EECS 373 Lab 3: Introduction to Memory Mapped IO

Copyright © 2010-2011, Matt Smith, Thomas Schmid, Ye-Sheng Kuo, Lohit Yerva, and Prabal Dutta.



See posted lab schedule for due dates, in-lab, and post-lab due dates.


In Lab 2 we provided you with the "hardware" to read and write the LEDs and switches from software. We used dedicated hardware that Actel provides for this purpose. In this lab we will discover how to create our own hardware in the FPGA for this purpose. You will provide the memory locations (registers), data path and control to access registers connected to the LEDs and switches.


mmio image

Remember the EECS 370 five stage pipeline? The only thing it could do was read and write from memory. In EECS 270, you built a D-Flip-Flop from gates and understood how to read and write from it. A DFF is also called register, which is physically the same at the registers in the processor. In the EECS 270 lab, you connected an LED to the output of a DFF or register. How does a processor control an LED? By writing values to the LED register. We use a method called Memory Mapped I/O to allow the processor to access the LED register. Basically, some region of the memory address space is allocated for the external I/O devices. The value that the processor thinks is sending to some location in standard memory is physically redirected to a an array of registers.

Pre-Lab Assignment

There is no Pre-Lab assignment for this lab. Read over the In-Lab assignment and get started.

In-Lab Assignment

The In-Lab assignment is a tutorial that shows you how to interface to the LEDs and push button switches as memory mapped IO (MMIO), that is we will read and write the LEDs and switches as though they are memory locations. The functional components of the MMIO interface are organized a bit like this.

We will implement the register control, registers, connections to the LEDS and switches in Verilog. We will use some prepackaged "core" from Actel and the Libero Smart Design environment to make the bus connections.

1 Creating the IO Registers

We will create registers in the FPGA that will act as the storage element for the memory mapped IO interface. Lets start with LED register. The register will be 8 bit, read/write with the output ported directly to the LEDS. A reset is provided that sets the register to logical 0. We have provided you with the following example code to do this. Create a new project, create a new Verilog file as you did in lab one and copy the the following contents into it. Save the file. Do a HDL check to be sure all is well.

// ledreg.v

module ledreg( clk, nreset, wr_en, rd_en, data_in, data_out, led_port);

//Inputs Declarations
input clk; //Clock
input nreset; //active low reset
input wr_en; //Write Enable
input rd_en; //Read Enable
input [7:0] data_in; //Data Input

//output Declarations
output [7:0] data_out; //Data Output
output [7:0] led_port; //path to led connection

//reg Declarations
reg [7:0] ledioreg; //the io register
reg [7:0] data_out; //Data Output
wire [7:0] led_port;

//map led register to leds
assign led_port = ledioreg;

//read led register
always @(posedge clk, negedge nreset)
begin : READ_GEN
if(nreset == 1'b0)
data_out <= 8'h00;
else if(rd_en)
data_out <= ledioreg;
end end

//write led register
always @(posedge clk, negedge nreset)
begin : WRITE_GEN
if(nreset == 1'b0)
ledioreg <= 8'h00;
else if(wr_en)
ledioreg <= data_in;

Next lets create a register for the switches. Although we only need 2 bits for the switches, we will create an 8 bit register, make it read only with a direct input connection from the switches. We have provided you with the following example code to do this. Create a new Verilog file as you did in lab one and copy the the following contents into it. Save the file. Do a HDL check to be sure all is well.

// swreg.v
module swreg( clk, nreset, rd_en, sw_port, data_out);

//Inputs Declarations
input clk; //Clock
input nreset; //active low reset
input rd_en; //Read Enable
input [1:0] sw_port; //path from switches

//output Declarations
output [7:0] data_out;

//reg Declarations
reg [7:0] data_out;
wire [1:0] sw_port;

//read led register
always @(posedge clk, negedge nreset)
begin : READ_GEN
if(nreset == 1'b0)
data_out <= 8'h00;
else if(rd_en)
data_out[0] <= sw_port[0];
data_out[1] <= sw_port[1];

