Soar Kernel  9.3.2 08-06-12
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print.h File Reference
#include <stdio.h>

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Data Structures

struct  wme_filter_struct


typedef struct action_struct action
typedef struct agent_struct agent
typedef char Bool
typedef unsigned char byte
typedef struct condition_struct condition
typedef struct instantiation_struct instantiation
typedef struct preference_struct preference
typedef struct production_struct production
typedef char * rhs_value
typedef union symbol_union Symbol
typedef char * test
typedef struct wme_struct wme
typedef struct wme_filter_struct wme_filter
typedef byte wme_trace_type


void filtered_print_wme_add (agent *thisAgent, wme *w)
void filtered_print_wme_remove (agent *thisAgent, wme *w)
int get_printer_output_column (agent *thisAgent)
char preference_type_indicator (agent *thisAgent, byte type)
void print (agent *thisAgent, const char *format,...)
void print_action (agent *thisAgent, action *a)
void print_action_list (agent *thisAgent, action *actions, int indent, Bool internal)
void print_condition (agent *thisAgent, condition *cond)
void print_condition_list (agent *thisAgent, condition *conds, int indent, Bool internal)
void print_instantiation_with_wmes (agent *thisAgent, instantiation *inst, wme_trace_type wtt, int action)
void print_list_of_conditions (agent *thisAgent, condition *cond)
void print_phase (agent *thisAgent, const char *s, bool end_phase)
void print_preference (agent *thisAgent, preference *pref)
void print_production (agent *thisAgent, production *p, Bool internal)
void print_spaces (agent *thisAgent, int n)
void print_string (agent *thisAgent, const char *s)
void print_string_to_log_file_only (agent *thisAgent, char *string)
void print_with_symbols (agent *thisAgent, const char *format,...)
void print_wme (agent *thisAgent, wme *w)
void print_wme_for_tcl (wme *w)
void print_wme_without_timetag (agent *thisAgent, wme *w)
char * rhs_value_to_string (agent *thisAgent, rhs_value rv, char *dest, size_t dest_size)
void snprintf_with_symbols (agent *thisAgent, char *dest, size_t count, const char *format,...)
void start_log_file (agent *thisAgent, char *filename, Bool append)
void start_redirection_to_file (agent *thisAgent, FILE *already_opened_file)
void stop_log_file (agent *thisAgent)
void stop_redirection_to_file (agent *thisAgent)
char * string_to_escaped_string (agent *thisAgent, char *s, char first_and_last_char, char *dest)
char * symbol_to_string (agent *thisAgent, Symbol *sym, Bool rereadable, char *dest, size_t dest_size)
char const * symbol_to_typeString (agent *thisAgent, Symbol *sym)
void tell_printer_that_output_column_has_been_reset (agent *thisAgent)
char * test_to_string (agent *thisAgent, test t, char *dest, size_t dest_size)

Typedef Documentation

typedef struct action_struct action

Definition at line 60 of file print.h.

typedef struct agent_struct agent

Definition at line 59 of file print.h.

typedef char Bool

Definition at line 53 of file print.h.

typedef unsigned char byte

Definition at line 56 of file print.h.

typedef struct condition_struct condition

Definition at line 63 of file print.h.

Definition at line 64 of file print.h.

typedef struct preference_struct preference

Definition at line 62 of file print.h.

typedef struct production_struct production

Definition at line 61 of file print.h.

typedef char* rhs_value

Definition at line 55 of file print.h.

typedef union symbol_union Symbol

Definition at line 65 of file print.h.

typedef char* test

Definition at line 54 of file print.h.

typedef struct wme_struct wme

Definition at line 58 of file print.h.

typedef struct wme_filter_struct wme_filter

Definition at line 57 of file print.h.

Function Documentation

void filtered_print_wme_add ( agent thisAgent,
wme w 

Definition at line 980 of file print.cpp.

References passes_wme_filtering(), print(), print_wme(), TRUE, xml_begin_tag(), and xml_end_tag().

Referenced by do_buffered_wm_changes().

if (passes_wme_filtering(thisAgent, w,TRUE))
print (thisAgent, "=>WM: ");
xml_begin_tag(thisAgent, kTagWMEAdd);
print_wme(thisAgent, w);
xml_end_tag(thisAgent, kTagWMEAdd);
void filtered_print_wme_remove ( agent thisAgent,
wme w 

Definition at line 990 of file print.cpp.

References FALSE, passes_wme_filtering(), print(), print_wme(), xml_begin_tag(), and xml_end_tag().

Referenced by do_buffered_wm_changes().

if (passes_wme_filtering(thisAgent, w,FALSE))
print (thisAgent, "<=WM: ");
xml_begin_tag(thisAgent, kTagWMERemove);
print_wme(thisAgent, w); /* print_wme takes care of tagged output itself */
xml_end_tag(thisAgent, kTagWMERemove);
int get_printer_output_column ( agent thisAgent)
char preference_type_indicator ( agent thisAgent,
byte  type 

Definition at line 915 of file print.cpp.


Referenced by print_action_list(), and print_preference().

switch (type) {
case REJECT_PREFERENCE_TYPE: return '-';
case BEST_PREFERENCE_TYPE: return '>';
case BETTER_PREFERENCE_TYPE: return '>';
case WORST_PREFERENCE_TYPE: return '<';
case WORSE_PREFERENCE_TYPE: return '<';
{ char msg[BUFFER_MSG_SIZE];
"print.c: Error: bad type passed to preference_type_indicator\n", BUFFER_MSG_SIZE);
msg[BUFFER_MSG_SIZE - 1] = 0; /* ensure null termination */
abort_with_fatal_error(thisAgent, msg);
return 0; /* unreachable, but without it, gcc -Wall warns here */
void print ( agent thisAgent,
const char *  format,

Definition at line 102 of file print.cpp.

References PRINT_BUFSIZE, and print_string().

