EECS 584: Advanced Database Systems, Fall 2011 |
There are 23-26 lecture slots for students to fill. If we have fewer students than that, I will do the remaining lectures.
Please note that this schedule is subject to change.
Date | Topic | Reading | Presenter | Notes / Slides |
September 7 | Welcome and Introduction | Mike | Lecture 1 notes | |
September 12 | Data Models | What Goes Around Comes Around, Stonebraker and Hellerstein. Codd 1970 (background only) | Mike | Lecture 2 notes |
September 14 | RDBMS Architecture | Anatomy of a Database System, Hellerstein and Stonebraker. Stonebraker, 1981. | Mike | Lecture 3 notes |
September 19 | Indexing and Storage | Guttman, 1984.; Hellerstein, Naughton, and Pfeffer, 1995. | Patryk Mastela | Mike is away; special guest Professor Jagadish Lecture 4 notes |
September 21 | Indexing and Storage | Patterson, Gibson, Katz, 1988. Also, Katz, 2010. | Ramasubramanian Krishnamurthy | Mike is away; special guest Professor Dutta Lecture 5 notes |
September 26 | Query Optimization I | Selinger, Astrahan, Chamberlin, Lorie, Price, 1979. | Jonathan Herman | Lecture 6 notes |
September 28 | Query Optimization II | Shapiro, 1986 | Yongjoo Park, Aditya Tayade | Part 1 notes and Part 2 notes |
October 3 | Query Execution | Aliamaki, DeWitt, Hill, Wood, 1999. | Monica Goes Eboli | Lecture 8 notes. Final Project Proposal Details. |
October 5 |
Transactions and Concurrency | Kung, Robinson, 1981. | Yumin Pan, Alex Crowell | Lecture 9 notes |
October 10 | Transactions and Concurrency | Gray, 1976. | John LaFontaine, Haixuan Sun | Lecture 10 notes |
October 12 | Object Databases (and other features) | Stonebraker and Kemnitz, 1991. Also, Carey and DeWitt, 1996 | Dolan Antenucci, Poorva Potdar | Lecture 11 notes | Project proposals due. Final Project proposals due
October 17 | NO CLASS - Fall study break | |||
October 19 | OLAP I | Gray, Chaudhuri, Bosworth, Layman, Reichart, Venkatrao, 1997. | Kaichen Cheng, Bhavana | Lecture 12 notes, part 1. Part 2. |
October 24 | OLAP II | Agrawal, Srikant, 1994. | Brian Chase | Lecture 13 notes |
October 26 | OLAP III | Stonebraker et al, 2005. Also, Abadi, Madden, Ferreira, 2006. | Rushi Nadimpally, Paritosh Aggarwal | Lecture 14 notes |
October 31 | Parallel Databases I | DeWitt, Ghandeharizadeh, Schneider, Bricker, Hsiao, and Rasmussen, 1990. Also, please skim DeWitt, Gray, 1992. | Deepak | Lecture 15 notes |
November 2 | Parallel Databases II | Stonebraker, Aoki, Litwin, Pfeffer, Sah, Sidell, Staelin, Yu, 1996. Also, Ghemawat, Gobioff, Leung, 2003.. | Haowei Lu, Madhusudhanan Palani | Lecture 16 notes |
November 4 | Special Bonus Day: Parallel Databases | Melnik, Gubarev, Long, Romer, Shivakumar, Tolton, Vassilakis, 2009. Also, Bernstein, Reid, Das, 2011. | Sai Sailesh Kopuri, Ricardo Rodriguez | Note: no paper summaries are needed for Bonus Days |
November 7 | Parallel Databases III | Dean and Ghemawat, 2004. Also, Pavlo, et al, 2009. Also: Colorful Commentary | Yunxing, Huan Feng | Lecture 17 notes. |
November 9 | Parallel Databases IV | Chang, Dean, Ghemawat, Hsieh, Wallach, Burrows, Chandra, Fikes, Gruber, 2006. Also, Cooper, et al., 2008. | Jing Zhang, Jonathan Danaparamita | Project status updates. Lecture 18, BigTable. And PNUTS. |
November 11 | Special Bonus Day: Web Search | Gyongyi, Garcia-Molina, Pedersen, 2004. | Tianyin Pan | Note: no paper summaries are needed for Bonus Days |
November 14 | Other Topics I: Web Search | Brin, Page, 1998. Also, Kleinberg, 1999. | Fei Li, Zhe Zhao | Lecture 19, PageRank. Lecture 19, HITS |
November 16 | Other Topics II: Data Integration | Halevy, 2005. Also, Madhavan, Bernstein, and Rahm, 2001. | Sean Newman | |
November 21 | Midterm Exam!!! | |||
November 23 | NO CLASS - Happy Thanksgiving! | |||
November 28 | Other Topics III: Probabilistic Data | Dalvi and Suciu, 2004. | Michael Zhang | |
November 30 | Other Topics IV: Privacy | Machanavajjhala, Gehrke, Kifer, 2006. Also, LeFevre, DeWitt, Ramakrishnan, 2006. | Xin Fan, Allie Mazzia | |
December 5 | Other Topics V: eScience | Stonebraker, Becla, Dewitt, Lim, Maier, Ratzesberger, Zdonik, 2009. Also: Gray, Szalay, 2006 and Schatz, 2009 | Alex Roper, Matthew Shopsin | |
December 7 | Project Presentations I Each presentation should be 15 minutes long, plus 3 minutes for questions. |
December 12 | Project Presentations II |
Project paper due (all students) |
Good luck!