2 Creating and APB3 "wrapper"

The name wrapper is a bit of misnomer: it is really an interface. Specifically, it is the Verilog that provides the interface interface between your IO register and the APB3 bus. The wrapper provides a control and data path conections and control logic between the IO register and the Cortex M3 APB3 bus. The APB3 bus (advanced peripheral bus) is designed to interface with slow IO and has a simple protocol. Transfers fundamentally consists of two cycles: the setup phase and access phase. During the setup phase, the processor provides unique information that identifies the transaction such as read/write, device address, etc. During the access phase, the device either provides or excepts data from the processor. Additionally, the device provides a control signal during the access phase to the processor to extend the phase if more time is needed to latch or provide data. For more detail, you can see the reference at the end of the lab. For your convenience, the read/write transfer cycles with and without extended accesses are provide below. A description of the signals follows.

A quick summary of the APB3 signals:

PCLK: The bus clock. All transfers are synchronized to this clock.
PSEL: A signal provided by the APB3 bus interface that is used to uniquely select the device over some predefined address range.
PADDR: Used to address within the predefined address range.
PWRITE: Determines if it is a read (low) or write cycle (high).
PENABLE: Identifies the access phase.
PREADY: Signal used by peripheral to extend access phase. Low extends the cycle, high releases the cycle.
PWDATA and PRDATA: Write and read data buses.
PSLVERR: Use by the peripheral to indicate a transfer error.

How can we use these transactions to read and write our IO registers?
  1. Consider the case of writing the LED register. Examining the verilog code we see that the register is written on the rising edge of clk and wr_en true. To generate wr_en signal, the device has to be selected (PSEL == 1), it has to be a write cycle (PWRITE == 1) and it should be an access phase (PENABLE == 1).
  2. So we have wr_en = PSEL && PWRITE && PENABLE with the PCLK used as the register clock. The read register is similarly accessed except PWRITE == 0 and the processor requires that the data is available at the beginning of the access cycle so PENABLE is omitted.
  3. So we have wr_en = PSEL && !PWRITE with the PCLK used as the register clock.
  4. There is no need to extend the access cycle, so PREADY is set logical 1. There is no criteria for PSLVERR so it is driven logical 0.
The following code is working Verilog APB3 wrappers for the LED and switch registers. Notice that these wrappers port some the APB3 signals to the user IO so we can observe them. Create Verilog files, copy this code and verify with the HDL checker.

// ledregwrp.v
module ledregwrp(

input [7:0] PWDATA;
output [7:0] PRDATA, LEDCON;
output [4:0] TPS;//test points

wire rd_enable;
wire wr_enable;

assign wr_enable = (PENABLE && PWRITE && PSEL);
assign rd_enable = (!PWRITE && PSEL); //Data is ready during first cycle to make it availble on the bus when PENABLE is asserted

ledreg ledreg_0 (.clk(PCLK), .nreset(PRESERN), .wr_en(wr_enable),
.rd_en(rd_enable), .data_in(PWDATA), .data_out(PRDATA), .led_port(LEDCON));

assign PREADY = 1'b1;
assign PSLVERR = 1'b0;

assign TPS[0] = PCLK;
assign TPS[1] = PWRITE;
assign TPS[2] = PSEL;
assign TPS[3] = PENABLE;
assign TPS[4] = PREADY;


// swregwrp.v
module swregwrp(

input [7:0] PWDATA;
input [1:0] SWCON;
output [7:0] PRDATA;
output [4:0] TPS;//test points

wire rd_enable;
wire wr_enable;

assign rd_enable = (!PWRITE && PSEL); //Data is ready during first cycle to make it availble on the bus when PENABLE is asserted

swreg swreg_0 (.clk(PCLK), .nreset(PRESERN),
.rd_en(rd_enable), .data_out(PRDATA), .sw_port(SWCON));

assign PREADY = 1'b1;
assign PSLVERR = 1'b0;

assign TPS[0] = PCLK;
assign TPS[1] = PWRITE;
assign TPS[2] = PSEL;
assign TPS[3] = PENABLE;
assign TPS[4] = PREADY;


3 Provide Microcontroller Subsystem Components

To complete the connection between the IO registers and APB3 bus, we will need access to the system power up reset, a clock for the bus and connections to the APB3 data and control path. Access to these connections is provided thru the SmartFusion MSS (Microcontroller Subsystem). Many standard microcontroller subsystem components are provided including general purpose timers, serial IO interfaces, memory controllers, etc. These components are configured under the MSS (Microcontroller Subsystem) icon.