Referenced by abort_with_fatal_error(), abs_rhs_function_code(), add_input_wme(), add_output_function(), add_preference_to_tm(), add_rhs_function(), atan2_rhs_function_code(), backtrace_through_instantiation(), capitalize_symbol_rhs_function_code(), check_unbound_negative_relational_test_referents(), chunk_instantiation(), collect_root_variables(), compute_heading_rhs_function_code(), compute_range_rhs_function_code(), cos_rhs_function_code(), create_instantiation(), create_new_context(), create_soar_agent(), deallocate_preference(), decide_non_context_slot(), determine_highest_active_production_level_in_stack_apply(), determine_highest_active_production_level_in_stack_propose(), determine_type_of_constituent_string(), div_rhs_function_code(), do_buffered_wm_changes(), do_one_top_level_phase(), do_preference_phase(), do_working_memory_phase(), dont_learn_rhs_function_code(), elaborate_gds(), epmem_init_db(), epmem_new_episode(), epmem_process_query(), excise_production(), explain_cond_list(), explain_list_chunks(), explain_trace(), explain_trace_chunk(), exploration_boltzmann_select(), exploration_epsilon_greedy_select(), filtered_print_wme_add(), filtered_print_wme_remove(), find_chunk(), find_goal_for_match_set_change_retraction(), find_ground(), float_rhs_function_code(), force_learn_rhs_function_code(), fp_divide_rhs_function_code(), generate_chunk_name_sym_constant(), get_io_symbol_from_tio_constituent_string(), get_next_char(), goal_stack_consistent_through_goal(), highest_active_goal_apply(), highest_active_goal_propose(), ifeq_rhs_function_code(), int_rhs_function_code(), lex_quote(), lex_unknown(), lex_vbar(), load_rete_net(), make_preference(), make_production(), minus_rhs_function_code(), mod_rhs_function_code(), p_node_left_addition(), p_node_left_removal(), parse_attr_value_make(), parse_attr_value_tests(), parse_cond(), parse_disjunction_test(), parse_format_string(), parse_function_call_after_lparen(), parse_head_of_conds_for_one_id(), parse_preferences_soar8_non_operator(), parse_production(), parse_relational_test(), parse_rhs_action(), parse_rhs_value(), post_link_addition(), post_link_removal(), ppmi_aux(), print_action_list(), print_assertion(), print_candidates(), print_condition_list(), print_consed_list_of_condition_wmes(), print_consed_list_of_conditions(), print_identifier_ref_info(), print_instantiation_with_wmes(), print_list_of_conditions(), print_location_of_most_recent_lexeme(), print_match_set(), print_memory_statistics(), print_partial_match_information(), print_phase(), print_preference(), print_production(), print_retraction(), print_saved_test_list(), print_trace_format_list(), print_tracing_rule(), print_tracing_rule_tcl(), print_whole_token(), print_wme(), print_wme_for_tcl(), print_wme_without_timetag(), process_o_rejects_and_deallocate_them(), read_identifier_or_context_variable(), remove_input_wme(), remove_operator_if_necessary(), remove_preference_from_tm(), reorder_action_list(), reorder_lhs(), reorder_simplified_conditions(), reset_id_counters(), reset_wme_timetags(), restore_and_deallocate_saved_tests(), retract_instantiation(), rl_perform_update(), rl_store_data(), round_off_air_rhs_function_code(), round_off_heading_air_rhs_function_code(), save_rete_net(), set_sysparam(), smem_path_param::set_value(), epmem_path_param::set_value(), should_variablize(), shouldCreateInstantiation(), sin_rhs_function_code(), smem_init_db(), smem_store_chunk(), soar_list_all_callbacks(), soar_list_all_callbacks_for_event(), sqrt_rhs_function_code(), stats_init_db(), stop_lex_from_file(), trim_rhs_function_code(), wma_activate_wme(), wma_go(), wma_remove_decay_element(), wma_update_decay_histories(), and xml_partial_match_information().

va_list args;
char buf[PRINT_BUFSIZE];
va_start (args, format);
vsprintf (buf, format, args);
va_end (args);
print_string (thisAgent, buf);
void print_action ( agent thisAgent,
action a 

Definition at line 906 of file print.cpp.

References action_struct::next, NIL, print_action_list(), and TRUE.

action *old_next;
old_next = a->next;
a->next = NIL;
print_action_list (thisAgent, a, 0, TRUE);
a->next = old_next;
void print_action_list ( agent thisAgent,
action actions,
int  indent,
Bool  internal 

Definition at line 680 of file print.cpp.

References agent_struct::action_id_to_match, add_to_growable_string(), action_struct::attr, COLUMNS_PER_LINE, agent_struct::dl_cons_pool, extract_dl_list_elements(), FALSE, free_growable_string(), FUNCALL_ACTION, action_struct::id, dl_cons_struct::item, make_blank_growable_string(), action_struct::next, dl_cons_struct::next, NIL, pick_actions_with_matching_id(), preference_is_binary(), action_struct::preference_type, preference_type_indicator(), dl_cons_struct::prev, print(), PRINT_ACTION_LIST_TEMP_SIZE, print_spaces(), print_string(), print_with_symbols(), agent_struct::printer_output_column, action_struct::referent, remove_from_dll, rhs_value_to_string(), rhs_value_to_symbol(), text_of_growable_string(), TRUE, action_struct::type, action_struct::value, xml_att_val(), xml_begin_tag(), and xml_end_tag().

Referenced by chunk_instantiation(), explain_cond_list(), print_action(), and print_production().

