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author = {No{\"e}l, P. B. and Walczak, A. and Xu, J. and {\bf Corso}, {\bf J. J.} and Hoffmann, K. R. and Schafer, S.},
journal = {Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine},
number = {3},
pages = {271--277},
projects = {cbct,gpumedical},
researcharea = {MI},
tags = {medical imaging, tomographic reconstruction, gpu},
title = {{GPU}-based Cone Beam Computed Tomography},
url = {http://web.eecs.umich.edu/~jjcorso/pubs/cmpb2010_gpucbct.pdf},
venue = {CMPB},
volume = {98},
year = {2010}
author = {No{\"e}l, P. B. and Walczak, A. and Hoffmann, K. R. and Xu, J. and {\bf Corso}, {\bf J. J.} and Schafer, S.},
booktitle = {Proceedings of High-Performance Medical Image Computing and Computer-Aided Intervention (HP-MICCAI)},
projects = {gpumedical,cbct},
researcharea = {MI},
tags = {medical imaging, gpu, tomographic reconstruction, evaluation},
title = {{Clinical Evaluation of GPU-Based Cone Beam Computed Tomography}},
url = {http://web.eecs.umich.edu/~jjcorso/pubs/hpmiccai2008_gpucbct.pdf},
venue = {HPMICCAI},
year = {2008}
author = {{\bf Corso},{\bf J. J.} and Cohen, J. D.},
institution = {{The Johns Hopkins University}},
note = {Graphics Lab Technical Report},
projects = {volvis},
researcharea = {CG},
tags = {computer vision, gpu, volume rendering},
title = {{Out-Of-Core Voxelization of Large Scalar Fields for Interactive Multiresolution Volume Rendering}},
year = {2002}
author = {Leven, J. and {\bf Corso},{\bf J. J.} and Cohen, J. D. and Kumar, S.},
booktitle = {Proceedings of IEEE/SIGGRAPH Symposium on Volume Visualization and Graphics 2002},
pages = {37--44},
projects = {volvis},
researcharea = {CG},
tags = {computer graphics, gpu, volume rendering},
title = {{Interactive Visualization of Unstructured Grids Using Hierarchical 3D Textures}},
url = {http://web.eecs.umich.edu/~jjcorso/pubs/leven02unstructgrid.pdf},
year = {2002}