3.1 Enable Relevant MMS Components

Double click on the MSS icon in the project flow window and provide a name to the MSS configure such as m. A view of the MSS system will open revealing all the available components and connections. All the components are enabled to begin. We will only need the Reset Management, Fabric Interface< Watch Dog and Clock Management Component. The components are enabled by selecting the check box in the lower right corner. Notice that some components like the Clock Management do not have the option to exclude since they are needed for any configuration. Turn off all the components we don't need and your canvas should look something like this.

3.2 Configure Clock Manager

This component provides clock sources for the various system components and custom FPGA hardware. We will use a clock that can be mapped to the FPGA hardware for the APB3 bus clock. Double click on the Clock Management icon. FAB_CLK (fabric clock) is the FPGA clock. Enable by clicking on the box. We are going to divide the clock down from the source clock (100 MHz) to 25 MHz. Do this by selecting the drop down menu just upstream from the FAB_CLK output and select divide by 4. The default source clock should be the RC oscillator (upper left). Also, you should notice the FAB_CLK added as an output port (upper right) from the MSS system to the FGPA fabric when you return to the MSS canvas. The connections are not shown between the components and MSS boundary. You can add them under the Canvas menu if you wish (show nets). The clock manager configuration should look something like this before closing.

3.3 Configure Reset Manager

The reset manager provides power up system reset to the various components and FPGA fabric. We need provide the power up reset to the FPGA fabric. Open the Reset Manager and select "Enable MSS to Fabric Reset". It should look like this and you should notice a reset output to the FPGA fabric on the MSS canvas.

3.4 Configure Fabric Interface

he Fabric Interface component is use configure bus ports to custom FPGA hardware. In this case we must configure a APB3 interface. Double click on the icon opening the fabric interface configuration. Notice that the MSS clock frequency and fabric clock frequency are inherited from the clock settings. We need a APB3 interface so select "AMBA APB3". The interface will act as a "Master" controlling the LED and switch registers so configure as MSS Master. The setting should look like this.

3.5 Generate MSS

Finally HDL has to be generated from the MSS for synthesis. Click the generate icon or select under the design menu. Make sure there are no errors indicated in the script below. The MSS generator will warn you that a root has not been set for the design hierarchy. You can ignore this for now. The final canvas should look something like this with the net view enabled (not necessary). Inspect the project explorer in the files tab and you will see Verilog files added for the MSS components.

4 Connecting the IO Register Wrappers to the APB3

Libro provides a graphical editor for making system component connections between MSS components, custom logic and other high level core. We will use this tool to make our connection between the IO register wrappers and the Cortex M3 APB3 bus. Open SmartDesign (click on the ICON in Project Flow), select SmartDesign Component, choose a descriptive name such as apb3_to_ledswreg. A canvas should open without any components.

4.1 Set Design Hierarchy Root

Select the Hierarchy tab in the Design Explorer, select the apb3_to_ledswreg, right click and set as the root. This sets the apb3_to_ledswreg as the top level in the design hierarchy. The file hierarchy should look something like this. Notice IP from the MSS configuration and the verilog files we provided earlier.

Notice that in the design flow apb3_to_ledswreg is set as the root in the upper right corner.

4.2 Instantiate MSS Components in SmartDesign Canvas

We need to start by instantiating the MSS components we establishes earlier in the SmartDesign Canvas. Select IP mssio in the Design Explorer and drag it into the SmartDesign canvas. Or, select IP mssio, right click and choose instantiate in apb3_to_ledswreg. The MSS components we configured will be represented as a block with the ports we provided. The reset connection is automatically made since this is a fixed input. The block should look something like this.

4.3 Instantiate Register APB3 Wrappers in SmartDesign Canvas

Again, select the ledregwrp and swregwrp and drag onto the canvas. The blocks will be instantiated and look a bit like this.

