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author = {Alomari, R. S. and {\bf Corso}, {\bf J. J.} and Chaudhary, V. and Dhillon, G.},
booktitle = {{Proceedings of Medical Image Computing and Computer Aided Intervention Workshop on Computational Spine Imaging}},
tags = {medical imaging, spine imaging},
title = {Lumbar Spine Disc Herniation Diagnosis with a Joint Shape Model},
url = {http://web.eecs.umich.edu/~jjcorso/pubs/alomari_miccaiw2013.pdf},
year = {2013}
author = {Alomari, R. S. and {\bf Corso}, {\bf J. J.} and Chaudhary, V. and Dhillon, G.},
journal = {International Journal of Computer Aided Radiology and Surgery},
number = {1},
pages = {119--126},
tags = {medical imaging, spine imaging, computer-aided diagnosis},
title = {Toward a Clinical Lumbar {CAD}: Herniation Diagnosis},
url = {http://web.eecs.umich.edu/~jjcorso/pubs/alomari_ijcars2011.pdf},
volume = {6},
year = {2011}
author = {Alomari, R. S. and {\bf Corso}, {\bf J. J.} and Chaudhary, V. and Dhillon, G.},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Computer Aided Diagnosis and Surgery (CARS '10)},
tags = {medical imaging, computer-aided diagnosis, spine imaging},
title = {Lumbar Disc Herniation CAD with a {GVF}-snake Model},
url = {http://web.eecs.umich.edu/~jjcorso/pubs/alomari_cars2010.pdf},
year = {2010}
author = {Alomari, R. S. and {\bf Corso}, {\bf J. J.} and Chaudhary, V.},
journal = {IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging},
number = {1},
pages = {1--10},
tags = {medical imaging, spine imaging, graphical models, semantic segmentation},
title = {Labeling of Lumbar Discs using both Pixel- and Object-Level Features with a Two-Level Probabilistic Model},
url = {http://web.eecs.umich.edu/~jjcorso/pubs/tmi2011_lumbar.pdf},
volume = {30},
year = {2011}
author = {Alomari, R. S. and {\bf Corso}, {\bf J. J.} and Chaudhary, V. and Dhillon, G.},
booktitle = {Proceedings of SPIE Conference on Medical Imaging},
tags = {medical imaging, computer-aided diagnosis, spine imaging},
title = {Automatic diagnosis of lumbar disc herniation using shape and appearance features from MRI},
url = {http://web.eecs.umich.edu/~jjcorso/pubs/alomari_spie2010.pdf},
year = {2010}
author = {Alomari, R. S. and {\bf Corso}, {\bf J. J.} and Chaudhary, V. and Dhillon, G.},
journal = {International Journal of Computer Aided Radiology and Surgery},
number = {3},
pages = {287--293},
tags = {medical imaging, spine imaging, computer-aided diagnosis},
title = {Computer-aided Diagnosis of Lumbar Disc Pathology from Clinical Lower Spine {MRI}},
url = {http://web.eecs.umich.edu/~jjcorso/pubs/alomari_ijcars2010.pdf},
volume = {5},
year = {2010}
author = {Alomari, R. S. and {\bf Corso}, {\bf J. J.} and Chaudhary, V. and Dhillon, G.},
booktitle = {Proceedings of 2009 IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging},
tags = {medical imaging, spine imaging, computer-aided diagnosis},
title = {Desiccation Diagnosis in Lumbar Discs from Clinical MRI with a Probabilistic Model},
url = {http://web.eecs.umich.edu/~jjcorso/pubs/isbi2009_lumbar.pdf},
year = {2009}
author = {Alomari, R. S. and {\bf Corso}, {\bf J. J.} and Chaudhary, V. and Dhillon, G.},
booktitle = {Proceedings of 23rd International Congress and Exhibition on Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery (CARS 2009)},
tags = {medical imaging, spine imaging, computer-aided diagnosis},
title = {Abnormality Detection in Lumbar Discs from Clinical MR Images with a Probabilistic Model},
url = {http://web.eecs.umich.edu/~jjcorso/pubs/cars2009_abnormality.pdf},
year = {2009}
author = {{\bf Corso},{\bf J. J.} and Alomari, R. S. and Chaudhary, V.},
booktitle = {Proceedings of Medical Image Computing and Computer Aided Intervention (MICCAI)},
pages = {202--210},
tags = {medical imaging, spine imaging, semantic segmentation, hierarchical},
title = {Lumbar Disc Localization and Labeling with a Probabilistic Model on both Pixel and Object Features},
url = {http://web.eecs.umich.edu/~jjcorso/pubs/jcorso_MICCAI2008.pdf},
volume = {LNCS 5241 Part 1},
year = {2008}