Journal and Conference Publications
John F. Meyer
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manusript can be downloaded if so indicated at the end of the abstract.
"Autonomous vehicle safety:
Lessons from aviation" (with Jaynarayan H. Lala and Carl E. Landwehr), in Communications of the ACM, Vol. 63, No. 9,
Sept. 2020.
"Model-based evaluation of system resilience,"
in Proc. 43rd Int'l Conf. on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN 2013), Workshop on Systems Resilience, Budapest, Hungary, June 2013.
"Mesures de la qualité des systèmes,"
in Génie Logiciel, no. 94, pp. 45-46, 63, Sept. 2010.
"Defining and evaluating resilience: A performability
perspective", in Proc. 9th Int'l Workshop
on the Performability Modeling of
Computer and Communication Systems, Eger, Hungary, pp. 1-3,
Sept. 2009.
modeling: Back to the future?", in Proc. 8th Int'l Workshop
on the Performability Modeling of
Computer and Communication Systems, Edinburgh, Scotland, pp. 5-9,
Sept. 2007.
"Validation of a survivable
system" (with S. Singh, A. Agbaria, F. Stevens, T. Courtney, W. H.
Sanders, and P. Pal), International Scientific Journal of
vol. 4, no. 2, 2005.
"Model-based validation of an
information system" (with F. Stevens, T. Courtney, S. Singh, A.
Agbaria, W. H. Sanders,
and P. Pal), in Proc. 23rd IEEE International Symposium on
Reliable Distributed Systems (SRDS'04),
Florianpolis, Brazil, pp. 184-194, October 2004.
"Performability: An e-utility
imperative" (with L. F. Spainhower), in Proc. 14th Int'l
Conference on Software and Systems Engineering and their
Applications (ICSSEA 2001), Vol. 3, Paris, France, Dec.
"Performability of an algorithm for
connection admission control," IEEE Trans. Comput., vol. 50,
no. 7, pp. 724-733, July 2001.
"Performability of algorithms for
connection admission control," in
Proc. ICDSN 2000, New York, NY, pp. 181-190, June 2000.
- "Multiplexability of VBR traffic in networks with fluctuating
capacity," in Proc. 4nd Int'l Workshop on the Performability
Modeling of Computer and Communication Systems, Williamsburg, VA,
Sept. 1998.
"Analysis of an ATM multiplexer with
prioritized service" (with S. Montagna, R. Paglino, and A.
Puglisi), in Proc. 5th Int'l Workshop on Performance Modelling and
Evaluation of ATM Networks, Ilkley, UK, July 1997.
"Solution of operational profiles for
multiuser systems", in Proc. 18th IFIP TC7 Conference on System
Modelling and Optimization, Detroit, MI, July 1997.
"Exact and approximate analysis of
ATM cell loss correlation" (with J.-L. Tseng), in Proc. 1996 IEEE
Int'l Computer Performance and Dependability Symposium, Urbana, IL,
Sept. 1996.
"Performability management in
distributed database systems: An adaptive
concurrency control protocol'' (with A. T. Tai), in Proc. 4th Int'l
on Modeling, Analysis, and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication
, San Jose, CA, pp. 212-216, Feb. 1996.
"Fast approximate analysis of an ATM
multiplexer'' (with S. Montagna, R. Paglino, and F. Bonomi), in Proc.
9th ITC Specialists Seminar, Leidschendam, The Netherlands, pp.
95-108, Nov. 1995.
"Dependability of modular software in
a multiuser operational environment'' (with B. Littlewood and D. R.
Wright), in Proc. 6th Int'l Symposium on Software Reliability
Engineering, Toulouse, France, pp. 170-179, Oct. 1995.
- "An integrated approach to evaluating the loss performance of
ATM switches''
(with S. Montagna and R. Paglino), in Proc. 3rd Int'l Workshop on
Modelling and Evaluation of ATM Networks, Ilkley, UK, July 1995.
- "Performance evaluation of the UT-XC system with controlled
bursty traffic'' (with S. Montagna and R. Paglino), in Proc. 3rd
Int'l Workshop on Performance Modelling and Evaluation of ATM Networks,
Ilkley, UK, July
"Probabilistic modeling,'' in Proc.