4.4 Convert IO Register APB3 Wrapper Ports to APB3 Slave Interface

 Next we need to repackage the wrapper ports so that they interface a bit easier with standard APB3 signals. SmartDesign has a handy tool for this. Select the Bus Definitions tab (lower right) in the Catalog window (right). Select APB, AMBA, AMBA2, slave. Drag this onto one of the instantiation blocks of one of the wrappers. You will be prompted to associate the signals of the wrapper with standard APB3 signals. Many of these can be associated automatically by using the map by name feature (upper right) if we took care to use similar names when we created the wrapper ports. You will find most of these signals mapped except PSELx and PADDR. Use the signal window set PSELx to PSEL and the width window to set to 1 bit. We are not using PADDR so it can remain blank. The result should look like this.

Repeat the process for the other wrapper. The blocks should now look like this. Notice that all the APB3 signals are contained in one bus connection.

4.5 Instantiate APB3 Core Interface

Under bus interfaces in the catalog window (left) select CoreAPB3 and drag onto the canvas. A configuration window will appear. Basically allows you to determine how many IO devices you wish to select and how much memory space you wish to allocate per device. Keep all the settings but reduce the slot number (devices) to just two. It should look like this.

Acknowledge this window and a APB3 bus connection icon will appear in the canvas. You may want to position it and size it. The canvas should look like this now.

4.6 Connect IO Register APB3 Wrappers to APB3 Core Interface

Finally, we can connect the components. SmartDesign has a handy tool for this to. Right click on the canvas and select auto connect. A window will appear asking you to acknowledge the addresses SmartDesign is assigning to the 2 registers. Notice that each address has an address range of 256 bytes as set in the configurator earlier. Agree to these addresses. The window looks a bit like this.

After acknowledging the memory locations the APB3 connections will be made and look a bit like this.

4.7 Connect Resets

Although the PCLK and FAB_CLK have different names, the tool assumed you wanted to connect these. In this case it is what we intended, but be careful when using the auto connect and be sure the connections are correct. The reset will have to be connected manually. We need to connect the fabric reset output from the MSS block to the preset inputs of the register wrappers. To connect two ports or more ports, select all the ports to be connected (control, shift, click). Right click over one of the selected ports and select connect. The canvas will no show the connection.

Notice that the components are all located to one side of the canvas and the reset connection has to be routed over one of the components. SmartDesign has an auto component arrange feature to nicely distribute the components. Right click in the window and select auto arrange instances. Usually this works, but you might have to manually adjust too. Also use the auto fit feature after auto arranging. It is this middle icon.

Here is what happened to the above canvas after auto arranging.

4.8 Connect LEDs, Switch Ports and Test Points

Finally we need to connect the LEDs, Switches and Test Points to the appropriate FPGA pins. Since the test points are identical for both wrappers we need only connect one set. You can add FPGA ports to the canvas by right clicking just outside the canvas and selecting add port. However, when you have an existing port on the canvas there is a much easier way. Select the port you wish to provide connection to, right click and select promote to top level. This will create the connection automatically. After adding these connections and auto arranging instances the canvas should look like a bit like this.

4.9 Check Design and Generate HDL for Synthesis

Before synthesis these graphical components need to be converted to HDL. Before doing so, we will run design check. It is the left icon here.

You will notice that the set of unconnected test points are indicated as floating or unconnected. This is fine since we did it intentionally. Next generate HDL by selecting the right icon here.

One warning about the unconnected test points should be indicated. You should see new verilog under the apb3_to_ledswreg icon in file view of design explorer.

5 Synthesize all Components

Synthesize all the components like we did in lab 1 by selecting the Synthesis icon and Running. Correct any errors that might occur. Before we can synthesize, you must go back to the MSS configuration and generate design again. If this is closed, you can open by clicking on the icon in the hierarchy view in design explorer. If you don't do this, you will get a cryptic error from the Synopsis indicating that there is an error and it can't synthesize.

6 Assign FPGA Pins

Assign FPGA pins to the LEDS, switches and Test Points like you did in lab1. You can ignore the MSS_Reset and just leave it unassigned. It will be automatically assigned to a fixed pin.

7 Place and Route

Run place and route like you did in lab 1.

