EECS 598-08 Foundations of Computer Vision
Fall 2014
EECS 598-08: Foundations of Computer Vision
Course Description and Outline
Computer Vision seeks to extract useful information from images. This course begins the fundamentals of image formation and then organizes the remaining material according to the class of information to be extracted. We will cover early processes, such as basic features, edges and contours; motion tracking, including optical flow and filtering; shape primarily from a binocular 3D reconstruction point of view; and both object and action detection and recognition. The course has been designed to present an introduction to computer vision targeted to graduate students. The course will balance theory and application both in lectures and assignments.
A coarse sequence of topics we will cover is below followed by a
detailed week-to-week schedule that will be populated throughout the
- Data Fundamentals: camera models, image formation, range sensing and
- Early Processes: extracting basic features, edges, contours, and
- Motion Tracking: extracting movement, optical flow, tracking, and filtering.
- Shape: extracting 3D structure, epipolar geometry, stereo, SFM, shape from
- Objects: extracting objects, detection, recognition, and matching.
- Actions: extraction actions, space-time localization, and detection.
Information Flow
courses uses CTools, Piazza and the instructor's website.
- CTools will be used for
submitting work and accessing grades (via the Dropbox plugin), among some minor
other things that will be noted in due course. The CTools Link is
- This website
( will primarily hold lecture notes and
problem-set downloads.
- Piazza is used for announcements and to manage student
discussions. The piazza course website is (this link is also in the CTools
site). Students should ensure they are enrolled in the course. Nearly all
questions you have about the course, both logistical and technical should be
posted to piazza (after you have already checked piazza to ensure the same
question has not already been answered). Only in the event of a concern of
privacy, should you directly email the instructor.
Materials Needed
You are required to have and work with one of these two textbooks
(concurrent readings will be available in both and supplemented with
additional material when necessary):
Forsyth and Ponce (FP) Computer Vision, A Principled Approach.
Prentice Hall, 2nd Edition, 2011. (ISBN-13: 978-0136085928 ISBN-10: 013608592X)
Szeliski (SZ) Computer Vision: Algorithms and Applications published
by Springer and available for purchase on various website or as a download
(free) at
Additional concurrent readings may be assigned from materials
available on the web. Or from the following books (all such reading
are optional and are intended to further deepen your understanding of
a particular topic):
Faugeras and Luong (FL) The Geometry of Multiple Images
published by MIT Press in 2001.
A working installation of MATLAB with the image processing toolbox
Row color denotes topic area:
Data Fundamentals
Early Processes
Week | Day | Topic | Reading | Miscellaneous |
1 | W 9/3 | Introduction; Data Fundamentals
| FP
1; SZ 1 | |
2 | M 9/8 |
No Class ECCV |
Assigned |
2 | W 9/10 |
No Class ECCV |
3 | M 9/15 |
Camera Models; Geometric Image Formation
[pdf ]
| FP 1; SZ 1, 2.1 and 2.3 |
3 | W 9/17 |
Camera Calibration
[pdf ];
Catadioptric Systems [Geyer ppt] | FP 1.3;
SZ 6.3; FL 4.6; Corso
Notes |
Posted with
Data |
4 | M 9/22 |
Radiometric Image Formation; Color; Light
[pdf ]
| FP 2, 3;
SZ 2.2, 2.3 |
CSC Selection Due (9/21/14@23:59) |
4 | W 9/24 |
Linear Filters and Image Processing
[pdf ]
FP 4, 6.1, 6.4; SZ 3 | |
5 | M 9/29 |
Local Image Features
[pdf ]
FP 5; SZ 4.2, 4.3 | |
5 | W 10/1 |
[pdf ]
FP 6.2, 9; SZ 5.2-5.4 | |
6 | M 10/6 |
Clustering in Vision
[pdf |
EM-slides pdf ]
FP 6.2, 9; SZ 5.2-5.4 |
Posted with
6 | W 10/8 |
Model-Fitting and Contours
[pdf |
EM-slides pdf ]
FP 10; SZ 4.3, 5.1 |
PS1 Due (10/10/14@23:59) |
7 | M 10/13 | No Class Fall Break | |
7 | W 10/15 |
[pdf ]
FP 10.6; SZ 8; TV 8 | |
8 | M 10/20 |
[pdf ]
FP 11; SZ 8 | |
8 | W 10/22 |
Epipolar Geometry
[pdf ]
| FP 7, SZ 11.1, TV 7 | |
9 | M
10/27 |
Stereo Vision
[pdf ]
| FP 7, SZ 11, TV 7 | Midterm Exam
(Take-Home 80 Minutes) |
9 | W 10/29 |
Phil Torr's Matlab SAM toolkit url | | |
10 | M 11/3 |
Euclidean SFM (board lecture no pptx) | FP 8.1 | |
10 | W 11/5 |
Affine SFM
[pdf ]
| FP 8.2 |
PS2 Due (11/7/14@23:59) |
11 | M 11/10 |
Projective SFM
[pdf ]
| FP 8.3 |
11 | W 11/12 |
Visual Recognition
[pdf ]
CSC Draft Due (11/12/14@23:59)
PS2 Due (11/14/14@16:59) |
12 | M 11/17 |
AdaBoost and Face Detection
[pdf ]
| |
12 | W 11/19 |
AdaBoost and Face Detection
[pdf ]
| |
13 | M 11/24 |
Face Recognition
[pdf ]
| |
13 | W 11/26 |
Face Recognition
[pdf ]
| |
14 | M 12/1 | | | |
14 | W
12/3 | | | CSC Due
(12/3/14@23:59) |
15 | M 12/8 | | | |
15 | W 12/10 | | | |
- Problem Sets (45%) There will be three problem sets (one each due at the end
of September, October and November). These will include both analytical
problems and programming assignments (in Matlab). All data for programming
assignments will be provided by the instructor. Problem sets may be discussed
in groups but must be written independently, including programming.
Over-the-shoulder MATLAB debugging, for example, is not permitted. No code from
other students, on-line or off-line resources other than that explicitly mentioned in the assignment is permitted.
- Comprehension Service Component (15%) Each student will select a
unique entry in Wikipedia that is related to computer vision early in the
semester. The student will revise and contribute to this Wikipedia entry
(off-line) throughout the term. The revision and final entry will be due in
beginning of December. Upon instructor approval, the student will then make the
revisions to the entry in the on-line site.
- Exams (40%) There will be an in-class mid-term exam (mid-to-late
October) and a take-home final exam (December). The mid-term exam will not have
programming on it; the final exam will.