Soar Kernel  9.3.2 08-06-12
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backtrace.cpp File Reference
#include <portability.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "backtrace.h"
#include "mem.h"
#include "kernel.h"
#include "print.h"
#include "wmem.h"
#include "gdatastructs.h"
#include "agent.h"
#include "instantiations.h"
#include "production.h"
#include "symtab.h"
#include "explain.h"
#include "recmem.h"
#include "xml.h"
#include "soar_TraceNames.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


void add_to_grounds (agent *thisAgent, condition *cond)
void add_to_locals (agent *thisAgent, condition *cond)
void add_to_potentials (agent *thisAgent, condition *cond)
void backtrace_through_instantiation (agent *thisAgent, instantiation *inst, goal_stack_level grounds_level, condition *trace_cond, bool *reliable, int indent)
void print_consed_list_of_condition_wmes (agent *thisAgent, list *c, int indent)
void print_consed_list_of_conditions (agent *thisAgent, list *c, int indent)
void report_local_negation (agent *thisAgent, condition *c)
void trace_grounded_potentials (agent *thisAgent)
void trace_locals (agent *thisAgent, goal_stack_level grounds_level, bool *reliable)
Bool trace_ungrounded_potentials (agent *thisAgent, goal_stack_level grounds_level, bool *reliable)

Function Documentation

void add_to_grounds ( agent thisAgent,
condition cond 

Definition at line 106 of file backtrace.cpp.

References agent_struct::grounds, agent_struct::grounds_tc, and push().

Referenced by backtrace_through_instantiation().

if ((cond)->bt.wme_->grounds_tc != thisAgent->grounds_tc) {
(cond)->bt.wme_->grounds_tc = thisAgent->grounds_tc;
push (thisAgent, (cond), thisAgent->grounds); }
void add_to_locals ( agent thisAgent,
condition cond 

Definition at line 123 of file backtrace.cpp.

References agent_struct::locals, agent_struct::locals_tc, and push().

Referenced by backtrace_through_instantiation().

if ((cond)->bt.wme_->locals_tc != thisAgent->locals_tc) {
(cond)->bt.wme_->locals_tc = thisAgent->locals_tc;
(cond)->bt.wme_->chunker_bt_pref = (cond)->bt.trace;
push (thisAgent, (cond), thisAgent->locals);
} else if ((cond)->bt.wme_->chunker_bt_pref != (cond)->bt.trace) {
push (thisAgent, (cond), thisAgent->locals); }
void add_to_potentials ( agent thisAgent,
condition cond 

Definition at line 113 of file backtrace.cpp.

References agent_struct::positive_potentials, agent_struct::potentials_tc, and push().

Referenced by backtrace_through_instantiation(), and trace_locals().

if ((cond)->bt.wme_->potentials_tc != thisAgent->potentials_tc) {
(cond)->bt.wme_->potentials_tc = thisAgent->potentials_tc;
(cond)->bt.wme_->chunker_bt_pref = (cond)->bt.trace;
push (thisAgent, (cond), thisAgent->positive_potentials);
} else if ((cond)->bt.wme_->chunker_bt_pref != (cond)->bt.trace) {
push (thisAgent, (cond), thisAgent->positive_potentials); }
void backtrace_through_instantiation ( agent thisAgent,
instantiation inst,
goal_stack_level  grounds_level,
condition trace_cond,
bool *  reliable,
int  indent 

Definition at line 176 of file backtrace.cpp.

References add_to_chunk_cond_set(), add_to_grounds(), add_to_locals(), add_to_potentials(), instantiation_struct::backtrace_number, agent_struct::backtrace_number, condition_struct::bt, BUFFER_PROD_NAME_SIZE, condition_struct::data, explain_add_temp_to_backtrace_list(), EXPLAIN_SYSPARAM, FALSE, free_list(), get_new_tc_number(), backtrace_struct::grounds, symbol_union::id, three_field_tests_struct::id_test, IDENTIFIER_SYMBOL_TYPE, agent_struct::instantiations_with_nots, identifier_struct::isa_goal, bt_info_struct::level, backtrace_struct::locals, make_chunk_cond_for_condition(), production_struct::name, sym_constant_struct::name, backtrace_struct::negated, agent_struct::negated_set, not_struct::next, condition_struct::next, backtrace_struct::next_backtrace, NIL, instantiation_struct::nots, POSITIVE_CONDITION, backtrace_struct::potentials, print(), print_consed_list_of_condition_wmes(), print_consed_list_of_conditions(), print_spaces(), print_string(), print_with_symbols(), instantiation_struct::prod, backtrace_struct::prod_name, push(), referent_of_equality_test(), instantiation_struct::reliable, backtrace_struct::result, not_struct::s1, not_struct::s2, symbol_union::sc, agent_struct::sysparams, identifier_struct::tc_num, condition_struct::condition_main_data_union::tests, instantiation_struct::top_of_instantiated_conditions, TRACE_BACKTRACING_SYSPARAM, backtrace_struct::trace_cond, TRUE, condition_struct::type, three_field_tests_struct::value_test, xml_att_val(), xml_begin_tag(), and xml_end_tag().