Bool did_one_line_already;
dl_list *actions_not_yet_printed, *tail_of_actions_not_yet_printed;
dl_list *actions_for_this_id;
dl_cons *dc;
action *a;
if (!actions) return;
did_one_line_already = FALSE;
/* --- build dl_list of all the actions --- */
actions_not_yet_printed = NIL;
tail_of_actions_not_yet_printed = NIL;
for (a=actions; a!=NIL; a=a->next) {
allocate_with_pool (thisAgent, &thisAgent->dl_cons_pool, &dc);
dc->item = a;
if (actions_not_yet_printed) tail_of_actions_not_yet_printed->next = dc;
else actions_not_yet_printed = dc;
dc->prev = tail_of_actions_not_yet_printed;
tail_of_actions_not_yet_printed = dc;
tail_of_actions_not_yet_printed->next = NIL;
/* --- main loop: find all actions for first id, print them together --- */
while (actions_not_yet_printed) {
if (did_one_line_already) {
print (thisAgent, "\n");
print_spaces (thisAgent, indent);
} else {
did_one_line_already = TRUE;
dc = actions_not_yet_printed;
remove_from_dll (actions_not_yet_printed, dc, next, prev);
a = static_cast<action_struct *>(dc->item);
if (a->type==FUNCALL_ACTION) {
free_with_pool (&thisAgent->dl_cons_pool, dc);
xml_begin_tag(thisAgent, kTagAction);
print_string (thisAgent, rhs_value_to_string (thisAgent, a->value, NULL, 0));
xml_att_val(thisAgent, kAction, rhs_value_to_string (thisAgent, a->value, NULL, 0));
xml_end_tag(thisAgent, kTagAction);
/* --- normal make actions --- */
/* --- collect all actions whose id matches the first action's id --- */
actions_for_this_id = dc;
dc->prev = NIL;
if (internal) {
dc->next = NIL;
} else {
dc->next = extract_dl_list_elements (thisAgent, &actions_not_yet_printed,
/* --- print the collected actions all together --- */
print_with_symbols (thisAgent, "(%y", thisAgent->action_id_to_match);
xml_begin_tag(thisAgent, kTagAction);
xml_att_val(thisAgent, kActionId, thisAgent->action_id_to_match);
while (actions_for_this_id) {
dc = actions_for_this_id;
actions_for_this_id = actions_for_this_id->next;
a = static_cast<action_struct *>(dc->item);
free_with_pool (&thisAgent->dl_cons_pool, dc);
{ /* --- build and print attr/value test for action a --- */
ch = temp;
strncpy (ch, " ^", PRINT_ACTION_LIST_TEMP_SIZE - (ch - temp)); while (*ch) ch++;
rhs_value_to_string (thisAgent, a->attr, ch, PRINT_ACTION_LIST_TEMP_SIZE - (ch - temp));
while (*ch) ch++;
*(ch++) = ' ';
rhs_value_to_string (thisAgent, a->value, ch, PRINT_ACTION_LIST_TEMP_SIZE - (ch - temp));
while (*ch) ch++;
*(ch++) = ' ';
*(ch++) = preference_type_indicator (thisAgent, a->preference_type);
*(ch++) = ' ';
rhs_value_to_string (thisAgent, a->referent, ch, PRINT_ACTION_LIST_TEMP_SIZE - (ch - temp));
while (*ch) ch++;
*ch = 0;
if (thisAgent->printer_output_column + (ch - temp) >=
print_string (thisAgent, "\n");
print_spaces (thisAgent, indent+6);
print_string (thisAgent, temp);
add_to_growable_string(thisAgent, &gs, temp);
xml_att_val(thisAgent, kAction, text_of_growable_string(gs));
free_growable_string(thisAgent, gs);
print_string (thisAgent, ")");
xml_end_tag(thisAgent, kTagAction);
} /* end of while (actions_not_yet_printed) */
void print_condition ( agent thisAgent,
condition cond 

Definition at line 894 of file print.cpp.

References condition_struct::next, NIL, condition_struct::prev, print_condition_list(), and TRUE.

Referenced by build_chunk_conds_for_grounds_and_add_negateds(), explain_cond_list(), explain_trace(), explain_trace_chunk(), ppmi_aux(), print_consed_list_of_conditions(), and print_list_of_conditions().

condition *old_next, *old_prev;
old_next = cond->next;
old_prev = cond->prev;
cond->next = NIL;
cond->prev = NIL;
print_condition_list (thisAgent, cond, 0, TRUE);
cond->next = old_next;
cond->prev = old_prev;
void print_condition_list ( agent thisAgent,
condition conds,
int  indent,
Bool  internal 

Definition at line 505 of file print.cpp.

References add_to_growable_string(), three_field_tests_struct::attr_test, COLUMNS_PER_LINE, CONJUNCTIVE_NEGATION_CONDITION, copy_of_equality_test_found_in_test(), copy_test_removing_goal_impasse_tests(), condition_struct::data, deallocate_test(), agent_struct::dl_cons_pool, extract_dl_list_elements(), FALSE, free_growable_string(), three_field_tests_struct::id_test, agent_struct::id_test_to_match, dl_cons_struct::item, make_blank_growable_string(), condition_struct::condition_main_data_union::ncc, NEGATIVE_CONDITION, dl_cons_struct::next, condition_struct::next, NIL, pick_conds_with_matching_id_test(), dl_cons_struct::prev, print(), print_condition_list(), PRINT_CONDITION_LIST_TEMP_SIZE, print_spaces(), print_string(), agent_struct::printer_output_column, remove_from_dll, condition_struct::test_for_acceptable_preference, test_is_blank_test(), test_to_string(), condition_struct::condition_main_data_union::tests, text_of_growable_string(), ncc_info_struct::top, TRUE, condition_struct::type, three_field_tests_struct::value_test, xml_att_val(), xml_begin_tag(), and xml_end_tag().

Referenced by chunk_instantiation(), explain_cond_list(), print_condition(), print_condition_list(), and print_production().