25th Int'l Symposium on Fault-Tolerant Computing (Special Issue of
Invited Papers), Pasadena, CA, pp. 88-95, June 1995.
"Performability evaluation: Where it
is and what lies ahead,'' in Proc. 1995 IEEE Int'l Computer
Performance and Dependability Symposium, Erlangen, Germany, pp.
334-343, April 1995.
- "Evaluation of cell loss correlation using stochastic activity
networks (with J.-L. Tseng), in Proc. 3rd ORSA Telecommunications
Conference , Boca Raton, FL, March 1995.
- "Correlation of cell losses in ATM switches'' (with J.-L.
Tseng), in Bull. 1994 ORSA/TIMS Joint National Meeting,
Detroit, MI, Oct. 1994.
- "Delay performance of a multistage ATM switching network'' (with
S. Montagna and R. Paglino), in Proc. 14th Int'l Teletraffic
Congress , Antibes Juan-les-Pins, France, June 1994.
- "Minimal ON/OFF source models for ATM traffic'' (with F. Bonami,
S. Montagna and R. Paglino), in Proc. 14th Int'l Teletraffic
Congress , Antibes Juan-les-Pins, France, June 1994.
- "Dimensioning of an ATM switch with shared buffer and threshold
priority'' (with S. Montagna and R. Paglino), Computer Networks and
ISDN Systems , North-Holland, vol. 26, pp. 95-108, Sept. 1993.
- "Fault-tolerant software'' (Guest Editors' Prolog, with H. G.
Pham), IEEE Trans. Reliability, pp. 127-128, June 1993.
- "Performability enhancement of fault-tolerant software'' (with
A. T.
Tai and A. Avizienis), IEEE Trans. Reliability, pp. 227-237,
June 1993.
- "Specification and construction of performability models'' (with
W. H. Sanders), Proc. 2nd Int'l Workshop on the Performability
Modeling of Computer and Communication Systems, Mont St.-Michel,
France, June 1993.
- "The role of modeling and evaluation in the design process,'' in
Information Processing 92: Proc. 12th IFIP World Computer
vol. I, pp. 636-644, 1992.
- "Performability evaluation of ATM switches in a prioritized
traffic environment'' (with S. Montagna and R. Paglino), in Proc.
2nd ORSA Telecommunications Conference, Boca Raton, FL, March 1992.
- "Performability: A retrospective and some pointers to the
future,'' Performance Evaluation, vol. 14, pp. 139-156, Feb.
- "Performability evaluation of broadband networks,'' in Proc.
TIMS XXX-SOBRAPO XXIII, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, July 1991.
- "State space generation for degradable multiprocessor systems''
(with B. E. Aupperle), in Proc. 21st Int'l Symposium on
Fault-Tolerant Computing , pp. 308-315, Montréal, Canada,
June 1991.
- "Performability: A retrospective and some pointers to the
future,'' in Proc. 1st Int'l Workshop on the Performability
Modeling of Computer and Communication Systems, Enschede, The
Netherlands, Feb. 1991.
- "A performability model for real-time software'' (with A. T. Tai
and H. Hecht), in Proc. 1st Int'l Workshop on the Performability
Modeling of
Computer and Communication Systems, pp. 189-205, Enschede, The
Netherlands, Feb. 1991.
- "Reduced base model construction methods for stochastic activity
networks'' (with W. H. Sanders), IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in
Communications , vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 25-36, Jan. 1991.
- "Cell loss in ATM switches with prioritized traffic'' (with S.
Montagna and R. Paglino), in Proc. RACE Workshop on Traffic and
Performance Aspects in IBCNs, Munich, West Germany, July 1990.
- "Reduced base model construction methods for stochastic activity
networks'' (with W. H. Sanders), in Proc. 3rd Int'l Workshop on
Petri Nets and Performance Models, Kyoto, Japan, pp. 74-84, Dec
- "Hardware and software dependability evaluation: Future
Trends,'' in Information Processing 89: Proc. 11th IFIP World
Computer Congress , San Francisco, CA, Aug. 1989.
- "Performability of a token bus network under transient fault
conditions'' (with K. H. Muralidhar and W. H. Sanders), in Proc.
19th Int'l Symposium on Fault-Tolerant Computing, pp. 175-182,
Chicago, IL, June 1989.
