Professor of CSE
U. Michigan, Ann Arbor
Executive VP and Chief Scientist
LG AI Research
Sloan Research Fellow
Address (UM):
3773 Bob and Betty Beyster Building
2260 Hayward Street
Ann Arbor, MI 48109
Ph.D. in Computer Science, Stanford University, 2010
(Dissertation Advisor: Andrew Ng)
M.S. in Computer Science, Stanford University, 2006
M.S. in Applied Physics, Stanford University, 2006
B.S. in Physics and Computer Science (double major), Seoul National University, 2003
Curriculum Vitae
My research interests lie in machine learning and its applications to artificial intelligence. In particular, I focus on deep learning and representation learning, which aims to learn an abstract representation of the data by a hierarchical and compositional structure. My research also spans over related topics, such as graphical models, optimization, and large-scale learning. Specific application areas include computer vision, audio recognition, robotics, text modeling, and healthcare.
Keywords: Deep Learning, Unsupervised Feature Learning, Semi-supervised Learning, Transfer Learning, Graphical Models, Optimization, Large-scale Learning