dl_list *conds_not_yet_printed, *tail_of_conds_not_yet_printed;
dl_list *conds_for_this_id;
dl_cons *dc;
Bool removed_goal_test, removed_impasse_test;
test id_test;
if (!conds) return;
/* --- build dl_list of all the actions --- */
conds_not_yet_printed = NIL;
tail_of_conds_not_yet_printed = NIL;
for (c=conds; c!=NIL; c=c->next)
allocate_with_pool (thisAgent, &thisAgent->dl_cons_pool, &dc);
dc->item = c;
if (conds_not_yet_printed)
tail_of_conds_not_yet_printed->next = dc;
conds_not_yet_printed = dc;
dc->prev = tail_of_conds_not_yet_printed;
tail_of_conds_not_yet_printed = dc;
tail_of_conds_not_yet_printed->next = NIL;
/* --- main loop: find all conds for first id, print them together --- */
Bool did_one_line_already = FALSE;
while (conds_not_yet_printed)
if (did_one_line_already)
print (thisAgent, "\n");
print_spaces (thisAgent, indent);
did_one_line_already = TRUE;
dc = conds_not_yet_printed;
remove_from_dll (conds_not_yet_printed, dc, next, prev);
c = static_cast<condition_struct *>(dc->item);
free_with_pool (&thisAgent->dl_cons_pool, dc);
print_string (thisAgent, "-{");
xml_begin_tag(thisAgent, kTagConjunctive_Negation_Condition);
print_condition_list (thisAgent, c->, indent+2, internal);
xml_end_tag(thisAgent, kTagConjunctive_Negation_Condition);
print_string (thisAgent, "}");
/* --- normal pos/neg conditions --- */
removed_goal_test = removed_impasse_test = FALSE;
thisAgent->id_test_to_match = copy_of_equality_test_found_in_test (thisAgent, id_test);
/* --- collect all cond's whose id test matches this one --- */
conds_for_this_id = dc;
dc->prev = NIL;
if (internal)
dc->next = NIL;
dc->next = extract_dl_list_elements (thisAgent, &conds_not_yet_printed,
/* --- print the collected cond's all together --- */
print_string (thisAgent, " (");
xml_begin_tag(thisAgent, kTagCondition);
if (removed_goal_test)
print_string (thisAgent, "state ");
xml_att_val(thisAgent, kConditionTest, kConditionTestState);
if (removed_impasse_test)
print_string (thisAgent, "impasse ");
xml_att_val(thisAgent, kConditionTest, kConditionTestImpasse);
print_string (thisAgent, test_to_string (thisAgent, id_test, NULL, 0));
xml_att_val(thisAgent, kConditionId, test_to_string (thisAgent, id_test, NULL, 0));
deallocate_test (thisAgent, thisAgent->id_test_to_match);
deallocate_test (thisAgent, id_test);
while (conds_for_this_id)
dc = conds_for_this_id;
conds_for_this_id = conds_for_this_id->next;
c = static_cast<condition_struct *>(dc->item);
free_with_pool (&thisAgent->dl_cons_pool, dc);
{ /* --- build and print attr/value test for condition c --- */
ch = temp;
strncpy (ch, " ", PRINT_CONDITION_LIST_TEMP_SIZE - (ch - temp));
strncat (ch, "-", PRINT_CONDITION_LIST_TEMP_SIZE - (ch - temp));
while (*ch) ch++;
strncpy (ch, "^", PRINT_CONDITION_LIST_TEMP_SIZE - (ch - temp));
while (*ch) ch++;
test_to_string (thisAgent, c->data.tests.attr_test, ch, PRINT_CONDITION_LIST_TEMP_SIZE - (ch - temp));
while (*ch) ch++;
*(ch++) = ' ';
test_to_string (thisAgent, c->data.tests.value_test, ch, PRINT_CONDITION_LIST_TEMP_SIZE - (ch - temp));
while (*ch) ch++;
strncpy (ch, " +", PRINT_CONDITION_LIST_TEMP_SIZE - (ch - temp));
while (*ch) ch++;
*ch = 0;
if (thisAgent->printer_output_column + (ch - temp) >= COLUMNS_PER_LINE)
print_string (thisAgent, "\n");
print_spaces (thisAgent, indent+6);
print_string (thisAgent, temp);
add_to_growable_string(thisAgent, &gs, temp);
xml_att_val(thisAgent, kCondition, text_of_growable_string(gs));
free_growable_string(thisAgent, gs);
print_string (thisAgent, ")");
xml_end_tag(thisAgent, kTagCondition);
} /* end of while (conds_not_yet_printed) */
void print_instantiation_with_wmes ( agent thisAgent,
instantiation inst,
wme_trace_type  wtt,
int  action 

Definition at line 1040 of file print.cpp.

References condition_struct::bt, FULL_WME_TRACE, bt_info_struct::level, production_struct::name, condition_struct::next, NIL, NONE_WME_TRACE, POSITIVE_CONDITION, print(), print_with_symbols(), print_wme(), instantiation_struct::prod, symbol_to_string(), wme_struct::timetag, TIMETAG_WME_TRACE, TOP_GOAL_LEVEL, instantiation_struct::top_of_instantiated_conditions, condition_struct::type, bt_info_struct::wme_, xml_att_val(), xml_begin_tag(), and xml_end_tag().

Referenced by create_instantiation(), elaborate_gds(), print_match_set(), and retract_instantiation().

int PRINTING = -1;
int FIRING = 0;
condition *cond;
if (action == PRINTING) {
xml_begin_tag(thisAgent, kTagProduction);
} else if (action == FIRING) {
xml_begin_tag(thisAgent, kTagProduction_Firing);
xml_begin_tag(thisAgent, kTagProduction);
} else if (action == RETRACTING) {
xml_begin_tag(thisAgent, kTagProduction_Retracting);
xml_begin_tag(thisAgent, kTagProduction);
if (inst->prod) {
print_with_symbols (thisAgent, "%y", inst->prod->name);
xml_att_val(thisAgent, kProduction_Name, symbol_to_string (thisAgent, inst->prod->name, true, 0, 0));
} else {
print (thisAgent, "[dummy production]");
xml_att_val(thisAgent, kProduction_Name, "[dummy_production]");
print (thisAgent, "\n");
if (wtt==NONE_WME_TRACE) {
if (action == PRINTING) {
xml_end_tag(thisAgent, kTagProduction);
} else if (action == FIRING) {
xml_end_tag(thisAgent, kTagProduction);
xml_end_tag(thisAgent, kTagProduction_Firing);
} else if (action == RETRACTING) {
xml_end_tag(thisAgent, kTagProduction);
xml_end_tag(thisAgent, kTagProduction_Retracting);
for (cond=inst->top_of_instantiated_conditions; cond!=NIL; cond=cond->next)
if (cond->type==POSITIVE_CONDITION) {
switch (wtt) {
print (thisAgent, " %lu", cond->bt.wme_->timetag);
xml_begin_tag(thisAgent, kTagWME);
xml_att_val(thisAgent, kWME_TimeTag, cond->bt.wme_->timetag);
xml_end_tag(thisAgent, kTagWME);
// Not all conds and wme_'s available when retracting, depending on DO_TOP_LEVEL_REF_CTS
print (thisAgent, " ");
print_wme (thisAgent, cond->bt.wme_);
if (action != RETRACTING && cond->bt.level > TOP_GOAL_LEVEL) {
print (thisAgent, " ");
print_wme (thisAgent, cond->bt.wme_);
} else {
// Wmes that matched the LHS of a retraction may already be free'd; just print tt.
print (thisAgent, " %lu", cond->bt.wme_->timetag);
xml_begin_tag(thisAgent, kTagWME);
xml_att_val(thisAgent, kWME_TimeTag, cond->bt.wme_->timetag);
xml_end_tag(thisAgent, kTagWME);
if (action == PRINTING) {
xml_end_tag(thisAgent, kTagProduction);
} else if (action == FIRING) {
xml_end_tag(thisAgent, kTagProduction);
xml_end_tag(thisAgent, kTagProduction_Firing);
} else if (action == RETRACTING) {
xml_end_tag(thisAgent, kTagProduction);
xml_end_tag(thisAgent, kTagProduction_Retracting);
void print_list_of_conditions ( agent thisAgent,
condition cond 

Definition at line 1131 of file print.cpp.

References COLUMNS_PER_LINE, get_printer_output_column(), condition_struct::next, print(), and print_condition().

