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AP CS Data for the United States 1998-2017

The data is from

For detailed race and gender information on the AP CSA and CSP exams see Detailed Race and Gender Information 2017

The data for the number of AP CSA exams from 1998 to 2017 for all states is at APCSAStatePop-98-2017.xlsx.
For an interactive visualization of how states have done over the years see which was created by Joshua Preston, the Communications Officer, at the GVU center at Georgia Tech.

The total number of CSA exams nationally in 2017 was 56,088. Thirty states had an increase in exam takers from 2016 and twenty had a decrease.
You can see an interactive visualization of how each state changed from 2016 to 2017 at!/vizhome/APCSA2016-2017change/Dashboard1?publish=yes
which was also created by Joshua Preston.

The map below shows the number of exams per 100,000 of population. It is missing Alaska with 8 and Hawaii with 13.

See!/vizhome/APCSAExamsPerPop/Sheet1 for the interactive version.

The states with the highest number of AP CSA exams per 100,000 of population were:
pos state number of exams per 100,000 population
1 Virginia 34.9
2 New Jersey 34.5
3 Massachusetts 34.3
4 Maryland 32.9
5 Washington 28.2
6 California 26.9
7 Connecticut 26.2
8 Texas 23.3
9 Illinois 22.8
10 Georgia 20.5

The map below shows the number of exams. It is missing Alaska with 26 exams and Hawaii with 88 exams.
NumExamsAPCSA2017.pngSee!/vizhome/ApStateStuff/Sheet2?publish=yes for the interactive version.

The 10 states with the highest number of AP CSA exams were:
pos state number of exams
1 California 10268
2 Texas 6626
3 New York 3734
4 New Jersey 3591
5 Illinois 3135
6 Virginia 3117
7 Florida 2404
8 Massachusetts 2165
9 Pennsylvania 1952
10 Maryland 1927

This was the first year for the AP CSP exam. The number of exams taken nationally was 43,780. This is more than double the number that was originally hoped for the first year (20,000).
The map below shows the number of AP CSP exams per 100,000 of population.
APCSP2017ByPop.pngSee!/vizhome/APCSP2017_0/Sheet1?publish=yes for the interactive version.

The states with the highest number of AP CSP exams per 100,000 of population were:
pos state number of exams per 100,000 of population
1 Maryland42.8
2 Alabama 25.9
3 Florida 24.9
4 Connecticut 24.7
5California 22.5
6New York 21.9
9New Jersey 18.5
10Rhode Island18.2

The map below shows the total number of AP CSP exams.
APCSPTotalExams.pngSee!/vizhome/APCSP2017_0/Sheet2?publish=yes for the interactive version.

The 10 states with the highest number of AP CSP exams were:
pos state number of exams
1 California 8560
2 Florida 4829
3 New York 4302
5 Maryland 2516
6 Texas 2299
7 Georgia 1942
8 Illinois 1774
9 New Jersey 1641
10 Massachusetts 1242

Last modified 8 December 2017 at 5:27 pm by ericson