Yufeng Gu (顾钰峰)

I am a 4th-year Ph.D. candidate at University of Michigan, advised by Prof. Reetuparna Das. I am working on computer architecture and developing novel solutions on accelerating large scale emerging applications.

Before UMich, I obtained a bachelor's degree from Zhejiang University in 2020. I did my Bachelor thesis project at Yale University, working with Prof. Xiaoxiao Li and Prof. James Duncan. In summer 2019, I worked as an undergraduate student intern in PARSA at EPFL, advised by Prof. Babak Falsafi.

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My research focuses on computer architecture, hardware/software co-design, near-memory processing and quality of service optimization. I am developing novel hardware and software solutions on accelerating large scale emerging applications, such as precision health and generative artificial intelligence workloads.


[Mar. 2024] I will give a talk on the Computer Architecture Seminar at UCF.
[Feb. 2024] I will give a talk about Genomics Benchmark Suite and Accelerator Design at Cornell.
[Dec. 2023] I will give a talk on the Peisu Xia Forum at ICT, CAS.
[Mar. 2023] GenDP was accepted to ISCA 2023 and received all badges in artifact evaluation!
[Feb. 2023] I will join Tenstorrent architecture team at Santa Clara for internship from May 2023.
[May 2022] I will join Intel Labs for internship from June 2022.
[May 2022] Passed the preliminary exam and become a PhD candidate at University of Michigan!

Selected Publications

[Full list]

GenDP: A Framework of Dynamic Programming Acceleration for Genome Sequencing Analysis

Yufeng Gu, Arun Subramaniyan, Tim Dunn, Alireza Khadem, Kuan-yu Chen, Somnath Paul, Md Vasimuddin, Sanchit Misra, David Blaauw, Satish Narayanasamy, Reetuparna Das
International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA), 2023
BibTeX  /  Paper  /  Slides  /  GitHub  /  Lightning Talk

GenomicsBench: A Benchmark Suite for Genomics

Arun Subramaniyan, Yufeng Gu, Tim Dunn, Somnath Paul, Md Vasimuddin, Sanchit Misra, Satish Narayanasamy, David Blaauw, Reetuparna Das
IEEE International Symposium on Performance Analysis of Systems and Software (ISPASS), 2021
BibTeX  /  Benchmark Suite  /  Paper  /  GitHub  /  Video

Multi-site fMRI Analysis Using Privacy-preserving Federated Learning and Domain Adaptation: ABIDE Results

Xiaoxiao Li, Yufeng Gu, Nicha Dvornek, Lawrence Staib, Pamela Ventola, James S. Duncan
Medical image analysis, IF=11.148
BibTeX  /  Paper  /  GitHub


[Mar. 27, 2024] Computer Architecture Seminar at UCF.
[Dec. 21, 2023] Peisu Xia Forum at ICT, CAS.
[June 17, 2023] GenDP Lightning Talk at ISCA, 2023.


Artifact evaluation reviewer for ISCA'23, IISWC'21.
University of Michigan graduate program admission reviewer, 2021, 2022.

Industry Experiences

Intel Labs, Graduate Technical Intern, June 2022 - Aug. 2022
Tenstorrent Inc., CPU Architecture Intern, May 2023 - Aug. 2023

Design and source code from Jon Barron and Jiacheng Ma