8 Simulation

While it is possible to simulate the APB3 bus, we will skip this step for now and verify on the kit.

9 Program FPGA

Program the FGPA like you did in lab 1.

10 Debug and Verify with SoftConsole

We will use SoftConsole and the debugger to verify the operation of the IO registers. We will use some GDB read/write commands via the SoftConsole debugger connection to verify the operation of the registers. We will also observe some of the APB3 bus control signals with the scope.

10.1 Create a SoftConsole Project and Debugger Session

Open SoftConsole and create an assembly  project like you did in lab 2. Use the infinite loop assembly example from lab 2.  Remember to include the link file and provide all the settings under project-->properties. Open a debuging session via SoftConsole as you did in lab 2.

10.2 Use GDB Commands to Verify IO Register Function

GDB provides some basic read/write commands for accessing memory. We could do this thru the command prompt, but we would have to go thru all the setup you experienced in lab 2. Once the debug connection is open in SoftConsole, you can type any GDB command in the console window at the bottom in Debug view. 

10.2.1 Write the Led  Register

The debugger in SoftConsole must be paused for these commands to work.

The GDB command to write a register is  "set".

        set *(type *) address = contents        type is char, halfword or word     address is location  contents is value to be written

When we setup the APB3 interface we discovered that register base address was 0x40050000.  Although the register is 8 bits, it can be treated like a 32 bit value with the low order byte effective. For example, 

        set *(int *) 0x40050000 = 0x55

Try writing different values and see if the LEDs correspond to your values.

10.2.2 Read the Switch  Register

The GDB command to read is examine or simply  "x". The format is:

        x address             address is the memory location to read    The default data type is a 32 bit value

When we setup the APB3 interface we discovered that register base address was 0x40050100.  Although the register is 8 bits, it can be treated like a 32 bit value with the low order byte effective. For example, 

        x 0x40050100

Try reading  different values and see if it corresponds to the switch values.  Remember the switches are active low.

There are many other options for the examine command. You can search the web for GDB quick references for more detail.t

10.3 Use GDB Commands to Observe the APB3 Bus Signals

Lets observe some basic APB3 bus operation with the scope. We ported the following signals with our Verilog code.






Note, it may be necessary to power reset the kit to get the FAB clock and in this case the APB3 clock set. You can try the RESET button or it may be necessary to disconnect the USB power cable (nearest push button). This will disrupt the SoftConsole debug connection. You need to reload the configuration to recover the connection. Click on the following icon (upper left) in the debug window and reload the configuration

PSEL or peripheral select determines if the register is selected. Lets monitor this signal and trigger on it going from low to high. It will only last for one access so set the trigger up for single sweep. Use the LED register access command:

set *(int *) 0x40050000 = 0x55

Attach the clock output to channel 2. Execute the command and see if you can capture it on the scope. It should look like this.

Notice that PSEL starts just after the rising edge of clock and last for about 2 clock periods as indicated in the timing diagrams above.

Keep PSEL on channel one, but put probe 2 on the PENABLE. Again trigger as above. It should look something like this.

Notice that PENABLE lasts for one clock period during the access phase (2nd clock cycle) as shown in the timing diagrams above.

Keep PSEL on channel one, but put probe 2 on the WRITE line. Notice it stays active (logical high) for the duration of both setup and access cycles.

Keep the scopes connected as in the previous step, but this time try executing the read command to the switch register.

x 0x40050100

Notice that the scope does not trigger. The PSEL that is ported on this test point is from the LED register. It must not respond to a switch access! If you wish to observe the PSEL for the switch register we would have to go back and port it in SmartDesign to a user IO pin.

10.4 Write a Simple Program

Lets write a simple program that reads the switches and writes the LEDs. The program simply reads the switches and ports them to two of the LEDs. 

Assembly and Link this code. Set up a Debug connection and try the code. 