Referenced by chunk_instantiation(), trace_locals(), and trace_ungrounded_potentials().

tc_number tc; /* use this to mark ids in the ground set */
tc_number tc2; /* use this to mark other ids we see */
list *grounds_to_print, *pots_to_print, *locals_to_print, *negateds_to_print;
Bool need_another_pass;
backtrace_str temp_explain_backtrace;
/* mvp 5-17-94 */
print_spaces (thisAgent, indent);
print (thisAgent, "... BT through instantiation of ");
if (inst->prod) print_with_symbols (thisAgent, "%y\n",inst->prod->name);
else print_string (thisAgent, "[dummy production]\n");
xml_begin_tag(thisAgent, kTagBacktrace);
if (inst->prod) xml_att_val(thisAgent, kProduction_Name, inst->prod->name);
else xml_att_val(thisAgent, kProduction_Name, "[dummy production]");
/* --- if the instantiation has already been BT'd, don't repeat it --- */
if (inst->backtrace_number == thisAgent->backtrace_number) {
/* mvp 5-17-94 */
print_spaces (thisAgent, indent);
print_string (thisAgent, "(We already backtraced through this instantiation.)\n");
xml_att_val(thisAgent, kBacktracedAlready, "true");
xml_end_tag(thisAgent, kTagBacktrace);
inst->backtrace_number = thisAgent->backtrace_number;
/* Record information on the production being backtraced through */
/* if (thisAgent->explain_flag) { */
if (thisAgent->sysparams[EXPLAIN_SYSPARAM]) {
temp_explain_backtrace.trace_cond = trace_cond; /* Not copied yet */
if (trace_cond == NULL) /* Backtracing for a result */
temp_explain_backtrace.result = TRUE;
temp_explain_backtrace.result = FALSE;
temp_explain_backtrace.grounds = NIL;
temp_explain_backtrace.potentials = NIL;
temp_explain_backtrace.locals = NIL;
temp_explain_backtrace.negated = NIL;
if (inst->prod) {
strncpy(temp_explain_backtrace.prod_name,inst->prod->name->, BUFFER_PROD_NAME_SIZE);
} else {
strncpy(temp_explain_backtrace.prod_name,"Dummy production", BUFFER_PROD_NAME_SIZE);
(temp_explain_backtrace.prod_name)[BUFFER_PROD_NAME_SIZE - 1] = 0; /* ensure null termination */
temp_explain_backtrace.next_backtrace = NULL;
if (!inst->reliable)
*reliable = false;
/* --- mark transitive closure of each higher goal id that was tested in
the id field of a top-level positive condition --- */
tc = get_new_tc_number (thisAgent);
tc2 = get_new_tc_number (thisAgent);
need_another_pass = FALSE;
for (c=inst->top_of_instantiated_conditions; c!=NIL; c=c->next) {
Symbol *id, *value;
if (c->type!=POSITIVE_CONDITION) continue;
if (id->id.tc_num == tc) {
/* --- id is already in the TC, so add in the value --- */
if (value->common.symbol_type==IDENTIFIER_SYMBOL_TYPE) {
/* --- if we already saw it before, we're going to have to go back
and make another pass to get the complete TC --- */
if (value->id.tc_num == tc2) need_another_pass = TRUE;
value->id.tc_num = tc;
} else if ((id->id.isa_goal) && (c->bt.level <= grounds_level)) {
/* --- id is a higher goal id that was tested: so add id to the TC --- */
id->id.tc_num = tc;
if (value->common.symbol_type==IDENTIFIER_SYMBOL_TYPE) {
/* --- if we already saw it before, we're going to have to go back
and make another pass to get the complete TC --- */
if (value->id.tc_num == tc2) need_another_pass = TRUE;
value->id.tc_num = tc;
} else {
/* --- as far as we know so far, id shouldn't be in the tc: so mark it
with number "tc2" to indicate that it's been seen already --- */
id->id.tc_num = tc2;
/* --- if necessary, make more passes to get the complete TC through the
top-level positive conditions (recall that they're all super-simple
wme tests--all three fields are equality tests --- */
while (need_another_pass) {
Symbol *value;
need_another_pass = FALSE;
for (c=inst->top_of_instantiated_conditions; c!=NIL; c=c->next) {
if (value->common.symbol_type==IDENTIFIER_SYMBOL_TYPE)
if (value->id.tc_num != tc) {
value->id.tc_num = tc;
need_another_pass = TRUE;
} /* end of for loop */
} /* end of while loop */
/* --- scan through conditions, collect grounds, potentials, & locals --- */
grounds_to_print = NIL;
pots_to_print = NIL;
locals_to_print = NIL;
negateds_to_print = NIL;