- "Evaluation of fault-tolerant systems with nonhomogeneous
workloads'' (with B. E. Aupperle and L. Wei), in Proc. 19th Int'l
Symposium on Fault-Tolerant Computing, pp. 159-166, Chicago, IL,
June 1989.
- "Analysis of workload influence on dependability'' (with L.
Wei), in Proc. 18th Int'l Symposium on Fault-Tolerant Computing,
pp. 84-89, Tokyo, Japan, June 1988.
- "Fault-Tolerant BIBD Networks'' (with B. E. Aupperle), in Proc.
18th Int'l Symposium on Fault-Tolerant Computing , pp. 306-311,
Tokyo, Japan, June 1988.
- "Influence of workload on error recovery in random access
memories'' (with L. Wei), in IEEE Trans. Comput. vol. C-37, no.
4, pp. 500-507, April 1988.
- "Multiprocessor systems for high performance, high reliability
applications'' (with J. P. Hayes, and K. G. Shin), in Proc.\ SPIE,
vol. 880 (High Speed Computing), pp. 142-149, Los Angeles, CA, Jan.
- "LAN protocol validation'' (with K. H. Muralidhar and W. H.
Sanders), in INRIA Bulletin, Institut National de Recherche en
Informatique et
en Automatique, France, Dec. 1987.
- "Performability modeling of distributed systems using stochastic
activity Networks'' (with W. H. Sanders), in Proc. Int'l Workshop
on Petri Nets and Performance Models, pp. 111-120, Madison, WI,
Aug. 1987.
- "Performability evaluation: Techniques and tools,'' in Proc.
Int'l Teletraffic Congress Seminar on Traffic Engineering for ISDN
Design and Planning , Lake Como, Italy, May 1987.
- "METASAN: A performability evaluation tool based on stochastic
activity networks'' (with W. H. Sanders), in Proc. Fall Joint
Computer Conference, pp. 807-816, Dallas, TX, Nov. 1986.
- "Decision grounds for factory LANs,'' Information Processing
6: Proc. 10th IFIP World Congress, Dublin, Ireland, Sept. 1986.
- "Performability validation of fault-tolerant multiprocessor
systems,'' in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Computer
Design, Port Chester, NY, Oct. 1985.
- "Stochastic activity networks: structure, behavior, and
application'' (with A. Movaghar and W. H. Sanders), in International
Workshop on Timed Petri Nets, pp. 106-115, Torino, Italy, July 1985.
- "Performability modeling tools,'' in Proc. NBS Workshop on
Analytic and Simulation Modeling of IEEE 802.4 Token Bus,
Gaithersburg, MD, April 1985.
- "Performability modeling with stochastic activity networks''
(with A. Movaghar), in Proc. 1984 Real-Time Systems Symp., pp.
215-224, Austin,
TX, Dec. 1984.
- "Unified performance-reliability evaluation,'' in Proc. 1984
American Control Conference, pp. 1771-1778, San Diego, CA, June
- "A performability solution method for degradable, nonrepairable
systems'' (with D. G. Furchtgott), IEEE Trans. Comput., vol.
C-33, pp. 550-554, June 1984.
- "Closed-form solutions of performability,'' IEEE Trans.
Comput. , vol. C-31, no. 7, pp. 648-657, June 1982.
- "Closed-form solutions of performability,'' in Proc. 11th
Int'l Symp. on Fault-Tolerant Computing, pp. 66-71, Portland, ME,
June 1981.
- "Evaluation of computing systems using functionals of a Markov
process'' (with L. T. Wu), in Proc. 14th Hawaii Int'l Conf. on
System Sciences, pp. 74-83, Honolulu, HI, Jan. 1981.
- "On evaluating the performability of degradable computing
systems,'' IEEE Trans. Comput., vol. C-29, no. 8, pp. 720-731,
Aug. 1980.
- "Performability evaluation of the SIFT computer'' (with D. G.
Furchtgott and L. T. Wu), IEEE Trans. Comput., vol. C-29, no.
6, pp. 501-509, June 1980.
- "Performability evaluation of the SIFT computer'' (with D. G.
Furchtgott and L. T. Wu), in Proc. 9th Int'l Symp. on
Fault-Tolerant Computing, pp. 43-50, Madison, WI, June 1979.