Referenced by explain_trace_chunk().

while (cond != NULL) {
print (thisAgent, "\n ");
print_condition (thisAgent, cond);
print (thisAgent, "\n");
cond = cond->next;
void print_phase ( agent thisAgent,
const char *  s,
bool  end_phase 

Definition at line 1143 of file print.cpp.

References APPLY_PHASE, agent_struct::current_phase, DECISION_PHASE, agent_struct::FIRING_TYPE, IE_PRODS, INPUT_PHASE, OUTPUT_PHASE, PE_PRODS, PREFERENCE_PHASE, print(), PROPOSE_PHASE, WM_PHASE, xml_att_val(), xml_begin_tag(), and xml_end_tag().

Referenced by do_one_top_level_phase().

// should be more consistent with creating string, but for now, for
// consistency with previous versions, we'll let calling code set string.
print (thisAgent, s);
// the rest is all for tagged output events
xml_begin_tag(thisAgent, kTagPhase);
if (end_of_phase) {
xml_att_val(thisAgent, kPhase_Status, kPhaseStatus_End);
switch (thisAgent->current_phase) {
xml_att_val(thisAgent, kPhase_Name, kPhaseName_Input);
xml_att_val(thisAgent, kPhase_Name, kPhaseName_Pref);
case WM_PHASE:
xml_att_val(thisAgent, kPhase_Name, kPhaseName_WM);
switch (thisAgent->FIRING_TYPE) {
case PE_PRODS: /* no longer needed; Soar8 has PROPOSE/APPLY */
xml_att_val(thisAgent, kPhase_FiringType, kPhaseFiringType_PE);
case IE_PRODS:
xml_att_val(thisAgent, kPhase_FiringType, kPhaseFiringType_IE);
xml_att_val(thisAgent, kPhase_Name, kPhaseName_Decision);
xml_att_val(thisAgent, kPhase_Name, kPhaseName_Output);
xml_att_val(thisAgent, kPhase_Name, kPhaseName_Propose);
xml_att_val(thisAgent, kPhase_Name, kPhaseName_Apply);
xml_att_val(thisAgent, kPhase_Name, kPhaseName_Unknown);
} // end switch
xml_end_tag(thisAgent, kTagPhase);
void print_preference ( agent thisAgent,
preference pref 

Definition at line 942 of file print.cpp.

References preference_struct::attr, preference_struct::id, preference_struct::o_supported, preference_is_binary(), preference_type_indicator(), print(), print_string(), print_with_symbols(), preference_struct::referent, preference_struct::type, preference_struct::value, xml_att_val(), xml_begin_tag(), and xml_end_tag().

Referenced by add_preference_to_tm(), chunk_instantiation(), create_instantiation(), deallocate_preference(), decide_non_context_slot(), decision_consistent_with_current_preferences(), elaborate_gds(), make_preference(), process_o_rejects_and_deallocate_them(), remove_preference_from_tm(), retract_instantiation(), trace_locals(), and trace_ungrounded_potentials().

char pref_type = preference_type_indicator (thisAgent, pref->type);
print_with_symbols (thisAgent, "(%y ^%y %y ", pref->id, pref->attr, pref->value);
print (thisAgent, "%c", pref_type);
if (preference_is_binary(pref->type)) {
print_with_symbols (thisAgent, " %y", pref->referent);
if (pref->o_supported) print_string (thisAgent, " :O ");
print_string (thisAgent, ")");
print (thisAgent, "\n");
// <preference id="s1" attr="foo" value="123" pref_type=">"></preference>
xml_begin_tag(thisAgent, kTagPreference);
xml_att_val(thisAgent, kWME_Id, pref->id);
xml_att_val(thisAgent, kWME_Attribute, pref->attr);
xml_att_val(thisAgent, kWME_Value, pref->value);
char buf[2];
buf[0] = pref_type;
buf[1] = 0;
xml_att_val(thisAgent, kPreference_Type, buf);
if (preference_is_binary(pref->type)) {
xml_att_val(thisAgent, kReferent, pref->referent);
if (pref->o_supported) {
xml_att_val(thisAgent, kOSupported, ":O");
xml_end_tag(thisAgent, kTagPreference);
void print_production ( agent thisAgent,
production p,
Bool  internal 

Definition at line 789 of file print.cpp.

References CHUNK_PRODUCTION_TYPE, deallocate_action_list(), deallocate_condition_list(), DECLARED_I_SUPPORT, DECLARED_O_SUPPORT, production_struct::declared_support, DEFAULT_PRODUCTION_TYPE, production_struct::documentation, production_struct::interrupt, JUSTIFICATION_PRODUCTION_TYPE, MAX_LEXEME_LENGTH, production_struct::name, NIL, production_struct::p_node, p_node_to_conditions_and_nots(), print(), print_action_list(), print_condition_list(), print_string(), print_with_symbols(), string_to_escaped_string(), TEMPLATE_PRODUCTION_TYPE, production_struct::type, USER_PRODUCTION_TYPE, xml_att_val(), xml_begin_tag(), and xml_end_tag().

Referenced by chunk_instantiation().

condition *top, *bottom;
action *rhs;
--- print "sp" and production name ---
print_with_symbols (thisAgent, "sp {%y\n", p->name);
xml_begin_tag(thisAgent, kTagProduction);
xml_att_val(thisAgent, kProduction_Name, p->name);
--- print optional documention string ---
if (p->documentation)
char temp[MAX_LEXEME_LENGTH*2+10];
string_to_escaped_string (thisAgent, p->documentation, '"', temp);
print (thisAgent, " %s\n", temp);
xml_att_val(thisAgent, kProductionDocumentation, temp);
--- print any flags ---
switch (p->type)
print_string (thisAgent, " :default\n");
xml_att_val(thisAgent, kProductionType, kProductionTypeDefault);
print_string (thisAgent, " :chunk\n");
xml_att_val(thisAgent, kProductionType, kProductionTypeChunk);
print_string (thisAgent, " :justification ;# not reloadable\n");
xml_att_val(thisAgent, kProductionType, kProductionTypeJustification);
print_string (thisAgent, " :template\n");
xml_att_val(thisAgent, kProductionType, kProductionTypeTemplate);
print_string (thisAgent, " :o-support\n");
xml_att_val(thisAgent, kProductionDeclaredSupport, kProductionDeclaredOSupport);
print_string (thisAgent, " :i-support\n");
xml_att_val(thisAgent, kProductionDeclaredSupport, kProductionDeclaredISupport);
if (p->interrupt)
print_string(thisAgent, " :interrupt\n");
--- print the LHS and RHS ---
&top, &bottom, NIL,&rhs);
print_string (thisAgent, " ");
xml_begin_tag(thisAgent, kTagConditions);
print_condition_list (thisAgent, top, 3, internal);
xml_end_tag(thisAgent, kTagConditions);
deallocate_condition_list (thisAgent, top);
print_string (thisAgent, "\n -->\n ");
print_string (thisAgent, " ");
xml_begin_tag(thisAgent, kTagActions);
print_action_list (thisAgent, rhs, 4, internal);
xml_end_tag(thisAgent, kTagActions);
print_string (thisAgent, "\n}\n");
xml_end_tag(thisAgent, kTagProduction);
deallocate_action_list (thisAgent, rhs);
void print_spaces ( agent thisAgent,
int  n 

Definition at line 153 of file print.cpp.

