Fully Automated Analog Circuit Generator using AI

Machine Learning (ML) has shown promising results in predicting the behavior of analog circuits. However, in order to completely cover the design space for today's complicated circuits, supervised ML requires a large number of labeled samples which is time-consuming to provide. Furthermore, a separate dataset must be collected for each circuit topology making all other previously gathered datasets useless. In this project, we first present a database including labeled and unlabeled data. We use neural networks to determine the behavior of complicated topologies by combining the more simple ones. By generating such unlabeled data, the time for providing the training set is significantly reduced compared to the conventional approaches. Using this database, we propose a fully-automated analog circuit generator framework, AnGeL. AnGeL performs all the schematic circuit design steps from deciding the circuit topology to determining the circuit parameters i.e. sizing. Our results show that for multiple circuit topologies, in comparison to the state-of-the-art works while maintaining the same accuracy, the required labeled data is reduced by 4.7x - 1090x. Also, the runtime of AnGeL is 2.9x - 75x faster.
We have published a paper on IEEE TCAS-I based on this project.

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