EECS 460 - Control Systems Analysis and Design (W14 - F14 - W16 - W17 - W18 - W22)
EECS 560 (AERO 550) (ME 564) (CEE 571) - Linear Systems Theory (W15 - F17 - W19 - W21)
EECS 598 - Hybrid Systems: Specification, Verification and Control (F13 - F15 - F16)
EECS 563 - Hybrid Control Systems (F18 - F20 - F23)
ROB 501 - Mathematics for Robotics (F21 - F22 - W25)
EECS 200 - Electrical Engineering System Design I (F22 - F23 - F24) (video introduction)
Graduate Advising
Pete Seiler is the academic advisor for ECE Control graduate students. Here is some information for control students (originally compiled by Jessy Grizzle):