Uses of Class

Packages that use Query

Uses of Query in edu.umich.eecs.tac.props

Methods in edu.umich.eecs.tac.props that return Query
 Query QueryEntry.getQuery()
          Returns the query for the entry.
 Query Auction.getQuery()
          Returns the query.
 Query AbstractQueryEntry.getQuery()
          Returns the query key.
 Query AbstractQueryKeyedReportTransportable.getQuery(int index)
          Get the query key at the specified index.
 Query UserClickModel.query(int index)
          Returns the query at the index.

Methods in edu.umich.eecs.tac.props with parameters of type Query
 void QueryReport.addClicks(Query query, int clicks)
          Adds the clicks to the associated query.
 void QueryReport.addClicks(Query query, int clicks, double cost)
          Adds the clicks to the associated query.
 void SalesReport.addConversions(Query query, int conversions)
          Adds conversions for a query.
 void QueryReport.addCost(Query query, double cost)
          Adds the cost to the associated query.
 void QueryReport.addImpressions(Query query, int regular, int promoted)
          Adds the impressions associated with the query.
 void QueryReport.addImpressions(Query query, int regular, int promoted, Ad ad, double positionSum)
          Adds the impressions associated with the query.
 int AbstractQueryKeyedReportTransportable.addQuery(Query query)
          Add a query key.
 void BidBundle.addQuery(Query query, double bid, Ad ad)
          Adds a BidBundle.BidEntry keyed with the specified query and the given bid and Ad.
 void BidBundle.addQuery(Query query, double bid, Ad ad, double dailyLimit)
          Adds a BidBundle.BidEntry keyed with the specified query and the given bid and Ad.
protected  void SalesReport.addQuery(Query query, int conversions, double revenue)
          Adds query data to the report.
 void QueryReport.addQuery(Query query, int regularImpressions, int promotedImpressions, int clicks, double cost, double positionSum)
          Adds a QueryReport.QueryReportEntry keyed with the specificed query and the associated viewing statistics.
 void SalesReport.addRevenue(Query query, double revenue)
          Adds revenue for a query.
 java.util.Set<java.lang.String> QueryReport.advertisers(Query query)
          Returns the set of advertisers with data for the given query.
 boolean AbstractQueryKeyedReportTransportable.containsQuery(Query query)
          Check whether the query key exists in the key set.
protected  SalesReport.SalesReportEntry SalesReport.createEntry(Query query)
          Returns a entry with the query as the key.
protected  QueryReport.QueryReportEntry QueryReport.createEntry(Query query)
          Creates a QueryReport.QueryReportEntry with the given query as the key.
protected  BidBundle.BidEntry BidBundle.createEntry(Query key)
          Creates a BidBundle.BidEntry with the given query as the key.
 Ad QueryReport.getAd(Query query)
          Returns the shown ad for the associated query.
 Ad BidBundle.getAd(Query query)
          Returns the ad for the associated query.
 Ad QueryReport.getAd(Query query, java.lang.String advertiser)
          Returns the shown ad for the associated query and advertiser.
 double BidBundle.getBid(Query query)
          Returns the bid for the associated query.
 int QueryReport.getClicks(Query query)
          Returns the total number of clicks for the associated query.
 int SalesReport.getConversions(Query query)
          Returns the conversions for a query.
 double QueryReport.getCost(Query query)
          Returns the total cost for the associated query.
 double QueryReport.getCPC(Query query)
          Returns the average CPC for the associated query.
 double BidBundle.getDailyLimit(Query query)
          Returns the daily spend limit for the associated query.
 int QueryReport.getImpressions(Query query)
          Returns the total number of impressions for the associated query.
 double QueryReport.getPosition(Query query)
          Returns the average position for the associated query.
 double QueryReport.getPosition(Query query, java.lang.String advertiser)
          Returns the average position for the associated query and advertiser.
 int QueryReport.getPromotedImpressions(Query query)
          Returns the total number of promoted impressions for the associated query.
 int QueryReport.getRegularImpressions(Query query)
          Returns the total number of regular impressions for the associated query.
 double SalesReport.getRevenue(Query query)
          Returns the revenue for a query.
 int UserClickModel.queryIndex(Query query)
          Returns the index for a query and -1 if the query is not in the model.
 void QueryReport.setAd(Query query, Ad ad)
          Sets the shown ad for the associated query.
 void BidBundle.setAd(Query query, Ad ad)
          Sets the ad for a query.
 void QueryReport.setAd(Query query, java.lang.String advertiser, Ad ad)
          Sets the shown ad for the associated query and advertiser.
 void QueryReport.setAdAndPosition(Query query, java.lang.String advertiser, Ad ad, double position)
          Sets the shown ad and average position for the associated query and advertiser.
 void BidBundle.setBid(Query query, double bid)
          Sets the bid for a query.
 void BidBundle.setBidAndAd(Query query, double bid, Ad ad)
          Sets the bid and ad for a query.
 void QueryReport.setClicks(Query query, int clicks)
          Sets the clicks for associated query.
 void QueryReport.setClicks(Query query, int clicks, double cost)
          Sets the clicks for associated query.
 void SalesReport.setConversions(Query query, int conversions)
          Sets the conversions for a query.
 void SalesReport.setConversionsAndRevenue(Query query, int conversions, double revenue)
          Sets the conversions and revenue for a query.
 void QueryReport.setCost(Query query, double cost)
          Sets the cost associated with the query.
 void BidBundle.setDailyLimit(Query query, double dailyLimit)
          Sets the daily spend limit for a query.
 void QueryReport.setImpressions(Query query, int regularImpressions, int promotedImpressions)
          Sets the impressions associated with the query.
 void QueryReport.setImpressions(Query query, int regularImpressions, int promotedImpressions, Ad ad, double positionSum)
          Sets the impressions associated with the query.
 void QueryReport.setPosition(Query query, java.lang.String advertiser, double position)
          Sets the average position for the associated query and advertiser.
 void QueryReport.setPositionSum(Query query, double positionSum)
          Sets the sum of the positions over all the impressions for a query.
 void Auction.setQuery(Query query)
          Sets the query.
 void AbstractQueryEntry.setQuery(Query query)
          Sets the key to the given query.
 void SalesReport.setRevenue(Query query, double revenue)
          Sets the revenue for a query.
static QueryType QueryType.value(Query query)
          Returns the query type of the given query.

Constructors in edu.umich.eecs.tac.props with parameters of type Query
UserClickModel(Query[] queries, java.lang.String[] advertisers)
          Creates a user click model initialized with the queries and advertisers.

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