you must find someone in
that lab section to swap positions with you. Once you have agreed on a
swap, send email to Matt Smith. All section swaps must be completed
before the second week of lab.
Prelabs. Prelabs are due in lab during the week the lab is to
start. All prelabs must be turned in within the 20 minutes after the
offical start of lab (on the half hour) (to allow for tardiness,
printing problems, etc.) or you will only get 50% of the credit
otherwise earned. Prelabs more than one week late will earn no
credit. For any labs which span multiple weeks, the prelab is due
during the first week of that lab. Prelabs are to be done individually
unless otherwise specified in the lab itself.
Postlabs. Postlabs are due in lab the week after the last week
of that lab. They are due 20 minutes after the start of that lab
period. Just like prelabs, late labs earn only 50% of the credit
otherwise earned and postlabs which are more than one week late get no
credit. Postlabs are to be done by the group unless otherwise
specified in the lab itself.
In-Labs. In-labs are due by Friday of the last week of the lab
in open lab hours (you are welcome to turn it in before this and most
students do). One of the lab instructors must sign your in-lab form
by that time for the in-lab to be on time. You should hand in the
signed (and dated) in-lab form with your postlab. Late in-labs lose
10% of their value per business day (Monday though Friday not
including holidays) they are late. You may only work with your lab
group (generally one other person) on your in-lab.
Item |
Weight |
Description |
Labs |
25% |
Seven labs. |
Project |
25% |
Group project demonstrating understanding of major topics. |
Exams |
35% |
Two exams: Midterm (15%); Final (20%). |
Homework |
10% |
Approximately five homework/programming assignments weighted
roughly equally. |
Presentation |
4% |
Group presentation to class. |
Feedback |
1% |
Complete course evaluation and forward acknowledgement to: |
- Combinational Logic Tutorial
- Sequential Logic Tutorial
- Toolchain Tutorial
- ARMv7 Architecture Reference Manual
- ARM Cortex-M3 Technical Reference Manual v2.1
- ARM and Thumb-2 Instruction Set Quick Reference Card
- ARM Architecture Procedure Call Standard (EABI)
- ARM Cortex-M3 Embedded Software Development (AN-179)
- Actel SmartFusion MSS User Guide
- Actel SmartFusion Analog User Guide
- Actel A2F Eval Kit User Guide
- CodeSourcery Getting Started
- GNU Assembler
- GNU Compiler
- GNU Linker
- Linkers and Loaders
- GNU Debugger
- GNU Binary Utilities
- I2C Bus
- FitBit Surge Teardown
This material is based upon work supported by the National
Science Foundation under grant #0964120. Any opinions,
findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this
material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily
reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.
This course and lab use hardware and software provided by
Microsemi Corporation, including the SmartFusion MCU+FPGA
development boards and the Libero Gold and Platinum software
development tools.
This course uses hardware and software provided by Intel
Corporation, including the Intel Edison IoT Platform, software,
documentation, and development tools.