We posted a paper on online algorithms for rigid structure from motion today on the arxiv. This is work spearheaded by Ryan Kennedy at Penn. Our results give good evidence that GROUSE-like algorithms could make a big impact in this area of computer vision.
I’m very excited that my proposal for blind calibration in environmental sensor networks has been given the NSF BRIGE award. Now we get to roll up our sleeves and do the work! You can read the original paper that inspired this proposal and the more detailed book chapter here.
Jun He, Dejiao Zhang, and I are happy to share our preprint and our code on t-GRASTA, a variant of GRASTA which includes estimation of geometric transformations of the data (such as translations and rotations of images, so that we can deal with jitter).
GROUSE local convergence
Steve Wright and I are pleased to share our work on the local convergence of GROUSE, an algorithm for estimating a subspace from partially observed vectors, which is now on the arxiv.
UW-Madison ECE Dissertation Award
Laura is very honored to receive the 2012 award for Best Dissertation from the University of Wisconsin, Madison ECE Department. The award even came with some cash, which Rob Nowak pointed out will buy a LOT of beer when we celebrate during the SILO meeting in June. Hope to see you there.
Thanks EECS 600 Students!
Laura wants to thank her students in EECS 600 for being so awesome and dedicated. A great first class to teach at Michigan!
EPA Air Sensors Meeting
Laura gave a plenary talk at the EPA Air Sensors meeting in Raleigh in March. There are lots of exciting opportunities for signal processing in air quality sensing!
Specifically, beginning in 2026, CMS will be able to negotiate maximum prices for patented drugs that have no equivalent replacement best online pharmacy and account for the largest Medicare expenditure. Starting in 2026, price negotiation will be for 10 drugs, starting in 2027 for 15 drugs and starting in 2029 for 20 drugs.
IPAM Meeting
The IPAM meeting on Adaptive Data Analysis and Sparsity was a big success. Thank you to everyone who participated.