/* Record the conds in the print_lists even if not going to be printed */
for (c=inst->top_of_instantiated_conditions; c!=NIL; c=c->next) {
/* REW: begin 11.22.97 */
/* print (thisAgent, "\n Checking...");print_wme(c->bt.wme_);
if (c->bt.trace) print ("c->bt.trace exists..."); else print("\n no c->bt.trace...");
if (c->bt.wme_) {
print ("c->bt.wme_....");
if (c->bt.wme_->preference)
print("\n no c->bt.wme_->preference");
} else
print ("\nNo WME No Preference!!!!!!");
if ((c->bt.trace) && (c->bt.wme_->preference)){
if (c->bt.trace != c->bt.wme_->preference) {
print("\n bt.trace and WME preferences not equal:\n");
print(thisAgent, "\nWME:"); print_wme(c->bt.wme_);
print("\n bt.trace:");
if (c->bt.trace) print_preference(c->bt.trace); else print(" NIL\n");
print("\n bt.wme_->preference:");
if (c->bt.wme_->preference) print_preference(c->bt.wme_->preference);
else print(" NIL\n");
c->bt.trace = c->bt.wme_->preference;
c->bt.level = c->bt.wme_->id->id.level;
/* REW: end 11.22.97 */
/* --- positive cond's are grounds, potentials, or locals --- */
add_to_grounds (thisAgent, c);
push (thisAgent, c, grounds_to_print);
else if (c->bt.level <= grounds_level) {
add_to_potentials (thisAgent, c);
push (thisAgent, c, pots_to_print);
else {
add_to_locals (thisAgent, c);
push (thisAgent, c, locals_to_print);
else {
/* --- negative or nc cond's are either grounds or potentials --- */
add_to_chunk_cond_set (thisAgent, &thisAgent->negated_set,
push (thisAgent, c, negateds_to_print);
} /* end of for loop */
/* --- add new nots to the not set --- */
if (inst->nots) push (thisAgent, inst, thisAgent->instantiations_with_nots);
/* Now record the sets of conditions. Note that these are not necessarily */
/* the final resting place for these wmes. In particular potentials may */
/* move over to become grounds, but since all we really need for explain is*/
/* the list of wmes, this will do as a place to record them. */
if (thisAgent->sysparams[EXPLAIN_SYSPARAM])
explain_add_temp_to_backtrace_list(thisAgent, &temp_explain_backtrace,grounds_to_print,
/* --- if tracing BT, print the resulting conditions, etc. --- */
not_struct *not1;
/* mvp 5-17-94 */
print_spaces (thisAgent, indent);
print_string (thisAgent, " -->Grounds:\n");
xml_begin_tag(thisAgent, kTagGrounds);
print_consed_list_of_condition_wmes (thisAgent, grounds_to_print, indent);
xml_end_tag(thisAgent, kTagGrounds);
print (thisAgent, "\n");
print_spaces (thisAgent, indent);
print_string (thisAgent, "\n -->Potentials:\n");
xml_begin_tag(thisAgent, kTagPotentials);
print_consed_list_of_condition_wmes (thisAgent, pots_to_print, indent);
xml_end_tag(thisAgent, kTagPotentials);
print (thisAgent, "\n");
print_spaces (thisAgent, indent);
print_string (thisAgent, " -->Locals:\n");
xml_begin_tag(thisAgent, kTagLocals);
print_consed_list_of_condition_wmes (thisAgent, locals_to_print, indent);
xml_end_tag(thisAgent, kTagLocals);
print (thisAgent, "\n");
print_spaces (thisAgent, indent);
print_string (thisAgent, " -->Negated:\n");
xml_begin_tag(thisAgent, kTagNegated);
print_consed_list_of_conditions (thisAgent, negateds_to_print, indent);
xml_end_tag(thisAgent, kTagNegated);
print (thisAgent, "\n");
print_spaces (thisAgent, indent);
print_string (thisAgent, " -->Nots:\n");
/* mvp done */
xml_begin_tag(thisAgent, kTagNots);
for (not1=inst->nots; not1!=NIL; not1=not1->next) {
print_with_symbols (thisAgent, " %y <> %y\n", not1->s1, not1->s2);
xml_begin_tag(thisAgent, kTagNot);
xml_att_val(thisAgent, kBacktraceSymbol1, not1->s1);
xml_att_val(thisAgent, kBacktraceSymbol2, not1->s2);
xml_end_tag(thisAgent, kTagNot);
xml_end_tag(thisAgent, kTagNots);
xml_end_tag(thisAgent, kTagBacktrace);
/* Moved these free's down to here, to ensure they are cleared even if we're
not printing these lists */
free_list (thisAgent, grounds_to_print);
free_list (thisAgent, pots_to_print);
free_list (thisAgent, locals_to_print);
free_list (thisAgent, negateds_to_print);
void print_consed_list_of_condition_wmes ( agent thisAgent,
list c,
int  indent 