.equ STACK_TOP, 0x20000800

.equ LEDIO_REG_BASE, 0x40050000
.equ SWIO_REG_BASE, 0x40050100

.section .int_vector,"a",%progbits @ First linker code section
.global _start @ Linker entry point
.word STACK_TOP, main
@ End of int_vector section

@ Standard text section
.syntax unified

.type main, %function
@ Load led register base address
movw r0, #:lower16:LEDIO_REG_BASE
movt r0, #:upper16:LEDIO_REG_BASE
@ Load switch register base address
movw r1, #:lower16:SWIO_REG_BASE
movt r1, #:upper16:SWIO_REG_BASE

@ Read switch register
ldr r3, [r1, #0]
@ Write switch values to led register
str r3, [r0, #0]
b loop

Try running the code and observing PSEL and PENABLE. You will notice you do not have to single sweep trigger since the writes are triggering at a regular rate.

Lab 3 Debugging Pit Falls

1) You have to stop or pause the debugger  to use FlashPro.FlashPro will not indicate a fault, but the kit will not be identified when FlashPro starts. 

2) Sometimes when running the debugger things just hang. Try reloading the debug session or you may have to press the RESET switch on the kit.

3) If you change the settings for the FAB clock and reprogram the FPGA, it may be necessary to power reset the kit for new FAB clock setting to work. Disconnect the USB power cable (nearest push button) and reconnect. This will disrupt the SoftConsole debug connection. You need to reload the debug configuration to recover the connection.

Post-Lab Assignment

The Hardware Assignment

For the post lab, you will add a timer to your In-Lab hardware that can be used by the softare via memory mapped IO registers. The timer will count at a 100Hz and signal "equal" when a count value is reached (Compare value == Counter value). Application software can use the timer to provide delays by writing an compare value to the timer and then monitoring a status equal bit until the counter reaches the compare value . For example, to provide a delay of 1 second, write a value of 100 to the compare value. A soft reset must be provided by the user to reset the counter and equal status bit to zero. A functional block diagram follows.

post lab

Application Details
The timer uses the FAB CLK as a source clock and must reduce it to approximately 100 Hz. The divided clock is used to source a 16 bit counter. When the counter value and compare value are equal, the comparator provides a signal "equal" indicating the value is reached.  The value is held until a external reset value (soft reset) is provided.

// timer.v
module timer (clock, compare, equal, soft_reset);
input clock;
input [15:0]compare;
input soft_reset;
output equal;

reg [15:0] counter, ncounter;
reg equal;
wire divided_clock;
reg [17:0] divide;
reg [17:0] nextDivide;

wire [15:0]nextcounter = counter + 16'd1;

//The following code divides the fabric clock to approximately 100Hz

always @*
nextDivide = divide + 16'd1;

always @(posedge clock)
divide <= nextDivide;

assign divided_clock = divide[17];

// This code provides the counter, comparator and software reset functions
of the timer
always @*
if (soft_reset == 1)
equal = 0;
else if (counter == compare)
equal = 1;
ncounter = counter + 1;

always @(posedge divided_clock or posedge soft_reset)
if (soft_reset)
counter <= 0;
counter <= ncounter;


Functional Simulation of Timer Verilog
A simulation of the timer Verilog follows with the compare value set to 5. Notice that the equal value is held until reset is applied.

timer simulation

Interfacing to the APB3

The timer can be instantiated and added to the top level canvas as a module as you did above. The timers ports: compare, equal and soft_reset will have to be connected to the APB3 bus via a register interface not unlike the register interfaces provided for the switches and leds.  In this case; however, we will provide 3 APB3 interfaced registers to support the timer: a 16 bit write only compare register, a 1 bit read only equal register and a 1 bit write only soft_reset register.  Note, you need to keep the switch and led registers for a software application. The MMIO including the timer should look a bit like this.


Soft_reset Register Verilog

The soft reset is a software generated reset to clear the timer counter and reset the timer equal status. The Verilog for a Soft_reset register and Soft_reset register wrapper follows. You will have to follow the procedure above to instantiate the module in the top level canvas. Be sure and connect the Soft_reset signal to the Timer module. You will have to add another slave port the APB3 bus. Click on the buss-->properties and add another slot. 

