NSF PeCS Paper Links

  1. Confident Sensor Collaboration with Machine Learning
    Gang Zhou (College of William and Mary, USA)
  2. Scaling Personal Stress Assistance in Natural Environments
    Santosh Kumar (University of Memphis, USA)
  3. Network science as a foundation for metrics, models and theories of large-scale pervasive systems
    Vassilis Kostakos (University of Madeira, Portugal)
  4. Distributed Collaborative Activity Recognition
    Qiang Yang (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong)
  5. Surviving the data deluge: Scalable feature extraction, discrimination and analysis
    Svetha Venkatesh (Curtin University of Technology, Australia); Dinh Q. Phung (Curtin University of Technology, Australia); DucSon Pham (Curtin University of Technology, Australia)
  6. Michael Anderson White Paper
    Michael Anderson (University of Hartford, USA)
  7. Personalized Search Here and Now in Large-Scale Pervasive Computing Networks
    Christine Julien (The University of Texas at Austin, USA)
  8. Energy-Aware Programming in Pervasive Computing
    Yu David Liu (State University of New York at Binghamton, USA)
  9. Decoupling and Computing at Scale - Unlocking the Impossible Triangle
    Justin Y. Shi (Temple University, USA)
  10. Achieving Ubiquity through Hardware Virtualization
    Mahadev Satyanarayanan (Carnegie Mellon University, USA)
  11. User Interaction Patterns and Strategies in Large Interactive Device Landscapes
    Erik Stolterman (Indiana University, USA)
  12. Sustainable Pervasive Computing Through Mobile Clouds
    Vinod Namboodiri (Wichita State University, USA)
  13. Energy Harvesting Active Networked Tags (EnHANTs)
    Peter Kinget (Columbia University, USA); Ioannis Kymissis (Columbia University, USA); Dan Rubenstein (Columbia University, USA); Xiaodong Wang (Columbia University, USA); Gil Zussman (Columbia University, USA)
  14. Mobile Sensing for Mass-Scale Behavioural Intervention
    Cecilia Mascolo (University of Cambridge, United Kingdom); Mirco Musolesi (University of St. Andrews, United Kingdom); Peter Rentfrow (University of Cambridge, United Kingdom)
  15. Large-scale Situational Awareness with Camera Networks and Multimodal Sensing
    Umakishore Ramachandran (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA); Liviu Iftode (Rutgers University, USA); Rajnish Kumar (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA); Santosh Pande (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA); Kurt Rothermel (University of Stuttgart, Germany); Boris Koldehofe (Universitat Stuttgart, Germany)
  16. Ubiquitous Networking for Human Containers
    Thomas Little (Boston University, USA)
  17. Scalable Activity Recognition
    Narayanan Chatapuram Krishnan (Washington State University, USA)
  18. Contextual Intelligence: Scalability Issues in Personal Semantic Networks
    Oliver Brdiczka (PARC, USA); James Begole (PARC, USA); Maurice K Chu (PARC, USA); Kurt Partridge (PARC, USA)
  19. Ubiquitous Computing 20 Years Later
    Doug Terry (Microsoft Research, USA)
  20. Network Systems to Support Spatio-Temporal Context-Awareness
    Gustavo de Veciana (The University of Texas at Austin, USA)
  21. White paper for the NSF Sponsored Workshop on Pervasive Computing at Scale (PeCS)
    Jim Kurose (University of Massachusetts at Amherst, USA)
  22. SensorFly: A Collaborative Lightweight Rapidly Deployable Aerial Sensing System
    Pei Zhang (Carnegie Mellon University, USA)
  23. Collaboration out of the box: A framework for enabling large-scale, energy-efficient pervasive computing
    Du Li (Huawei Innovation Center, California, USA)
  24. Moving Clouds
    Brian Noble (University of Michigan, USA); Azarias Reda (University of Michigan, USA)
  25. Challenge: Distributed Sensing Applications in Highly Heterogeneous and Multimodal Pervasive Environments
    Mario Di Francesco (University of Texas at Arlington, USA)
  26. Wireless Network Cloud: Theory and Smart Grid Application
    Brian T Kelley (University of Texas at San Antonio, USA); Mo Jamshidi (University of Texas at San Antonio, USA)
  27. g-root.org: Crowdsourcing Data Collection at Scale using Social Networks, Human Sensing, and Mobile Sensors
    Niklas Elmqvist (Purdue University, USA)
  28. Perpetual Cubic-mm Wireless Sensor Nodes
    David D Wentzloff (University of Michigan, USA); David Blaauw (University of Michigan, USA); Prabal K Dutta (University of Michigan, USA); Thomas Schmid (University of Michigan, USA); Dennis Sylvester (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA)
  29. Moving Towards Dynamic Groups and Hybrid Distributed Paradigms
    Klara Nahrstedt (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA)
  30. Pervasive healthcare at scale
    David Kotz (Dartmouth College, USA)