Definition at line 161 of file backtrace.cpp.

References COLUMNS_PER_LINE, cons_struct::first, get_printer_output_column(), NIL, print(), print_spaces(), print_wme(), and cons_struct::rest.

Referenced by backtrace_through_instantiation().

for (; c!=NIL; c=c->rest) {
if (get_printer_output_column(thisAgent) >= COLUMNS_PER_LINE-20) print (thisAgent, "\n ");
/* mvp 5-17-94 */
print_spaces (thisAgent, indent);
print (thisAgent, " ");
print_wme (thisAgent, (static_cast<condition *>(c->first))->bt.wme_);
void print_consed_list_of_conditions ( agent thisAgent,
list c,
int  indent 

Definition at line 150 of file backtrace.cpp.

References COLUMNS_PER_LINE, cons_struct::first, get_printer_output_column(), NIL, print(), print_condition(), print_spaces(), and cons_struct::rest.

Referenced by backtrace_through_instantiation(), and report_local_negation().

for (; c!=NIL; c=c->rest) {
if (get_printer_output_column(thisAgent) >= COLUMNS_PER_LINE-20) print (thisAgent, "\n ");
/* mvp 5-17-94 */
print_spaces (thisAgent, indent);
print_condition (thisAgent, static_cast<condition_struct *>(c->first));
void report_local_negation ( agent thisAgent,
condition c 

Definition at line 693 of file backtrace.cpp.

References free_list(), NIL, print_consed_list_of_conditions(), print_string(), push(), agent_struct::sysparams, TRACE_CHUNK_NAMES_SYSPARAM, xml_begin_tag(), and xml_end_tag().

Referenced by build_chunk_conds_for_grounds_and_add_negateds().

// use the same code as the backtracing above
list* negated_to_print = NIL;
push (thisAgent, c, negated_to_print);
print_string (thisAgent, "\n*** Chunk won't be formed due to local negation in backtrace ***\n");
xml_begin_tag(thisAgent, kTagLocalNegation);
print_consed_list_of_conditions (thisAgent, negated_to_print, 2);
xml_end_tag(thisAgent, kTagLocalNegation);
free_list (thisAgent, negated_to_print);
void trace_grounded_potentials ( agent thisAgent)

Definition at line 550 of file backtrace.cpp.

References add_cond_to_tc(), condition_struct::bt, cond_is_in_tc(), FALSE, cons_struct::first, free_cons(), get_new_tc_number(), agent_struct::grounds, wme_struct::grounds_tc, agent_struct::grounds_tc, NIL, agent_struct::positive_potentials, print_string(), print_wme(), cons_struct::rest, agent_struct::sysparams, TRACE_BACKTRACING_SYSPARAM, TRUE, bt_info_struct::wme_, xml_begin_tag(), and xml_end_tag().