References PRINT_BUFSIZE, and print_string().

Referenced by backtrace_through_instantiation(), ppmi_aux(), print_action_list(), print_condition_list(), print_consed_list_of_condition_wmes(), and print_consed_list_of_conditions().

char *ch;
char buf[PRINT_BUFSIZE];
ch = buf;
while (n) { *(ch++)=' '; n--; }
print_string (thisAgent, buf);
void print_string ( agent thisAgent,
const char *  s 
void print_string_to_log_file_only ( agent thisAgent,
char *  string 
void print_with_symbols ( agent thisAgent,
const char *  format,

Definition at line 136 of file print.cpp.

References PRINT_BUFSIZE, print_string(), and vsnprintf_with_symbols().

Referenced by abs_rhs_function_code(), add_production_to_rete(), add_rete_tests_for_test(), add_rhs_function(), assert_new_preferences(), atan2_rhs_function_code(), backtrace_through_instantiation(), calculate_support_for_instantiation_preferences(), capitalize_symbol_rhs_function_code(), check_context_slot_decisions(), chunk_instantiation(), collect_root_variables(), compute_heading_rhs_function_code(), compute_range_rhs_function_code(), cos_rhs_function_code(), create_gds_for_goal(), create_instantiation(), deallocate_instantiation(), deallocate_symbol(), deallocate_wme(), decide_context_slot(), decide_non_context_slot(), decision_consistent_with_current_preferences(), dice_prob_rhs_function_code(), div_rhs_function_code(), do_preference_phase(), dont_learn_rhs_function_code(), elaborate_gds(), execute_action(), exploration_boltzmann_select(), exploration_epsilon_greedy_select(), fill_in_new_instantiation_stuff(), find_goal_for_match_set_change_assertion(), find_goal_for_match_set_change_retraction(), float_rhs_function_code(), force_learn_rhs_function_code(), fp_divide_rhs_function_code(), garbage_collect_id(), gds_invalid_so_remove_goal(), goal_stack_consistent_through_goal(), int_rhs_function_code(), make_production(), minus_rhs_function_code(), mod_rhs_function_code(), p_node_left_addition(), p_node_left_removal(), parse_head_of_conds_for_one_id(), parse_production(), plus_rhs_function_code(), post_link_addition(), post_link_removal(), print_action_list(), print_assertion(), print_candidates(), print_instantiation_with_wmes(), print_match_set(), print_preference(), print_production(), print_retraction(), print_saved_test(), print_tracing_rule(), print_tracing_rule_tcl(), print_wme(), print_wme_for_tcl(), print_wme_without_timetag(), rand_float_rhs_function_code(), rand_int_rhs_function_code(), read_identifier_or_context_variable(), remove_current_decision(), remove_garbage_slots(), remove_operator_if_necessary(), remove_rhs_function(), reteload_rhs_value(), shouldCreateInstantiation(), sin_rhs_function_code(), sqrt_rhs_function_code(), times_rhs_function_code(), trim_rhs_function_code(), and uniquely_add_to_head_of_dll().

va_list args;
char buf[PRINT_BUFSIZE];
va_start (args, format);
vsnprintf_with_symbols(thisAgent, buf, PRINT_BUFSIZE, format, args);
va_end (args);
print_string (thisAgent, buf);
void print_wme ( agent thisAgent,
wme w 
void print_wme_for_tcl ( wme w)
void print_wme_without_timetag ( agent thisAgent,
wme w 

Definition at line 1021 of file print.cpp.

References wme_struct::acceptable, wme_struct::attr, wme_struct::id, print(), print_string(), print_with_symbols(), wme_struct::value, xml_object(), and XML_WME_NO_TIMETAG.

print_with_symbols (thisAgent, "(%y ^%y %y", w->id, w->attr, w->value);
if (w->acceptable) print_string (thisAgent, " +");
print_string (thisAgent, ")");
print (thisAgent, "\n");
// <wme id="s1" attr="foo" attrtype="string" val="123" valtype="string"></wme>
xml_object( thisAgent, w, XML_WME_NO_TIMETAG );
char* rhs_value_to_string ( agent thisAgent,
rhs_value  rv,
char *  dest,
size_t  dest_size 

Definition at line 425 of file print.cpp.

References abort_with_fatal_error(), BUFFER_MSG_SIZE, cons_struct::first, MAX_LEXEME_LENGTH, sym_constant_struct::name, rhs_function_struct::name, NIL, agent_struct::printed_output_string, cons_struct::rest, rhs_value_is_reteloc(), rhs_value_is_symbol(), rhs_value_to_funcall_list(), rhs_value_to_string(), rhs_value_to_symbol(), symbol_union::sc, symbol_to_string(), and TRUE.