  31. Inexpensive and mobile tele-immersive environments for everybody (TEEVE)
    Peter Bajcsy (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA); Kenton McHenry (UIUC, USA); Rob Kooper (UIUC, USA)
  32. Achieving Sustained Quality‐of‐Service in Pervasive Computing with Renewable Energy Source
    Qinru Qiu (Binghamton University, USA)
  33. Compressive Information Extraction
    Mario Sznaier (Northeastern University, USA)
  34. Tapping Your Phone's Context Continuum
    David Chu (Microsoft Research, P.R. China); Aman Kansal (Microsoft Research, USA); Jie Liu (Microsoft Research, USA); Nissanka Priyantha (Microsoft Research, USA)
  35. On Social Dynamics and Their Importance for Large-Scale Pervasive Computing
    Mads Haahr (Trinity College, Ireland)
  36. Green at the Micro-Scale: Powering Pervasive Computing Systems Through Environmental Energy Harvesting
    Vijay Raghunathan (Purdue University, USA)
  37. Relevance and Cognition for Pervasive Computation at Scale
    Ioannis Stavrakakis (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece)
  38. Closing the loop between traffic/pollution sensing and vehicle route control
    Liviu Iftode (Rutgers University, USA); Mario Gerla (University of California at Los Angeles, USA); Badri Nath (Rutgers University, USA); Giovanni Pau (UCLA, USA); Suzanne Paulson (UCLA, USA)
  39. Participatory Sensing for Pervasive Transportation Services
    Wang-Chien Lee (The Pennsylvania State University at University Park, USA)
  40. Crowdsourcing for Large-Scale Pervasive Sensing
    Deepak Ganesan (University of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA); Mark Corner (University of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA)
  41. Opportunities and Challenges on Pervasive Computing in Smart Grid
    Vincent Wong (University of British Columbia, Canada)
  42. PhoneLab: A Large-Scale Participatory Smartphone Testbed
    Geoffrey Werner Challen (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA); Murat Demirbas (University at Buffalo, SUNY, USA); Steven Y. Ko (SUNY at Buffalo, USA); Tevfik Kosar (Louisiana State University, USA)
  43. Towards Accident Free Highways: Scaling Up Pervasive Computing for Human-Centered Active Safety
    Mohan M Trivedi (University of California, USA)
  44. Exploring Widespread Deployment through Infrastructure-Mediated Sensing
    Shwetak N. Patel (University of Washington, USA)
  45. Managing Data in Large-Scale Participatory Sensing Applications
    Farnoush Banaei-Kashani (University of Southern California, USA); Cyrus Shahabi (University of Southern California, USA)
  46. Federated Sensing Systems that use Human Behavior to Provide Services
    Andreas Savvides (Yale University, USA)
  47. Building a home with pervasive memory
    Hari Sundaram (Arizona State University, USA)
  48. Coordinating Robotic Bee Swarms
    Karthik Dantu (Harvard University, USA); Bryan Kate (Harvard University, USA); Jason Waterman (Harvard University, USA); Peter Bailis (Harvard University, USA); Matt Welsh (Harvard University, USA)
  49. Large-scale Profile-based Behavioral Modeling, Networking and Computing
    Ahmed Helmy (University of Florida, USA); Sanjay Ranka (University of Florida, USA)
  50. Understanding and Utilizing the Influence of Social Networks on Health Care in YesiWell
    Dejing Dou (University of Oregon, USA); Daniel Lowd (University of Oregon, USA); Jessica Greene (University of Oregon, USA); Brigitte Piniewski (PeaceHealth Laboratories, USA); Ruoming Jin (Kent State University, USA); Xintao Wu (University of North Carolina at Charlotte, USA); David Kil (SK Telecom Americas, USA); Frances Shin (SK Telecom Americas, USA)
  51. Pervasive Assessment of Social Behavior
    James Rehg (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA)
  52. Pervasive Computing powered by cell phones and opportunistic networking
    Mohan J Kumar (The University of Texas at Arlington, USA)
  53. Scaling Human Attention: End-User Interaction with Machine Learning In Pervasive Systems
    James Fogarty (University of Washington, USA)
  54. Towards Global Scale Socially Interactive Pervasive Systems
    Paul Lukowicz (University of Passau, Germany); Dirk Helbing (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Switzerland); Steven Bishop (UCL, United Kingdom)
  55. Enabling Pervasive Mobile Sensing
    Prabal K Dutta (University of Michigan, USA)
  56. Large-scale Distributed RFID Infrastructures for Pervasive Computing
    Victor K.Y. Wu (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA); Roy Campbell (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA)
  57. Simple Scaling for RFID-based Pervasive Computing Systems
    David Wetherall (University of Washington, USA); Joshua R. Smith (University of Washington, USA)