Package edu.umich.eecs.tac.props

Interface Summary
AdvertiserEntry This interface designates a keyed entry whose key is an advertiser.
KeyedEntry<T> This interface designates a list entry with a key.
QueryEntry This interface designates a keyed entry whose key is a query.

Class Summary
AAInfo AAInfo is a context factory that provides the allowable transports for the TAC/AA simulation.
AbstractAdvertiserEntry This class provides a skeletal implementation of the AdvertiserEntry interface.
AbstractAdvertiserKeyedReportTransportable<T extends AdvertiserEntry> This class provides a skeletal implementation of a list containing advertiser entries with supporting methods for interacting entries specified by a given advertiser.
AbstractKeyedEntry<T> This class provides a skeletal implementation of the KeyedEntry interface.
AbstractKeyedEntryList<T,S extends KeyedEntry<T>> This class provides a skeletal implementation of a list containing keyed entries with supporting methods for interacting entries specified by a given key.
AbstractQueryEntry This class provides a skeletal implementation of the QueryEntry interface.
AbstractQueryKeyedReportTransportable<T extends QueryEntry> This class provides a skeletal implementation of the AbstractKeyedEntryList abstract class, where the key is a Query object.
AbstractStringEntry This class provides a skeletal implementation of the AbstractKeyedEntry abstract class, where the key is a Transportable object.
AbstractTransportable This class provides a skeletal implementation of the Transportable interface by providing a locking mechanism.
AbstractTransportableEntry<T extends Transportable> This class provides a skeletal implementation of the AbstractKeyedEntry abstract class, where the key is a Transportable object.
AbstractTransportableEntryListBacking<S extends Transportable> This class provides a skeletal implementation of a list of transportables.
Ad This class represents an advertisement in the TAC/AA scenario.
AdLink This class represents an ad link.
AdvertiserInfo AdvertiserInfo contains necessary game information unique to each individual advertiser.
Auction Auction contains a Ranking and a Pricing for a Query.
BankStatus The bank status class holds an agent's account balance at a bank.
BidBundle BidBundles specify all relevant bidding information for a given Advertister.
BidBundle.BidEntry Each BidEntry contains: Ad - The ad to be used for the given query. Bid - The given bid to be used for the given query. Daily Limit - The daily spend limit to be used for the given query
KeyIterator<T> Key iterator provides an iteration method that wraps a keyed entry iterator and returns the keys of those entries.
ManufacturerComponentComposable The manufacturer component composable holds a manufacturer and component.
Pricing Pricing represents the CPC's charged to the advertisers when a user clicks.
Product The product class represents a manufacturer and component pair.
PublisherInfo This class contains the publisher information released to the advertisers at the beginning of the game.
Query The query class represents a set of information the user is revealing during a search.
QueryReport Query report contains impressions, clicks, cost, average position, and ad displayed by the advertiser for each query class during the period as well as the positions and displayed ads of all advertisers during the period for each query class.
QueryReport.DisplayReport Display report contains the positions and displayed ads of all advertisers during the period for each query class.
QueryReport.DisplayReportEntry Display report entry contains the positions and displayed ads of the advertiser during the period.
QueryReport.QueryReportEntry Query report entry holds the impressions, clicks, cost, average position, and ad displayed by the advertiser for each query class during the period as well as the positions and displayed ads of all advertisers during the period.
Ranking Ranking represents the slots allocated to the advertisers' ad links in an auction.
Ranking.Slot The slot for the ranking.
ReserveInfo This class contains the auction reserve information released to the user and publisher agents at the begining of the game.
RetailCatalog The class holds the available products, which the users have preferences over.
RetailCatalog.RetailCatalogEntry The retail catalog entry holds the sales profit for a Product.
SalesReport Sales report is a daily report of the sales revenue and conversions an advertisers garners for each query class.
SalesReport.SalesReportEntry Sales report entry holds the conversions and revenue for a query class.
SlotInfo This class contains the auction slot information released to the agents at the begining of the game.
UserClickModel UserClickModel the parameters that generate user viewing behavior.
UserPopulationState Created by IntelliJ IDEA.

Enum Summary
QueryType This enumeration defined the possible query types.

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