Referenced by chunk_instantiation().

cons *c, *next_c, *prev_c;
condition *pot;
Bool need_another_pass;
print_string (thisAgent, "\n\n*** Tracing Grounded Potentials ***\n");
xml_begin_tag(thisAgent, kTagGroundedPotentials);
/* --- setup the tc of the ground set --- */
tc = get_new_tc_number(thisAgent);
for (c=thisAgent->grounds; c!=NIL; c=c->rest)
add_cond_to_tc (thisAgent, static_cast<condition_struct *>(c->first), tc, NIL, NIL);
need_another_pass = TRUE;
while (need_another_pass) {
need_another_pass = FALSE;
/* --- look for any potentials that are in the tc now --- */
prev_c = NIL;
for (c=thisAgent->positive_potentials; c!=NIL; c=next_c) {
next_c = c->rest;
pot = static_cast<condition_struct *>(c->first);
if (cond_is_in_tc (thisAgent, pot, tc)) {
/* --- pot is a grounded potential, move it over to ground set --- */
print_string (thisAgent, "\n-->Moving to grounds: ");
print_wme (thisAgent, pot->bt.wme_);
if (prev_c) prev_c->rest = next_c; else thisAgent->positive_potentials = next_c;
if (pot->bt.wme_->grounds_tc != thisAgent->grounds_tc) { /* add pot to grounds */
pot->bt.wme_->grounds_tc = thisAgent->grounds_tc;
c->rest = thisAgent->grounds; thisAgent->grounds = c;
add_cond_to_tc (thisAgent, pot, tc, NIL, NIL);
need_another_pass = TRUE;
} else { /* pot was already in the grounds, do don't add it */
free_cons (thisAgent, c);
} else {
prev_c = c;
} /* end of for c */
} /* end of while need_another_pass */
xml_end_tag(thisAgent, kTagGroundedPotentials);
void trace_locals ( agent thisAgent,
goal_stack_level  grounds_level,
bool *  reliable 

Definition at line 444 of file backtrace.cpp.

References add_to_potentials(), three_field_tests_struct::attr_test, backtrace_through_instantiation(), condition_struct::bt, condition_struct::data, find_clone_for_level(), cons_struct::first, free_cons(), symbol_union::id, three_field_tests_struct::id_test, preference_struct::inst, identifier_struct::isa_goal, agent_struct::locals, NIL, print_preference(), print_string(), print_wme(), bt_info_struct::prohibits, agent_struct::quiescence_symbol, referent_of_equality_test(), cons_struct::rest, agent_struct::sysparams, agent_struct::t_symbol, condition_struct::test_for_acceptable_preference, condition_struct::condition_main_data_union::tests, bt_info_struct::trace, TRACE_BACKTRACING_SYSPARAM, three_field_tests_struct::value_test, bt_info_struct::wme_, xml_begin_tag(), and xml_end_tag().

Referenced by chunk_instantiation().

