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Welcome to Fall 2016 EECS 589!
Course Info:
| Lecture: TuTh 10:30 - 12:00 in 1690 BBB
| Discussion: Fr 9:30 - 10:30 in 1690 BBB
| Students are expected to attend all scheduled classes.
| |
| Faculty: Sugih Jamin |
| Office: 4737 BBB |
| Office Hours: Tu 12:00 - 12:30, Fr 12:30-1:00, and by appt. |
| email: |
| Tel: +1 734 763 1583
Required Readings:
Please see the course's Syllabus for the papers we will be reading this semester.
There is no textbook for this course.
All the contents of the course website is also required reading.
We will post important course-related information on the
Announcement page, which is also required reading.
About the course:
In this course we study the Internet, the Web, the Cloud; we study
the protocols and architectures that make the Internet tick and allow
it to grow beyond its designers' wildest dreams. We also study the
architecture and protocols used in data centers, software-defined
networking and network function virtualization. Finally, we spend
some time on network security and mobile networks.
Aside from EECS 489, an introductory probability course such as
EECS 401, EECS 501, Math 425, Math 525, or Stat 412 is highly
recommended as a co-requisite.