Soft Reset Register

// softresetreg.v

module softresetreg( clk, nreset, wr_en, rd_en, data_in, softreset);

//Inputs Declarations
input clk; //Clock
input nreset; //active low reset
input wr_en; //Write Enable
input rd_en; //Read Enable
input [7:0] data_in; //Data Input

//output Declarations
output softreset; //path to softreset

//reg Declarations
reg [7:0] softresetreg; //the io register
wire softreset;

//map led register to leds
assign softreset = softresetreg[0];

//write softreset register
always @(posedge clk, negedge nreset)
begin : WRITE_GEN
if(nreset == 1'b0)
softresetreg <= 8'h00;
else if(wr_en)
softresetreg[0] <= data_in[0];

Soft Reset Wrapper
// softresetwrp.v
module softresetwrp(

input [7:0] PWDATA;
output [7:0] PRDATA

output [4:0] TPS;//test points

wire rd_enable;
wire wr_enable;

assign wr_enable = (PENABLE && PWRITE && PSEL);
assign rd_enable = (!PWRITE && PSEL); //Data is ready during first cycle to make it availble on the bus when PENABLE is asserted

softresetreg softresetreg_0 (.clk(PCLK), .nreset(PRESERN), .wr_en(wr_enable),
.rd_en(rd_enable), .data_in(PWDATA), .softreset(SOFTRESET));

assign PREADY = 1'b1;
assign PSLVERR = 1'b0;

//for the post lab you are asked to monitor the PSELs for all the MMIO with the logic anlayzer. Choose a test point that you wish
// to port the PSEL on for each MMIO wrapper
//assign TPS[0] = PCLK;
//assign TPS[1] = PWRITE;
assign TPS[2] = PSEL;
//assign TPS[3] = PENABLE;
//assign TPS[4] = PREADY;


Timer Counter and Equal Status Register Verilog

Complete the Verilog for the compare and equal registers, add to your top level canvas. Hint. Use the LED register and LED register wrapper Verilog as a model to build the compare register and wrapper Verilog. Similarly, look at the switch register and switch register wrapper Verilog as a model to build the enable register and wrapper Verilog. 

The Software Assignment

Write an assembly program that  uses your timer, the switches and LEDs to:
  1. Blink the LEDs in sequence from top to bottom (led 0 to led 7) at a user determined rate.
  2. The starting rate should be 1Hz
  3. The rate should increment by 1 Hz when SW1 is pressed and released.
  4. The rate should decrement by 1 Hz when SW2 is pressed and released.
  5. The rates should remain between 1 and 10 Hz. 
A few notes:
  1. You can get the addresses for your timer registers by selecting the APB3 bus in the top level canvas, right clicking and selecting memory map.
  2. Consider the following process to develop your software:
    1. Start by blinking one LED at 1 Hz using the timer.
    2. Add the switch control to increase the or decrease the blink rate.
    3. Modify to blink the LEDs in sequence.
  3. To get the switches to increase or decrease the rate in steps of 1Hz, you will have to detect the change in the switch value. Just detecting the switch level is not sufficient. Just level detection will result in the software detecting that the switch is pressed for several loops decreasing or increasing the rate very quickly to one of the boundaries. To detect a transition, you will have to keep the previous value of the switch in a memory location or spare register and detect if the switch has changed or not.

Post Lab Deliverables

1) Provide a coy of your assembly code.

2 ) Demonstrate the operation of your timer and software application  on or before  the due date to one of the 373 lab instructors. 

3) Answers the following questions:
  1. Which APB3 bus signal uniquely identifies the bus transaction for a particular device? In general terms, what bus signals are decoded to generate this signal?
  2. How many wait cycles do your MMIO registers need if any?
  3. The timer verilog divides the fabric clock to approximately 100Hz by using a simple binary counter. What is the actual value in Hz?
  4. In the timer Verilog code, what signal edge is the timer counter set to zero on? Why do you suppose this is necessary?
You can use the Answer Sheet  to provide the dated signature, answers to the questions and group identification. 

Extra Credit

1) Port the PSELs for all your MMIO registers to user IO pins (test points): Switches, LEDs and Counter registers. Connect them to 5 consecutive channels on the logic analyzer. Set the logic analyzer to trigger on the switch register PSEL .   Provide a  print of the logic analyzer view showing all the PSELs. Identify each PSEL labeling with the register name.
