Coordinate-based Neural Representations for Computational Adaptive Optics in Widefield Microscopy
Iksung Kang and Qinrong Zhang and Stella X. Yu and Na Ji
Nature Machine Intelligence, 2024
Widefield microscopy is widely used for non-invasive imaging of biological structures at subcellular resolution. When applied to complex specimen, its image quality is degraded by sample-induced optical aberration. Adaptive optics can correct wavefront distortion and restore diffraction-limited resolution but require wavefront sensing and corrective devices, increasing system complexity and cost. Here, we describe a self-supervised machine learning algorithm, CoCoA, that performs joint wavefront estimation and three-dimensional structural information extraction from a single input 3D image stack without the need for external training dataset. We implemented CoCoA for widefield imaging of mouse brain tissues and validated its performance with direct-wavefront-sensing-based adaptive optics. Importantly, we systematically explored and quantitatively characterized the limiting factors of CoCoA's performance. Using CoCoA, we demonstrated the first in vivo widefield mouse brain imaging using machine-learning-based adaptive optics. Incorporating coordinate-based neural representations and a forward physics model, the self-supervised scheme of CoCoA should be applicable to microscopy modalities in general.
widefield microscopy, adaptive optics, self-supervised learning