Referenced by calculate_support_for_instantiation_preferences(), p_node_left_addition(), parse_attr_value_make(), parse_preferences_soar8_non_operator(), print_action_list(), and rhs_value_to_string().

cons *c;
list *fl;
char *ch;
char msg[BUFFER_MSG_SIZE];
strncpy (msg, "Internal error: rhs_value_to_string called on reteloc.\n", BUFFER_MSG_SIZE);
msg[BUFFER_MSG_SIZE - 1] = 0; /* ensure null termination */
abort_with_fatal_error(thisAgent, msg);
return symbol_to_string (thisAgent, rhs_value_to_symbol(rv), TRUE, dest, dest_size);
rf = static_cast<rhs_function_struct *>(fl->first);
if (!dest) {
dest_size = MAX_LEXEME_LENGTH*2+10; /* from agent.h */
ch = dest;
strncpy (ch, "(", dest_size);
ch[dest_size - 1] = 0;
while (*ch) ch++;
if (!strcmp(rf->name->,"+")) {
strncpy (ch, "+", dest_size - (ch - dest));
ch[dest_size - (ch - dest) - 1] = 0;
} else if (!strcmp(rf->name->,"-")) {
strncpy (ch, "-", dest_size - (ch - dest));
ch[dest_size - (ch - dest) - 1] = 0;
} else {
symbol_to_string (thisAgent, rf->name, TRUE, ch, dest_size - (ch - dest));
while (*ch) ch++;
for (c=fl->rest; c!=NIL; c=c->rest) {
strncpy (ch, " ", dest_size - (ch - dest));
ch[dest_size - (ch - dest) - 1] = 0;
while (*ch)
rhs_value_to_string (thisAgent, static_cast<char *>(c->first), ch, dest_size - (ch - dest));
while (*ch)
strncpy (ch, ")", dest_size - (ch - dest));
ch[dest_size - (ch - dest) - 1] = 0;
return dest;
void snprintf_with_symbols ( agent thisAgent,
char *  dest,
size_t  count,
const char *  format,

Definition at line 146 of file print.cpp.

References vsnprintf_with_symbols().

Referenced by add_wme_to_gds(), gds_invalid_so_remove_goal(), and smem_store_chunk().

va_list args;
va_start (args, format);
vsnprintf_with_symbols(thisAgent, dest, count, format, args);
va_end (args);
void start_log_file ( agent thisAgent,
char *  filename,
Bool  append 
void start_redirection_to_file ( agent thisAgent,
FILE *  already_opened_file 
void stop_log_file ( agent thisAgent)
void stop_redirection_to_file ( agent thisAgent)
char* string_to_escaped_string ( agent thisAgent,
char *  s,
char  first_and_last_char,
char *  dest 

Definition at line 191 of file print.cpp.

References agent_struct::printed_output_string.

Referenced by print_production(), print_trace_format_list(), and symbol_to_string().

char *ch;
if (!dest) dest = thisAgent->printed_output_string;
ch = dest;
*ch++ = first_and_last_char;
while (*s) {
if ((*s==first_and_last_char)||(*s=='\\')) *ch++ = '\\';
*ch++ = *s++;
*ch++ = first_and_last_char;
*ch = 0;
return dest;
char* symbol_to_string ( agent thisAgent,
Symbol sym,
Bool  rereadable,
char *  dest,
size_t  dest_size 

Definition at line 226 of file print.cpp.

References abort_with_fatal_error(), BUFFER_MSG_SIZE, determine_possible_symbol_types_for_string(), symbol_union::fc, FLOAT_CONSTANT_SYMBOL_TYPE, symbol_union::ic, symbol_union::id, IDENTIFIER_SYMBOL_TYPE, INT_CONSTANT_SYMBOL_TYPE, MAX_LEXEME_LENGTH, sym_constant_struct::name, variable_struct::name, identifier_struct::name_letter, identifier_struct::name_number, NIL, agent_struct::printed_output_string, symbol_union::sc, identifier_struct::smem_lti, string_to_escaped_string(), SYM_CONSTANT_SYMBOL_TYPE, int_constant_struct::value, float_constant_struct::value, symbol_union::var, and VARIABLE_SYMBOL_TYPE.

Referenced by add_production_to_rete(), add_rete_tests_for_test(), add_trace_for_attribute_path(), add_trace_for_wme(), add_values_of_attribute_path(), assert_new_preferences(), calculate_support_for_instantiation_preferences(), capitalize_symbol_rhs_function_code(), collect_root_variables(), count_rhs_function_code(), create_instantiation(), find_goal_for_match_set_change_assertion(), float_rhs_function_code(), int_rhs_function_code(), make_constant_symbol_rhs_function_code(), make_equality_test(), make_float_constant(), make_int_constant(), make_new_identifier(), make_sym_constant(), make_variable(), object_to_trace_string(), p_node_left_addition(), p_node_left_removal(), parse_head_of_conds_for_one_id(), parse_preferences_soar8_non_operator(), print_instantiation_with_wmes(), print_sym(), reteload_rhs_value(), retesave_symbol_and_assign_index(), rhs_value_to_string(), should_variablize(), strlen_rhs_function_code(), symbol_add_ref(), symbol_remove_ref(), test_to_string(), trace_format_list_to_string(), trim_rhs_function_code(), update_for_top_state_wme_addition(), vsnprintf_with_symbols(), write_rhs_function_code(), and xml_att_val().

Bool possible_id, possible_var, possible_sc, possible_ic, possible_fc;
Bool is_rereadable;
Bool has_angle_bracket;
switch(sym->common.symbol_type) {
if (!dest) return sym->;
strncpy (dest, sym->, dest_size);
dest[dest_size - 1] = 0; /* ensure null termination */
return dest;
if (!dest) {
dest_size = MAX_LEXEME_LENGTH*2+10; /* from agent.h */
if (sym->id.smem_lti == NIL) {
// NOT an lti (long term identifier), print like we always have
SNPRINTF (dest, dest_size, "%c%llu", sym->id.name_letter, static_cast<long long unsigned>(sym->id.name_number));
else {
// IS an lti (long term identifier), prepend an @ symbol
SNPRINTF (dest, dest_size, "@%c%llu", sym->id.name_letter, static_cast<long long unsigned>(sym->id.name_number));
dest[dest_size - 1] = 0; /* ensure null termination */
return dest;
if (!dest) {
dest_size = MAX_LEXEME_LENGTH*2+10; /* from agent.h */
SNPRINTF (dest, dest_size, "%ld", static_cast<long int>(sym->ic.value));
dest[dest_size - 1] = 0; /* ensure null termination */
return dest;
if (!dest) {
dest_size = MAX_LEXEME_LENGTH*2+10; /* from agent.h */
SNPRINTF (dest, dest_size, "%#.16g", sym->fc.value);
dest[dest_size - 1] = 0; /* ensure null termination */
{ /* --- strip off trailing zeros --- */
char *start_of_exponent;
char *end_of_mantissa;
start_of_exponent = dest;
while ((*start_of_exponent != 0) && (*start_of_exponent != 'e'))
end_of_mantissa = start_of_exponent - 1;
while (*end_of_mantissa == '0') end_of_mantissa--;
while (*start_of_exponent) *end_of_mantissa++ = *start_of_exponent++;
*end_of_mantissa = 0;
return dest;
if (!rereadable) {
if (!dest) return sym->;
strncpy (dest, sym->, dest_size);
return dest;
strlen (sym->,
has_angle_bracket = sym->[0] == '<' ||
sym->[strlen(sym->] == '>';
if ((!possible_sc) || possible_var || possible_ic || possible_fc ||
(!is_rereadable) ||
has_angle_bracket) {
/* BUGBUG if in context where id's could occur, should check
possible_id flag here also */
return string_to_escaped_string (thisAgent, sym->, '|', dest);
if (!dest) return sym->;
strncpy (dest, sym->, dest_size);
return dest;
char msg[BUFFER_MSG_SIZE];
strncpy(msg, "Internal Soar Error: symbol_to_string called on bad symbol\n", BUFFER_MSG_SIZE);
msg[BUFFER_MSG_SIZE - 1] = 0; /* ensure null termination */
abort_with_fatal_error(thisAgent, msg);
return NIL; /* unreachable, but without it, gcc -Wall warns here */
char const* symbol_to_typeString ( agent thisAgent,
Symbol sym 