- "Phased models for evaluating the performability of computing
systems'' (with L. T. Wu), in Proc. 1979, Conference on Information
Sciences and Systems, The Johns Hopkins Univ., pp. 426-431,
Baltimore, MD, Mar. 1979.
- "Performability evaluation of fault-tolerant multiprocessors''
(with D. G. Furchtgott), in Digest 1978 Government Microcircuit
Applications Conference, pp. 362-365, Monterey, CA, Nov. 1978.
- "On evaluating the performability of degradable computing
systems,'' in Proc. 8th Int'l Symp. on Fault-Tolerant Computing,
pp. 44-49, Toulouse, France, June 1978.
- "Functional dependence and its application to system
evaluation'' (with
R. A. Ballance), in Proc. 1978 Conference on Information Sciences
Systems, pp. 280-285, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD,
- "Algebraic properties of functions affecting optimum
fault-tolerant realizations'' (with F. G. Gray), IEEE Trans.
Comput., vol. C-25, no.
11, pp. 1078-1088, Nov. 1976.
- "A model hierarchy for evaluating the effectiveness of computing
systems,'' in Proc. 3rd National Reliability Symposium, pp.
539-555, Perros-Guirec, France, Sept. 1976.
- "Computation-based reliability analysis,'' IEEE Trans.
Comput. , vol C-25, no. 6, pp. 578-584, June 1976.
- "Fault-tolerant computing: An introduction'' (with J.-C. Rault),
IEEE Trans. Comput., vol. C-25, no. 6, pp. 553-556, June
- "An approach to evaluating the effectiveness of computing
systems,'' in Proc. 1976 Conference on Information Sciences and
Systems, The Johns
Hopkins University, pp. 376-383, Baltimore, MD, April 1976.
- "The reliable design of software: A formal view and a survey,''
in Proc. 1975 Int'l Computing Symposium, Juan-les-Pins, France,
June 1975.
- "On-line diagnosis of unrestricted faults'' (with R. J. Sundstrom), IEEE Trans.
Comput., vol. C-24, no. 5, pp. 468-475, May 1975.
- "Logically consistent task sets for system evaluation'' (with A.
W. Naylor), in Proc. Seminaire sur l'Approche Systemes, vol. I,
ENSAE, pp. 65-99, Toulouse, France, Nov. 1973.
- "Diagnosis of unrestricted faults in sequential machines'' (with
L. Hsieh), Proc. 3rd Int'l Symp. on Fault-Tolerant Computing,
pp. 175, Palo Alto, CA, June 1973.
- "A general model for the study of fault tolerance and
diagnosis,'' in Proc. 6th Hawaii Int'l Conference on System
Sciences, pp. 163-165, Honolulu, HI, Jan. 1973.
- "Sequential behavior and its inherent tolerance to memory
faults,'' in Proc. 5th Hawaii Int'l Conference on System Sciences,
pp. 476-478, Honolulu, HI, Jan. 1972.
- "Locatability of faults in combinational networks'' (with F. G.
Gray), IEEE Trans. Comput., vol. C-20, no. 11, pp. 1407-1412,
Nov. 1971.
- "Fault tolerant sequential machines,'' IEEE Trans. Comput.,
vol. C-20, no. 10, pp. 1167-1177, Oct. 1971.
- "Diagnosable machine realizations of sequential behavior'' (with
K. Yeh), Proc. 1st Int'l Symp. on Fault-Tolerant Computing, pp.
22-25, Pasadena, CA, Mar. 1971.
- "Locatability of faults in abstract networks'' (with F. G.
Gray), Proc. 1st Int'l Symp. on Fault-Tolerant Computing, pp.
30-33, Pasadena, CA, Mar.
- "On the structure of fault tolerant sequential machines,'' in Proc.
3rd Hawaii Int'l Conference on System Sciences, pp. 443-447,
Honolulu, HI, Jan. 1970.
- "Algebraic isomorphism invariants for transition graphs,''
(Ph.D. dissertation),
University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Abstract published in Dissertation
Abstracts, vol. XXVIII, June 1968.
- "Low speed time multiplexing,'' IEEE Trans. Space
Electronics and Telemetry, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 34-41, June 1961.