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DSDNode Struct Reference

#include <DSD.h>

List of all members.

Public Attributes

int_32 type_actualsize
int_32 topvar_refsize
DdNode * symbolic_kernel
DdNode * bdd_analogue
int * support

Detailed Description

The fundamental structure of STACCATO. This structure is comparablef to the DdNode in CUDD. It stores information on decomposition type and the actuals list for the decomposition. It also stores internal reference infomation along with pointers to the coresponding BDD and symbolic kernel

Member Data Documentation

ActualNode* DSDNode::actual_list

This a linked list of ActualNodes, i.e., this is the actuals list

DdNode* DSDNode::bdd_analogue

Pointer to the BDD needed to build the decomposition and used for indexing purposes

DSDNode* DSDNode::next

Pointer to the next DSDNode in the unique table that holds all the DSDNodes

DSDNode* DSDNode::parent

int* DSDNode::support

DdNode* DSDNode::symbolic_kernel

Pointer to the symbolic kernel function for this DSD

int_32 DSDNode::topvar_refsize

This variable contains information on the decomposition lowest BDD variable along with the reference count for this DSD

int_32 DSDNode::type_actualsize

This variable encodes information for decomposition type and the size of actuals list

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:
Generated on Thu Jan 27 11:30:34 2005 for STACCATO_PROJECT by  doxygen 1.4.0