Definition at line 208 of file print.cpp.


Referenced by xml_object().

switch(sym->common.symbol_type) {
return kTypeVariable ;
return kTypeID ;
return kTypeInt ;
return kTypeDouble ;
return kTypeString ;
return 0 ;
void tell_printer_that_output_column_has_been_reset ( agent thisAgent)

Definition at line 63 of file print.cpp.

References agent_struct::printer_output_column.

Referenced by get_next_char().

thisAgent->printer_output_column = 1;
char* test_to_string ( agent thisAgent,
test  t,
char *  dest,
size_t  dest_size 

Definition at line 328 of file print.cpp.

References complex_test_from_test(), complex_test_struct::test_info_union::conjunct_list, CONJUNCTIVE_TEST, complex_test_struct::data, complex_test_struct::test_info_union::disjunction_list, DISJUNCTION_TEST, cons_struct::first, GOAL_ID_TEST, GREATER_OR_EQUAL_TEST, GREATER_TEST, IMPASSE_ID_TEST, LESS_OR_EQUAL_TEST, LESS_TEST, MAX_LEXEME_LENGTH, NIL, NOT_EQUAL_TEST, agent_struct::printed_output_string, complex_test_struct::test_info_union::referent, referent_of_equality_test(), cons_struct::rest, SAME_TYPE_TEST, symbol_to_string(), test_is_blank_or_equality_test(), test_is_blank_test(), test_to_string(), TRUE, and complex_test_struct::type.

Referenced by check_unbound_negative_relational_test_referents(), print_condition_list(), print_saved_test(), test_to_string(), and xml_condition_list().

cons *c;
char *ch;
if (!dest) dest=thisAgent->printed_output_string;
strncpy (dest, "[BLANK TEST]", dest_size); /* this should never get executed */
dest[dest_size - 1] = 0; /* ensure null termination */
return dest;
return symbol_to_string (thisAgent, referent_of_equality_test(t), TRUE, dest, dest_size);
if (!dest) {
dest_size = MAX_LEXEME_LENGTH*2+10; /* from agent.h */
ch = dest;
switch (ct->type) {
strncpy (ch, "<> ", dest_size - (ch - dest));
ch[dest_size - (ch - dest) - 1] = 0; /* ensure null termination */
while (*ch)
symbol_to_string (thisAgent, ct->data.referent, TRUE, ch, dest_size - (ch - dest));
strncpy (ch, "< ", dest_size - (ch - dest));
ch[dest_size - (ch - dest) - 1] = 0; /* ensure null termination */
while (*ch) ch++;
symbol_to_string (thisAgent, ct->data.referent, TRUE, ch, dest_size - (ch - dest));
strncpy (ch, "> ", dest_size - (ch - dest));
ch[dest_size - (ch - dest) - 1] = 0; /* ensure null termination */
while (*ch) ch++;
symbol_to_string (thisAgent, ct->data.referent, TRUE, ch, dest_size - (ch - dest));
strncpy (ch, "<= ", dest_size - (ch - dest));
ch[dest_size - (ch - dest) - 1] = 0; /* ensure null termination */
while (*ch) ch++;
symbol_to_string (thisAgent, ct->data.referent, TRUE, ch, dest_size - (ch - dest));
strncpy (ch, ">= ", dest_size - (ch - dest));
ch[dest_size - (ch - dest) - 1] = 0; /* ensure null termination */
while (*ch) ch++;
symbol_to_string (thisAgent, ct->data.referent, TRUE, ch, dest_size - (ch - dest));
strncpy (ch, "<=> ", dest_size - (ch - dest));
ch[dest_size - (ch - dest) - 1] = 0; /* ensure null termination */
while (*ch) ch++;
symbol_to_string (thisAgent, ct->data.referent, TRUE, ch, dest_size - (ch - dest));
strncpy (ch, "<< ", dest_size - (ch - dest));
ch[dest_size - (ch - dest) - 1] = 0; /* ensure null termination */
while (*ch) ch++;
for (c=ct->data.disjunction_list; c!=NIL; c=c->rest) {
symbol_to_string (thisAgent, static_cast<symbol_union *>(c->first), TRUE, ch, dest_size - (ch - dest));
while (*ch) ch++;
*(ch++) = ' ';
strncpy (ch, ">>", dest_size - (ch - dest));
ch[dest_size - (ch - dest) - 1] = 0; /* ensure null termination */
strncpy (ch, "{ ", dest_size - (ch - dest));
ch[dest_size - (ch - dest) - 1] = 0; /* ensure null termination */
while (*ch) ch++;
for (c=ct->data.conjunct_list; c!=NIL; c=c->rest) {
test_to_string (thisAgent, static_cast<char *>(c->first), ch, dest_size - (ch - dest));
while (*ch) ch++;
*(ch++) = ' ';
strncpy (ch, "}", dest_size - (ch - dest));
ch[dest_size - (ch - dest) - 1] = 0; /* ensure null termination */
strncpy (dest, "[GOAL ID TEST]", dest_size - (ch - dest)); /* this should never get executed */
ch[dest_size - (ch - dest) - 1] = 0; /* ensure null termination */
strncpy (dest, "[IMPASSE ID TEST]", dest_size - (ch - dest)); /* this should never get executed */
ch[dest_size - (ch - dest) - 1] = 0; /* ensure null termination */
return dest;