/* mvp 5-17-94 */
cons *c, *prohibits;
condition *cond;
preference *bt_pref, *p;
print_string (thisAgent, "\n\n*** Tracing Locals ***\n");
xml_begin_tag(thisAgent, kTagLocals);
while (thisAgent->locals) {
c = thisAgent->locals;
thisAgent->locals = thisAgent->locals->rest;
cond = static_cast<condition_struct *>(c->first);
free_cons (thisAgent, c);
print_string (thisAgent, "\nFor local ");
xml_begin_tag(thisAgent, kTagLocal);
print_wme (thisAgent, cond->bt.wme_);
print_string (thisAgent, " ");
bt_pref = find_clone_for_level (cond->bt.trace,
/* --- if it has a trace at this level, backtrace through it --- */
if (bt_pref) {
/* mvp 5-17-94 */
backtrace_through_instantiation (thisAgent, bt_pref->inst, grounds_level,cond, reliable, 0);
/* check if any prohibit preferences */
if (cond->bt.prohibits) {
for (prohibits=cond->bt.prohibits; prohibits!=NIL; prohibits=prohibits->rest) {
p = static_cast<preference_struct *>(prohibits->first);
print_string (thisAgent, " For prohibit preference: ");
xml_begin_tag(thisAgent, kTagProhibitPreference);
print_preference (thisAgent, p);
backtrace_through_instantiation (thisAgent, p->inst, grounds_level, cond, reliable, 6);
xml_end_tag(thisAgent, kTagProhibitPreference);
/* mvp done */
xml_end_tag(thisAgent, kTagLocal);
print_string (thisAgent, " trace, can't BT");
// add an empty <backtrace> tag to make parsing XML easier
xml_begin_tag(thisAgent, kTagBacktrace);
xml_end_tag(thisAgent, kTagBacktrace);
/* --- for augmentations of the local goal id, either handle the
"^quiescence t" test or discard it --- */
thisAgent->quiescence_symbol) &&
thisAgent->t_symbol) &&
*reliable = false;
xml_end_tag(thisAgent, kTagLocal);
/* --- otherwise add it to the potential set --- */
print_string (thisAgent, " --> make it a potential.");
xml_begin_tag(thisAgent, kTagAddToPotentials);
xml_end_tag(thisAgent, kTagAddToPotentials);
add_to_potentials (thisAgent, cond);
xml_end_tag(thisAgent, kTagLocal);
} /* end of while locals loop */
xml_end_tag(thisAgent, kTagLocals);
Bool trace_ungrounded_potentials ( agent thisAgent,
goal_stack_level  grounds_level,
bool *  reliable 

Definition at line 610 of file backtrace.cpp.

References backtrace_through_instantiation(), condition_struct::bt, FALSE, find_clone_for_level(), cons_struct::first, free_cons(), preference_struct::inst, NIL, agent_struct::positive_potentials, print_preference(), print_string(), print_wme(), bt_info_struct::prohibits, cons_struct::rest, agent_struct::sysparams, bt_info_struct::trace, TRACE_BACKTRACING_SYSPARAM, TRUE, bt_info_struct::wme_, xml_begin_tag(), and xml_end_tag().

Referenced by chunk_instantiation().

/* mvp 5-17-94 */
cons *c, *next_c, *prev_c, *prohibits;
cons *pots_to_bt;
condition *potential;
preference *bt_pref, *p;
print_string (thisAgent, "\n\n*** Tracing Ungrounded Potentials ***\n");
xml_begin_tag(thisAgent, kTagUngroundedPotentials);
/* --- scan through positive potentials, pick out the ones that have
a preference we can backtrace through --- */
pots_to_bt = NIL;
prev_c = NIL;
for (c=thisAgent->positive_potentials; c!=NIL; c=next_c) {
next_c = c->rest;
potential = static_cast<condition_struct *>(c->first);
bt_pref = find_clone_for_level (potential->bt.trace,
if (bt_pref) {
if (prev_c) prev_c->rest = next_c; else thisAgent->positive_potentials = next_c;
c->rest = pots_to_bt; pots_to_bt = c;
} else {
prev_c = c;
/* --- if none to BT, exit --- */
if (!pots_to_bt) {
xml_end_tag(thisAgent, kTagUngroundedPotentials);
return FALSE;
/* --- backtrace through each one --- */
while (pots_to_bt) {
c = pots_to_bt;
pots_to_bt = pots_to_bt->rest;
potential = static_cast<condition_struct *>(c->first);
free_cons (thisAgent, c);
print_string (thisAgent, "\nFor ungrounded potential ");
xml_begin_tag(thisAgent, kTagUngroundedPotential);
print_wme (thisAgent, potential->bt.wme_);
print_string (thisAgent, " ");
bt_pref = find_clone_for_level (potential->bt.trace,
/* mvp 5-17-94 */
backtrace_through_instantiation (thisAgent, bt_pref->inst, grounds_level,potential, reliable, 0);
if (potential->bt.prohibits) {
for (prohibits=potential->bt.prohibits; prohibits!=NIL; prohibits=prohibits->rest) {
p = static_cast<preference_struct *>(prohibits->first);
print_string (thisAgent, " For prohibit preference: ");
xml_begin_tag(thisAgent, kTagProhibitPreference);
print_preference (thisAgent, p);
backtrace_through_instantiation (thisAgent, p->inst, grounds_level, potential, reliable, 6);
xml_end_tag(thisAgent, kTagProhibitPreference);
/* mvp done */
xml_end_tag(thisAgent, kTagUngroundedPotential);
xml_end_tag(thisAgent, kTagUngroundedPotentials);
return TRUE;